University |
South Ural State University |
English proficiency |
intermediate |
Code and name of the group of scientific specialties for which the postgraduate student will be accepted |
2.5. mechanical engineering |
List of research projects of a potential supervisor (participation / leadership) |
Modeling of non-stationary processes of heat and mass transfer in tribocouples of machines and mechanisms |
List of possible research topics |
Influence of Friction Surface Topography on the Performance of Tribocouplers of Internal Combustion Engines (ICE) |
Research Supervisor:
Konstantin V. Gavrilov, doctor of Science (South Ural State University) |
Friction and lubrication processes in hydrodynamic friction units of reciprocating internal combustion engines |
Supervisor 's research interests (more detailed description of scientific interests): Issues of calculation of hydrodynamic pressure fields, trajectories of movement of moving elements of tribocouplings, optimization of macro and microgeometric parameters of friction surfaces. Calculation of fields of hydrodynamic pressure, trajectories of movement of movable elements of tribo-couplings, optimization of macro and microgeometric parameters of friction surfaces.
Research highlights (if available): It is necessary to indicate the distinctive features of this program, which would distinguish it from the rest. (Use of unique equipment, interaction with foreign scientists and research centers, financial support for a graduate student, etc.)
Supervisor 's specific requirements : The section is filled in if there are requirements for a graduate student (mandatory background of the candidate / disciplines that he must have mastered / methods that he must own / be able to use some specific software, etc.)
Supervisor's main publications (indicate the total number of publications in journals indexed by Web of Science or Scopus over the past 5 years, write up to 5 of the most significant publications indicating the imprint ) :
1. Gavrilov , K. V ., Morozov , A . V ., Seleznev , M . V. et al . Evaluation of Anti-Friction Properties of Solid Lubricant Coatings for a Piston Skirt of a High-Force Diesel. J. Frict. Wear 41, 480–485 (2020). . 2. Gavrilov, KV Theoretical Investigations of Journal Bearings with Micro-Dimples / N. Khozeniuk, M. Izzatulloev // Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 2021, pp. 1131–1138. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-54814-8_130. 3. Gavrilov, KV The Optimization of Microgeometric Parameters of Hydrodynamic Heavy Loaded Tribounits of a Forced Internal Combustion Engine / V. Hudyakov, A. Rulevskiy // Tribology in Industry. Vol. 43, no. 3 (2021) 413-419, DOI: 10.24874/ti.1091.04.21.07 four. Gavrilov, K.V. Estimation of friction losses in textured hydrodynamic tribocouplings of piston machines. Part 2. Parametric studies of the ICE connecting rod bearing / K.V. Gavrilov, V.S. Khudyakov // Bulletin of SUSU. Series "Engineering". - 2022. - T. 22, No. 1. - S. 24-35. DOI : 10.14529/ engine 220102 5. Gavrilov, K.V. Estimation of friction losses in textured hydrodynamic tribocouplings of reciprocating machines. Part 1. Overview of modeling techniques / K.V. Gavrilov, V.S. Khudyakov, M.A. Izzatulloev // Bulletin of SUSU. Series "Engineering". - 2021. - V. 21, No. 1. - S. 5-13. DOI : 10.14529/ engine 210101
Results of intellectual activity 1. Certificate of state registration of the computer program No. 2019664243. Microgeometry of the shaft-insert tribosystem of the internal combustion engine / KV Gavrilov, MA Izzatulloev. Date of state registration 10/01/2019. 2. Certificate of state registration of the computer program No. 2018663437. Microgeometry of the piston-cylinder tribosystem / KV Gavrilov, TV Sadreev, MA Izzatulloev. Date of state registration 10/26/2018. 3. Certificate of state registration of the computer program No. 2016616955. The program of tribological analysis of the interface "piston guide-cylinder liner" of the internal combustion engine "PISTON-CYLINDER TRIBOSYSTEM" / KV Gavrilov, Yu.V. Rozhdestvensky, A.A. Doykin. Date of state registration 08.24.2016. |