- 02.09.2020 Sputnik China (China/Medicine) 俄罗斯为研制抗病毒和真菌新药奠定基础
- 02.09.2020 6do.news (China/Medicine) 俄罗斯为抑制病毒和真菌的新药奠定了基础
- 03.09.2020 Daily Economic China (China/Medicine) 俄罗斯为研制抗病毒和真菌新药奠定基础
- 04.09.2020 Sciencex.com (Great Britain/Medicine) Scientists create a new antimicrobial and antifungal drug
- 19.08.2020 Buzzon.live (USA/Materials Science) Russian scientists have modeled the material for storage of hydrogen
- 18.08.2020 Sciencex (Great Britain/Economy) Islamic banking boosts economies in the Middle East and North Africa
- 18.08.2020 QS WoW (Great Britain/Archeology) Russian Archaeologists Discover the Most Ancient Evidence of Horsemanship in the Bronze Age
- 17.08.2020 Epoch Times (Ukraine/Food technology) В России будут делать вино и сыр с помощью сорняка — череды волосистой
- 17.08.2020 Epoch Times (Ukraine/Food technology) У Росії будуть робити вино і сир за допомогою бур'яну
- 16.08.2020 QS WoW (Great Britain/Digital industry) SUSU Student Develops a Global Vehicle Monitoring System
- 13.08.2020 Sciencex.com (Great Britain/Philosophy) International Online Conference on Philosophical Practice at SUSU Gathered 500 Participants from 52 Countries
- 12.08.2020 Sciencex.com (Great Britain/Materials Science) Russian Scientists Have Modeled the Material for Mobile Hydrogen Storage Facilities
- 11.08.2020 Springwise.com (Great Britain/Food technology) Invasive weed turned into wine and cheese
- 05.08.2020 Fuelcellsworks.com (Canada/Energy and ecology) Scientists from South Ural State University Develop a of a Hybrid Wind-Hydrogen Energy Complex for the Arctic
- 04.08.2020 Sciencex.com (Great Britain/Energy and ecology) Russian Scientists Develop a of a Hybrid Wind-Hydrogen Energy Complex for the Arctic
- 22.07.2020 Tairath (Thailand/Archeology) หลักฐานการขี่ม้าที่เก่าแก่สุดในยุคสัมฤทธิ์
- 14.07.2020 Communal News (USA/Food technology) Russia, Nigeria, Rwanda Hit Black-Jack in Wine & Cheese
- 13.07.2020 Phys.org (Great Britain/Archeology) The most ancient evidence of horsemanship in the bronze age
- 13.07.2020 Burada Biliyorum (Turkey/Archeology) The most ancient evidence of horsemanship in the bronze age
- 13.07.2020 Free News (USA/Food technology) Scientists have found that wine and cheese can be made using ordinary weed grass
- 12.07.2020 Thehistoryblog.com (USA/Archeology) Earliest evidence of horsemanship found
- 11.07.2020 Communal News (USA/Archeology) Archeologists Discover Ancient Horsemanship
- 01.06.2020 ScienceX (USA) Russian Scientists Figured out How to Extend the Life of LCD Screens
- 01.06.2020 ChinaNews.com (China) 俄罗斯高校将对预科班中国学生进行在线教学
- 01.06.2020 Sohu.com (China) 俄罗斯高校将对预科班中国留学生进行在线教学
- 01.06.2020 DragonDewsru.com (China) 俄罗斯高校将对预科班中国留学生进行在线教学
- 01.06.2020 Chinaqw.com (China) 俄罗斯高校将对预科班中国留学生进行在线教学
- 01.06.2020 Yuloo.com (China) 注意!2020年俄罗斯大学预科课程将采用线上授课
- 01.06.2020 Haiwainet.cn (China) 俄罗斯高校将对预科班中国留学生进行在线教学
- 01.06.2020 Sina.com.cn (China) 俄罗斯高校将对预科班中国留学生进行在线教学
- 01.06.2020 Edu.sina.com (China) 俄罗斯高校将对预科班中国留学生进行在线教学
- 01.06.2020 Сhisa (China) 俄罗斯高校将对预科班中国留学生进行在线教学
- 01.06.2020 Huanqiu.com (China) 俄媒:俄罗斯高校将对预科班中国留学生进行在线教学
- 01.06.2020 Phys.org (Great Britain) Russian Scientists Figured out How to Extend the Life of LCD Screens
- 01.06.2020 Спутник Казахстан (Kazakhstan) Абитуриентов из Казахстана ждут российские университеты
- 01.06.2020 Спутник Узбекистан (Uzbekistan) Российские вузы ждут абитуриентов Узбекистана: нюансы приемной кампании
- 01.06.2020 Спутник Кыргызстан (Kyrgyzstan) Кыргызстанцы могут поступить в вузы РФ, несмотря на пандемию, — как это сделать
- 02.06.2020 Спутник Таджикистан (Tajikistan) Российские вузы ждут абитуриентов из Таджикистана
- 03.06.2020 3rd Watch News (USA) Grain Processing Equipment Market Analysis Share Size and Growth Demand by 2018-2028
