Cheng Xiaoyuan
Bachelor’s Studies in Chemistry, 4 year
"I am happy to have a different experience"
– Why did you decide to apply to Russia?
– I started learning Russian at high school. The China-Russia relationship is pretty strong. Chinese people are interested in the Russian culture so many of us start learning Russian and try to have some study or work experience in Russia. I’m no exception. I’ve decided not only to practice my Russian language skills in Russia but also to try and apply to a Russian university. My major scientific interest lies in the field of chemistry, so that’s what I started looking for in Russian universities back then.
– What do you think about the overall experience?
– I feel like I’ve got tons of wonderful experience here. My studies have been going great so far, I’ve learned a lot of interesting things in chemistry. I’ve also made some great friends, Russian and Chinese. The city itself isn’t very big but it’s enough for me. There’s plenty of places here where you can have fun. And I’m happy I didn’t need to bother with the place to live in Chelyabinsk. I’ve got a comfy room in the dormitory.
– Are the people friendly?
– Yes, definitely. At first, it was difficult to socialize with my group. I felt a bit uncomfortable around so many people of different nationalities. I didn’t know how to behave… But then some guys just broke the ice and we started inviting each other to our places. We started supporting each other. Now we get on pretty well and I’m happy to be a part of such a great group. The teachers are also very nice and they care for me. I feel like if I have a problem, they will everything to help me. So far I haven’t had a proper chance to get to know Chelyabinsk citizens. I don’t think they’re too different from the rest of the world. Russia is just another country, just like any other place, and here you can meet a lot of wonderful people.
– How happy are you at SUSU?
– I am happy to have a different experience. Studying in another country is always something incredible. You become a much wiser person because you learn how to communicate with people different from you. Although in my opinion we all have more in common than we think. All students have the same problems, no matter what nationality they are. We all have the same fears of meeting new people and sharing our inner world. At SUSU every day is a challenge for me but in a good sense. So much is going on here, this vibrant student environment makes you feel alive and happy and thankful for what you have.
– Can you give any advice for other international students?
– Communicate! If you really want to know the language, and I’m talking about both English and Russian, don’t be too shy. People around are much more understanding and supportive than you might think. So be active and enjoy the best years of your life!