Dean Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor |
Qualification upgrading of teaching staff plays the important role in the university and vocational education efficiency and it is a key criterion of its performance essessment. At the average, every member of the staff should upgrade his qualification at least every five years. Our faculty offers a wide range of long-term and short-term programs (72 academic hours and more). On completing, our students obtain certificates.
Fields of Study
Foreign Languages:
- English
- German
Computer Technologies:
- Internet Technologies;
- Computer Technologies: 3D MAX;
- Computer Technologies: Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator;
- Computer Technologies: AutoCAD;
- Computer Technologies: Corel Draw, PhotoShop,InDesign;
- Computer Technologies: Excel;
- Computer Technologies: Solid Works;
- Computer Technologies: Compas 3D;
- Neuronet Information Technologies;
- Numerical Methods and MatLab Application;
- Modern Computer Technologies: OS Windows, MS Office (for beginners);
- Models and Technologies in Buisnee Analysis with Deductor Analitical Platform;
- Computer Technologies: Cosmos FlowVision
- Forcasting in Technical Systems Development
Pedagogy and Psychology:
- Pedagogics and Psychology in University Education
- Psychological Support of Curators' Activity
- Student Health Culture and Motivation for Healty Life Style
Professional and personal improvement of academic staff:
- Personal Psychological Safety in Teaching Process (Integrated programme of group consulting)
- Psychological Rudiments of Teaching Process
- Creative Imagination Development
- Social and Psychological Training (Intercommunication of Students and Faculty in the Teaching Process)
- Faculty Communication Competence (Modern Academic Rhetorics. Conflict Management)
- Modern Global Problems
- Science, Engineering and Technologies
Тheory and Methodology of University Teaching:
- Linguadidactics
- Methodological and Information Support of Teaching Process on Physics
- Methodological and Information Support of Teaching Process on Higher Maths
- Compliance Assessment of Students Term and Final Papers for Technical and Non-Technical Programs
- Мaster's Thesis. Final Qualification (Bachelor's Project). Research Methodology. Structure, Contents, Documentation
Education Quality Improvement:
- Internal Auditing QMS of Universities Branches According to the Latest Revision of International Standarts of ISO 9000 and ISO 19011
- Quality Management System (QMS) in Edication and in the South Ural State University
- 1С: Bookkeeping for Economics Teaching
- Operation and Personnel Keeping in "1С: Enterpise 8"
- Теchnological Platform "1С: Enterprise 8"
- Assessment and Methods in Business Competitiveness Management
Contact Us
Address: Chelyabinsk, Lenin Avenue, 87 (building №3), Room 286
Теl; +7 (351) 267-92-01, 267-92-45
E-mail: saranskaiatv[at]susu.ac[dot]ru, ido_susu[at]mail[dot]ru