- 04.06.2020 Infowars.com (USA) Scientists Train Neural Network to Operate Smart Car Shock Absorbers
- 04.06.2020 Reddit (USA) Scientists Train Neural Network to Operate Smart Car Shock Absorbers
- 05.06.2020 Kknews.cc (China) 科學家訓練神經網絡操作智能汽車減震器
- 08.06.2020 Nur.kz (Kazakhstan) Ученые смоделировали химию мозга человека, подвергающегося насилию
- 08.06.2020 Forbes Казахстан (Kazakhstan) Ученые смоделировали химию мозга человека, подвергающегося насилию
- 08.06.2020 Беларусь сегодня (Belarus) Ученые смоделировали химию мозга человека, подвергающегося насилию
- 08.06.2020 Germania.one (Czech Republic) В России создали нейросеть для управления подвеской
- 09.06.2020 Russian Insight (USA) Scientists Recreate State of Human State of Mind After Domestic Violence
- 09.06.2020 Sputnik International Scientists Recreate State of Human State of Mind After Domestic Violence
- 10.06.2020 TechXplore (Great Britain) Scientists create a neural network for adaptive shock absorbers
- 10.06.2020 Lega Nerd (Italy) Ammortizzatori adattivi controllati da una rete neurale artificiale
- 11.06.2020 ScienceX (USA) An International Team of Scientists Works to Reduce Energy Consumption on Face Milling of Steel
- 11.06.2020 News8Plus (USA) Scientists create a neural community for adaptive shock absorbers
- 11.06.2020 Tech2thai.com (USA) Scientists Train Neural Network to Operate Smart Car Shock Absorbers
- 11.06.2020 Phys.org (Great Britain) Complicated PTSD in Chronic Stress Experimentally Proven
- 11.06.2020 Techxue.com (China) 科学家创建了自适应减震器的神经网络
- 12.06.2020 Qichecailiao.com (China) 科学家创建了适用于电动汽车的自适应汽车减震器
- 13.06.2020 Cnfol.com (China) 科学家创建时滞人工神经网络 提高自适应减震器性能
- 13.06.2020 Wxn.qq.com (China) 科学家创建时滞人工神经网络 提高自适应减震器性能
- 15.06.2020 12365auto.com (China) 科学家创建时滞人工神经网络 提高减震器性能
- 16.06.2020 ScienceX (USA) Russian Scientists Introduce Digital Technologies into Agriculture
- 06.05.2020 Phys.org (Great Britain) Russian Scientists Suggest Cleaning the Land and Reservoirs in Industrial Regions with a Unique Sorbent
- 06.05.2020 Phys.org (Great Britain) Russian Scientists Suggest Using Antimony Compounds for Wastewater Treatment
- 08.05.2020 Cole of Duty (USA) Grain Processing Equipment Market Analysis Share Size and Growth Demand by 2018-2028
- 12.05.2020 Phys.org (Great Britain) Russian Scientists Train Neural Networks to Monitor Traffic
- 12.05.2020 Phys.org (Great Britain) Russian Scientists Study the Geopolitical Ambitions of Countries in the Arctic
- 12.05.2020 Sputnik China (China) 俄专家:中国经验有助于研究俄罗斯在线教育前景
- 12.05.2020 Six Degrees (China) 俄专家:中国经验有助于研究俄罗斯在线教育前景
- 15.05.2020 Medical xpress (Great Britain) Scientists develop technique for more accurate brain diagnoses
- 15.05.2020 Phys.org (Great Britain) Scientists study the impact of renewable energy on the economies of countries
- 15.05.2020 UrduPoint.com (Pakistan) Russian Scientists Develop Method Of Encrypting Data Of Smart Devices - University
- 16.05.2020 Спутник Грузия (Georgia) Российские ученые создали метод шифрования данных "умных" устройств
- 16.05.2020 Спутник Молдова (Moldova) Российские ученые создали метод шифрования данных "умных" устройств
- 19.05.2020 Sputnik China (China) 俄专家:非洲国家在疫情条件下尤其需要中国的援助
- 19.05.2020 Six Degrees (China) 俄专家:非洲国家在疫情条件下尤其需要中国的援助
- 19.05.2020 Guancha.cn (China) 俄专家:非洲国家现在尤其需要中国的援助,中方的承诺是对美方攻击的回应
- 19.05.2020 Phys.org (Great Britain) Russian Scientists Find Effective Ways to Protect Data from Smart Devices
- 20.05.2020 Phys.org (Great Britain) Russian Scientists Improve the Electromagnetic Properties of Materials for 5G Technologies
- 29.05.2020 Sputnik China (China) 俄罗斯高校预计今年仍将迎来大批中国申请者 不受疫情影响
- 29.05.2020 Sputnik China (China) 俄罗斯高校将对预科班中国学生进行在线教学
- 30.05.2020 Sznews.com (China) 全球日增超12.3万例 累计确诊逾588万例 美国新增超2.5万例
