South Ural State University
Office 823, Main University Building
76, Prospect Lenina
E-mail: taranenkopa[at]susu[dot]ru
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Head Pavel TaranenkoPh.D. |
The Laboratory of Experimental Mechanics offers SUSU scientists premier facilities and software for conducting groundbreaking research and bold experiments for a broad scope of industrial needs.
What we do:
Improve the quality of materials and reducing the design time by developing experimentally verified multifunctional computer modelling
Our services:
Analysis of mechanical properties of materials (including composite materials) under static and shock load
Development of complex models of dynamic systems verified by test results
Calculation of the dynamics and strength of structures by the finite element method
Analysis of fatigue properties of materials
Vibration testing under sinusoidal, random, and shock excitation
Experimental modal analysis
Non-contact vibration measurement
Non-contact stress and strain measurement
Multichannel thermal strain gauge measurement
Analysis of in-vehicle and engine noise sources
Vehicle road testing
Our equipment
- Instron 5882
Freestanding, electromechanical testing machine that can perform a variety of mechanical tests (tensile, compression, and flexure) with the temperature range from -70 С to 1000С - Instron Ceast 9350
Drop Tower Impact System: impact resistance testing of metals, polymers, plastics, rubber, engineered plastics, composite materials, product components, etc. with the temperature range from -70 С to 150 С - LDS (Bruel and Kjaer) V875 HBT 900 Combo
Vibration testing under sinusoidal, random, and shock excitation - Bruel and Kjaer VC LAN 7542
Vibration controller: random, swept sine, resonance dwell, classical shock, random- and sine-on-random, shock SRS, and field data replication - 96-channel Siemens (LMS) measurement system
Measurement of vibration acceleration, noise, and deformation of machines, devices, and objects (laboratory and field experiments) - Portable modal shaker
Experimental modal analysis - Siemens (LMS) HD Acoustic Camera
Fast, exact noise source localization - Facilities for the measurement of mechanical properties of materials at high loading rates
Our research
Experimental evaluation of vibration loading
Experimental modal analysis
Modelling of Coriolis mass flow meter
Measuring two-phase flow in Coriolis mass flow meter
Strain measurement
Development of vibration isolation systems
Our partners
Our publications:
O. Ibryaeva, P. Taranenko, M. Tombs, F. Zhou and M. Henry, "Matrix pencil method for coriolis metering with liquid/gas flow II: Experimental results," 2018 IEEE Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (ICPS), St. Petersburg, 2018, pp. 434-439.
Yaushev, Aleksandr & Taranenko, Pavel & Loginovskiy, V.A.. (2017). Analysis of influence of mechanical boundary conditions on zero point shift of Coriolis flowmeter. Procedia Engineering. 206. 552-557. 10.1016/j.proeng.2017.10.515.
A.V. Ignatova, S.B. Sapozhnikov, P.A. Taranenko, Dynamic Verification of a Grid Structure Numerical Model Consisting of Different Stiffness Parts, Procedia Engineering, Volume 150, 2016, pp. 330-335.
A.A. Yaushev, P.A. Taranenko, V.A. Loginovskiy, Study of the Oscillation Modes of a Coriolis Flowmeter Using a Parametric Finite Element Model, Verified by the Results of Modal Testing, Procedia Engineering, Volume 150, 2016, pp. 336-340.
Mathematical Model of All-Terrain Truck / A.V. Keller //Proceedings of the ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics 2015, Barcelona, June 29 – July 2, 2015.–2015.– C.1285-1296.
Taranenko P., Sliva O., Zadorozhnaya E. (2015) Dynamics Analysis of Flexible Rotor Supported by Floating Ring Bearings. In: Pennacchi P. (eds) Proceedings of the 9th IFToMM International Conference on Rotor Dynamics. Mechanisms and Machine Science, vol 21. Springer, Cham.
A.A. Yaushev, P.A. Taranenko, A.V. Zhestkov, Estimation of Residual Stresses Influence on Oscillation Modes of Welded Housing Part, Procedia Engineering, Volume 129, 2015, pp. 75-80.