Irina Potoroko


Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "South Ural State University (NRU)"

English proficiency



Code and name of the group of scientific specialties for which the postgraduate student will be accepted


4.3 Agroengineering and food technology


List of research projects of a potential supervisor (participation / leadership)

  1. Charitable Foundation. V. Potanina, Russia, Head, GK21-000540 Opening of the master's program in English, 2021-2022
  2. Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR), Russia, leader, No. 18-53-45015, Ultrasonic encapsulation of biologically active compounds for placement in a food matrix, 2018-2019
  3. Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Russia, head, state assignment No. 40.8095.2017 /BCH, Development of a technology for the synthesis of food ingredients from plant materials to create food products with adaptogenic properties, 2017-2019
  4. Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Russia, Head, Development of an eco-extraction method based on ultrasonic exposure 2015-2017 ;
  5. Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Russia, Head, Modeling of quality management processes for products obtained from non-traditional types of raw materials using innovative methods of processing production, 2013-2014;
  6. Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Russia, Head, Study of the effectiveness of expert systems in the management of production based on the principles of resource saving, 2013-2014.

List of possible research topics

Development of resource-saving technologies to minimize the risks of food losses;

Development of biodegradable polymeric materials with controlled properties;

Development of technologies for encapsulation of biologically active substances



Research Supervisor:

Irina Potoroko,

Doctor of Tec. science / prof 

Title (field of study of the supervisor in one phrase)

Biotechnologies in solving environmental and industrial problems

Supervisor's research interests (more detailed description of scientific interests):

Basic fundamental and applied research team of prof. Potoroko I.Yu. are carried out in the field of application of ecobiotechnologies for the development of functional food products and optimization of metabolic adaptation processes; minimizing the risks of food losses and solving environmental problems. All research projects apply modern methods of biochemistry, molecular biology and chemoinformatics .


Research highlights (if available):

Prof. I.Yu. Potoroko actively cooperates with a large number of Russian and foreign scientists; has experience in the implementation of national and international research projects, which in general contributes to the high level of research.


Supervisor's specific requirements :

The section is filled in if there are requirements for a graduate student (mandatory background of the candidate / disciplines that he must have mastered / methods that he must own / be able to use some specific software, etc.)

  1. Knowledge of the Russian language is desirable
  2. Work skills in the field of chemical and microbiological research

Supervisor's main publications (indicate the total number of publications in journals indexed by Web of Science or Scopus for the last 5 years, write up to 5 most significant publications with references): 33

  1. Wanga J. Wood vinegar and chitosan compound preservative affects on fish balls stability/ J.Wanga , I.Potoroko , L.Tsirulnichenko //Food Bioscience. ̶ 2021. ̶ . (Q1, IF-3.067)
  2. Ivanov D. Contribution of Cyanotoxins to the Ecotoxicological Role of Lichens/ Ivanov D., Yaneva G., Potoroko I., Ivanova DG// Toxins. ̶ 2021 ̶ Volume 13, Issue 5// DOI 10.3390/toxins1305032 (Q1, SNIP 1,269)
  3. N. Naumenko , I. Potoroko , I. Kalinina , R. Fatkullin , E Ivanisova The Influence of the Use of Whole Grain Flour from Sprouted Wheat Grain on the Rheological and Microstructural Properties of Dough and Bread // International Journal of Food Science. – Vol. 2021, Article ID 7548759, 9 pages (Q1, SNIP 1,521)
  4. N. Naumenko , I. Potoroko , I. Kalinina Stimulation of antioxidant activity and γ-aminobutyric acid synthesis in germinated wheat grain Triticum aestivum L. by ultrasound: Increasing the nutritional value of the product // Ultrasonics Sonochemistry . 2022. No. 86, Article ID 106000, 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2022.106000 (Q1, SNIP 1,868)
  5. Kalinina , I. The application of ultrasound for the regulation of the starch gel viscosity / I. Kalinina , A. Ruskina , R. Fatkullin , N. Naumenko , I. Potoroko , S. Sonawane , S. Shaik // Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science. - 2020. - Vol. 26, No. 3. - P. 690-695. (Q1, SNIP 0.769)
  6. R. Fatkullin , N. Naumenko , N. Popova , A. Ruskina , I. Kalinina , I. Potoroko Explaining Consumer Intentions for Foods with Antioxidant Properties: Predictors of Choice and Purchase Barriers // International Journal of Food Science. – Vol. 2021, Article ID 9971425, 8 pages, SNIP 1,521)


Results of intellectual activity ( with stock )

  1. 253 works have been published (including 120 over the past 5 years) of which: monographs - 8, manuals - 19, patents - 16, scientific publications - 210, of which 33 are indexed by the Scopus and WoS databases .
  2. He is an expert of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation in engineering agro-industrial sciences (order No. 405 dated May 15, 2018)
  3. The title of "Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation" was awarded, the honorary title was awarded by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated September 23, 2013, No. 796 / k-n.
  4. He is the editor-in-chief of the journal " SUSU Bulletin " series "Food and Biotechnologies", indexed by the Higher Attestation Commission, RSCI.
  5. Prepared as a supervisor 5 candidates and 2 doctors of technical sciences in the specialty 05.18.15.


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