University |
South Ural State University |
English proficiency |
upper intermediate |
Code and name of the group of scientific specialties for which the postgraduate student will be accepted |
5.2 Economics |
List of research projects of a potential supervisor (participation / leadership) |
List of possible research topics |
Research Supervisor: Elena A. Lyaskovskaya, Doctor of Science (SUSU- South Ural State University |
Title (direction of the international map of science corresponding to the field of study) |
Supervisor 's research interests (more detailed description of scientific interests): Sustainability, circular economy, digitalization, sustainable development, inclusive growth
Research highlights We have been conducted a study dedicated to the sustainable development issue for more than 20 years by using special methods and tools for processing information.
Supervisor 's specific requirements: The section is filled in if there are requirements for a graduate student (mandatory background of the candidate / disciplines that he must have mastered / methods that he must own / be able to use some specific software, etc.)
Supervisor's main publications (indicate the total number of publications in journals indexed by the Web of Science , Scopus , RSCI for the last 5 years, write up to 5 most significant publications with imprint ) : 1. Improving the Sustainability of Regional Development in the Context of Waste Management/ Khudyakova Т.А., Lyaskovskaya E.A., Sustainability (Switzerland), 2021, 13(4), стр. 1–21, 1755/ DOI 10.3390/SU13041755 // Factor: 2.798 2. Sharing economy: for or against sustainable development/ Lyaskovskaya E.A., Khudyakova Т.А., Sustainability (Switzerland), 2021, 13 (19), DOI 10.3390/su131911056 // Impact Factor: 2.798 3. Forecasting Tariffs For The Day-Ahead Market Based On The Additive Model/ Lyaskovskaya E.A., Zarjitskaya-Thierling P.K., Dmitrina O.A.// Bulletin of the South Ural State University. Series: Mathematical Modelling, Programming and Computer Software. 2020. Т. 13. № 3. С. 73-79./ DOI 10.14529/mmp200307 // Impact Factor: 0.876 4. Strategic planning of resilience organizational structures in construction / Lyaskovskaya E.A, Т.A.Shindina // Espacios 2018.–Vol. 39 (04)/ Impact Factor: 0.378 5. Improving the rating of Russian smart cities: following world standards//E.A. Lyaskovskaya, T.A. Khudyakova, A.V. Schmidt / Economics of the region. 2022. №4. |