- 30.05.2020 6parkbbs.com (China) 美国确诊超174万,特朗普却做了一个这样的决定
- 03.04.2020 Phys.org (Great Britain) The latest findings will help to create new viral infection treatment drugs
- 06.04.2020 Phys.org (Great Britain) Neural network taught to predict the quality of welding
- 06.04.2020 Phys.org (Great Britain) Scientists have received a new method for synthesizing materials for electronics
- 13.04.2020 Phys.org (Great Britain) Russian Scientists Present a Delamination-Resistant Hybrid Carbon Fiber
- 14.04.2020 Phys.org (Great Britain) Russian Historians Study Migration from China to Russia in Different Time Periods
- 17.04.2020 Phys.org (Great Britain) Russian scientists design eco-village with solar panels on the roofs
- 21.04.2020 Phys.org (Great Britain) The Main Difficulties in Mastering Written Speech in a Foreign Language are Identified
- 21.04.2020 Kxan36 News (Romania) Bedtime stories and charging As the Urals conduct the quarantine
- 23.04.2020 Phys.org (Great Britain) Russian Scientists Have Patented a Method of Food Decontamination by Cold Plasma
- 25.04.2020 Latest Herald (USA) Grain Processing Equipment Market Analysis Share Size and Growth Demand by 2018-2028
- 27.04.2020 Sputnik Таджикистан (Tajikistan) Таджикистан отправил продукты застрявшим в России таджикским студентам
- 27.04.2020 Эхо Кыргызстана (Kyrgyzstan) В Челябинске таджикистанские студенты получили продукты в качестве помощи
- 27.04.2020 Phys.org (Great Britain) Russian scientists published datasets for correction of Coriolis flowmeter readings
- 10.03.2020 Phys.org (Great Britain) Scientists Create New Sensitizers for Clean Energy
- 25.03.2020 Medical Xpress (Great Britain) Post-traumatic stress disorder-induced damage and dysfunction of visceral organs and brain
- 25.03.2020 Белновости (Belarus) Вылечить страх: российские ученые открыли необычный метод лечения посттравматического стрессового расстройства
- 25.03.2020 1К (Ukraine) Челябинские крысы после асфиксии перестали бояться кошек
- 25.03.2020 1К (Ukraine) Челябинские крысы настолько суровы, что не боятся кошек. После кислородного голодания
- 30.03.2020 Phys.org (Great Britain) Russian Scientists Create Healthy Yogurts for Immunity Improvement
- 30.03.2020 Phys.org (Great Britain) Postdoc from India Creates Nanoemulsion to Improve Bread Quality
- 31.03.2020 Phys.org (Great Britain) Economists explore the valuable roles of commodities for international stock markets
- 14.02.2020 Sputnik China (China) 俄专家至今对1950年《中苏条约》持肯定态度 (Договор СССР и КНР 1950)
- 14.02.2020 6 degree news (China) 俄专家至今对1950年《中苏条约》持肯定态度
- 15.02.2020 Observer Network (China) 整整70年!俄专家至今对1950年《中苏条约》持肯定态度
- 15.02.2020 China-Russia Relations (China) 俄专家至今对1950年《中苏条约》持肯定态度
- 21.02.2020 Sputnik China (China) 专家:外国学生对在俄罗斯合法工作的可能性感兴趣
- 21.02.2020 6 degree news (China) 专家:外国学生对在俄罗斯合法工作的可能性感兴趣
- 23.02.2020 Daily economic China (China) 外国学生对俄罗斯合法工作的可能性感兴趣
- 27.02.2020 Phys.org (Great Britain) Scientists create new material for electronics of the future
- 14.01.2020 Молодiжна правда (Ukraine) В России разработали «умный» стул для исправления осанки у школьников
- 17.01.2020 Phys.org (Great Britain) Scientists create titanium parts using additive technologies
- 17.01.2020 Phys.org (Great Britain) Scientists Develop a "Smart" Chair to Correct Students’ Posture
- 23.01.2020 Dagoretti News (USA) Grain Processing Equipment Market Recent Trends, Development,Growth & Forecast 2018-2028
- 24.01.2020 QS WoW (Great Britain) Russian Scientists Develop a “Smart” Chair to Correct Students’ Posture
- 24.01.2020 Синьхуа (China) В российских вузах отмечают китайский Новый год
- 25.01.2020 China.org.cn (China) В российских вузах отмечают китайский Новый год
- 30.01.2020 QS WoW (Great Britain) Russian Scientists Create Titanium Parts Using Additive Technologies