University |
South Ural State University *National Research University) |
English proficiency |
B2 ( IELTS) |
Code and name of the group of scientific specialties for which the postgraduate student will be accepted |
5.8. Pedagogy |
List of research projects of a potential supervisor (participation / leadership) |
Grant from the federal budget in the form of subsidies to educational institutions of higher education for the implementation of measures to train scientific and pedagogical workers and employees of employer organizations for the implementation of modern programs of continuous education of the federal project "New Opportunities for Everyone" of the national project "Education", topic 17-84 . |
List of possible research topics |
Study of the ratio of full-time, online and offline education for different categories of students. Possibilities of combining formal, non-formal and informal education of students and specialists. Management of non-formal human education. |
Research Supervisor:
Irina O. Kotlyarova , Doctor of Science (degree from: Ural State University of Physical Education) |
Problems of continuous education |
Supervisor 's research interests (a more detailed description of scientific interests): Challenges to modern continuing professional education. Additional professional education. A combination of formal, non-formal and informal types of continuous education for students (bachelors, masters) and specialists.
Research highlights (if available): Engaging PHD from the University of South Bohemia.
Supervisor 's specific requirements : The section is filled in if there are requirements for a graduate student (mandatory background of the candidate / disciplines that he must have mastered / methods that he must own / be able to use some specific software, etc.)
Supervisor's main publications (indicate the total number of publications in journals indexed by the Web of Science or Scopus for the last 5 years, write up to 5 most significant publications with imprint ) :
1. Kotlyarova I., Chuvashova A. EDUCATIONAL IMITATION OF BASIC JOB FUNCTION USING THE KNOWLEDGE OF ENGLISH AMONG TECHNICAL MAJOR STUDENTS 2. Grevtseva G.Ya., Kotlyarova I.O., Serikov G.N., Fakhrutdinova A.V., Tsiulina M.V. Methodological approaches to preparing students for professional innovation activities // Bulletin of the Tomsk University. 2021. No. 462. S . 181-191. 3. Kotlyarova, I.O .; Voloshina , I. A.; Volchenkova , KN; Batina , E. V. On -line Education Resources for the Optimization of On-line Continuing Professional Education Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE International Conference "Quality Management, Transport and Information Security, Information Technologies", IT and QM and IS 2020 2020. DOI: 10.1109/ITQMIS51053.2020.9322956 4. Vaulin SD, Kotlyarova IO, Elsakova rz. Information and Communication Technology of Getting Future Masters Ready for Scientific Communication // Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE International Conference "Quality Management, Transport and Information Security, Information Technologies" (IT&QM&IS). Yaroslavl, Russia. 2020. P. 524-529. 5. Kotlyarova, IO, Volchenkova , KN, Semenova , YV, Chuvashova , AD, Lyashenko , MV Development of Digital Competence of Technical Specialists in the Electronic Information and Education Environment Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Conference; Quality Management, Transport and Information Security, Information Technologies& IT and QM and IS 2019September 2019, Issue articles 8928400, Pages 617-621. 6 . Kotlyarova, I.O .; Vaulin , SD; Serikov , G.N.; Lyashenko, M.V .; Chuvashova , AD Using network cooperation opportunities in e-learning for future technical specialists Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE International Conference "Quality Management, Transport and Information Security, Information Technologies", IT and QM and IS 2020 2020 | Scientific article for the conference DOI: 10.1109/ITQMIS51053.2020.9322873 7. Voloshina I., Kotlyarova I . Elite engineering education in mixed project groups // Proceedings of the 14th International Conference Efficiency and Responsibility in Education, 8th - 9th June 2017, Prague, Czech Republic, EU. – P. 528-535. |
Results of intellectual activity ( with stock ) (The most significant results of intellectual activity)