Physical Research Laboratory

South Ural State University
Office 309/1b, Main University Building
76, Prospect Lenina
Tel.: +7 351 267-90-41
E-mail: unid[at]susu[dot]ru

Natalia Kundikova


Head of the laboratory

Natalia Kundikova

D.Sc., Professor

World-class Laboratory of Physical Research is a part of innovative educational and scientific university structure. And its aim is to provide education and fundamental research using the modern equipment.

Aims and objectives

  • To provide research of optical properties of materials;
  • To provide research of dielectric and conducting properties in a wide frequence and temperature range;
  • To provide research of surface undulation of materials;
  • To provide research of mechanical properties and phase change in condensed mediums;
  • To provide research of material properties using laser methods;
  • To provide research of objects with the help of optic and probe microscopy, including the use of polarized light and fluorescence;
  • To provide spectroscopic research of materials with high resolution in ultraviolet and spectral range;
  • To provide research of optical properties of thin films and their surfaces.

Basic Groups of Engineering Services

  • Optic and probe microscopy of biological, metallographic or other objects;
  • Quality control of optic systems and laser technological systems.

Laboratory Structure

  • Laboratory of interferometry;
  • Laboratory of modern materials;
  • Laboratory of optical nanoscopy;
  • Laboratory of photonics and optoinformatics;
  • Laboratory of microscopy and ellipsometry;
  • Laboratory of spectroscopy.


  • Laser sources, femtosecond Ti-Sa laser, impulse laser with Nd-YAG Q-modulation, He-Cd lasers, continuous Nd-YAG lasers with double harmonics, lasing wavelength tuned He-Ne lasers, semiconductor lasers with various wavelength;
  • Laser frequency conversion system;
  • Control and measurement system for laser ultrashort pulse characteristics;
  • Set of optical and optomechanic equipment for work with laser irradiance;
  • Control system for lithographic process;
  • Set of optic equipment for analysis of material properties using laser methods;
  • Set of equipment for analysis of mechanical properties and phase transitions in the condensed mediums;
  • Set of equipment for surface undulation measurement of the materials;
  • Set of equipment for microscopic object analysis using the polarized light and fluorescence;
  • Set of equipment for analysis of thin films properties and surfaces.

Research and Development Works

  • Development and testing realization of the new optical microscopy method, which allows to examine objects sixfold smaller than usual ones with the use of common optical microscope;
  • The effect of a spin-orbital coupling display of a photon in a free space was predicted and has been found experimentally. A new polarimetry has been introduced for this effect analysis;
  • Methods of microscopy and nanoscopy have been developed;
  • Development of microstereolithography methods;
  • Development of material micropatterning method with the help of laser ultrashort pulse.

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