Subject Area: Economics, Econometrics and Finance
Предметная область: Экономика, эконометрика и финансы
№ | Source Title | Coverage | Active or Inactive | 2015 SNIP | Source Type | Publisher's Name | Publisher's Country |
TOP 10% | |||||||
1 | Journal of Economic Literature | 1996-ongoing, 1986, 1984, 1981 | Active | 7.706 | Journal | American Economic Association | United States |
2 | Quarterly Journal of Economics | 1976-ongoing, 1973-1974 | Active | 7.264 | Journal | MIT Press | United States |
3 | Journal of Economic Perspectives | 1996-ongoing, 1992-1994 | Active | 6.962 | Journal | American Economic Association | United States |
4 | Journal of Finance | 1996-ongoing | Active | 4.786 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
5 | Journal of Management | 1993-ongoing | Active | 4.538 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
6 | Econometrica | 1994-ongoing, 1990, 1977-1984, 1974 | Active | 4.416 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
7 | Journal of Financial Economics | 1974-ongoing | Active | 4.028 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
8 | Journal of Political Economy | 1987-ongoing, 1979-1985, 1973-1974, 1969 | Active | 3.979 | Journal | University of Chicago Press | United States |
9 | Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science | 1973-ongoing | Active | 3.904 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
10 | Review of Economic Studies | 1996-ongoing, 1983-1985, 1979, 1977, 1969 | Active | 3.846 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
11 | American Economic Journal: Applied Economics | 2009-ongoing | Active | 3.803 | Journal | American Economic Association | United States |
12 | Journal of the European Economic Association | 2003-ongoing | Active | 3.750 | Journal | Wiley-Blackwell | United States |
13 | American Economic Review | 1978-ongoing | Active | 3.697 | Journal | American Economic Association | United States |
14 | Review of Economics and Statistics | 1978-ongoing | Active | 3.651 | Journal | MIT Press | United States |
15 | Economic Policy | 1988-ongoing | Active | 3.518 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
16 | Journal of Accounting and Economics | 1979-ongoing | Active | 3.507 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
17 | Journal of Marketing | 1996-ongoing, 1979-1981, 1977, 1973, 1971, 1969 | Active | 3.245 | Journal | American Marketing Association | United States |
18 | Accounting Review | 1996-ongoing | Active | 3.237 | Journal | American Accounting Association | United States |
19 | Review of Financial Studies | 1996-ongoing | Active | 3.101 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
20 | Journal of Economic Growth | 1996-ongoing | Active | 2.963 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
21 | Journal of Labor Economics | 1995-ongoing, 1993, 1991, 1985-1989 | Active | 2.898 | Journal | University of Chicago Press | United States |
22 | American Economic Journal: Economic Policy | 2011-ongoing | Active | 2.890 | Journal | American Economic Association | United States |
23 | Economic Journal | 1988-ongoing, 1979-1986, 1973 | Active | 2.847 | Journal | Macmillan Publishers | United Kingdom |
24 | Journal of Economic Surveys | 1996-ongoing, 1993, 1989 | Active | 2.832 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
25 | American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics | 2011-ongoing | Active | 2.828 | Journal | American Economic Association | United States |
26 | Journal of Marketing Research | 1996-ongoing, 1968 | Active | 2.825 | Journal | American Marketing Association | United States |
27 | Business Ethics Quarterly | 1996-ongoing, 1993 | Active | 2.812 | Journal | Philosophy Documentation Center | United States |
28 | Annual Review of Economics | 2010-ongoing | Active | 2.766 | Journal | Annual Reviews Inc. | United States |
29 | Management Accounting Research | 1993-ongoing | Active | 2.715 | Journal | Academic Press | United States |
30 | Journal of Accounting Research | 1996-ongoing | Active | 2.649 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
31 | Journal of International Economics | 1971-ongoing | Active | 2.635 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
32 | Brookings Papers on Economic Activity | 1996-ongoing, 1992, 1990 | Active | 2.560 | Journal | Brookings Institution Press | United States |
33 | Journal of Development of Economics | 1974-ongoing | Active | 2.508 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
34 | Longe Range Planning | 1968-ongoing | Active | 2.481 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
35 | Journal of International Business Studies | 1996-ongoing | Active | 2.450 | Journal | Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. | United Kingdom |
36 | Foundations and Trends in Accounting | 2006-ongoing | Active | 2.368 | Journal | Now Publishers Inc. | United States |
37 | Journal of Economic Geography | 2001-ongoing | Active | 2.358 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
38 | Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice | 2004-ongoing | Active | 2.269 | Journal | Baylor University | United States |
39 | Journal of Consumer Research | 1996-ongoing, 1984, 1977-1978 | Active | 2.243 | Journal | University of Chicago Press | United States |
40 | Journal of Urban Economics | 1974-ongoing | Active | 2.225 | Journal | Academic Press | United States |
41 | Journal of Monetary Economics | 1975-ongoing | Active | 2.216 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
42 | Review of Finance | 2004-ongoing | Active | 2.198 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
43 | Family Business Review | 2005-ongoing, 1996-1999 | Active | 2.189 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
44 | World Bank Research Observer | 1986-ongoing | Active | 2.185 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
45 | World Development | 1973-ongoing | Active | 2.157 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
46 | National Tax Journal | 1995-ongoing, 1989, 1985 | Active | 2.152 | Journal | National Tax Association | United States |
47 | Internet Research | 1995-ongoing | Active | 2.146 | Journal | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
48 | International Journal of Production Economics | 1991-ongoing | Active | 2.109 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
49 | Journal of Supply Chain Management | 2005-ongoing | Active | 2.080 | Journal | National Association of Purchasing Management | United States |
50 | Econometric Reviews | 2003-ongoing | Active | 2.078 | Journal | Marcel Dekker Inc. | United States |
51 | Politics, Philosophy and Economics | 2007-ongoing | Active | 2.067 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
52 | Journal of Applied Econometrics | 1996-ongoing | Active | 2.041 | Journal | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | United States |
53 | Review of Environmental Economics and Policy | 2008-ongoing | Active | 2.028 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United States |
54 | Cambridge Journal of Economics | 1977-ongoing | Active | 2.018 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
55 | Journal of Econometrics | 1973-ongoing | Active | 2.002 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
56 | Handbook of Economic Growth | 2014-ongoing, 2005 | Active | 1.989 | Book Series | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
57 | Post-Soviet Affairs | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.981 | Journal | V.H. Winston and Sons, Inc. | United States |
58 | Socio-Economic Review | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.966 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
59 | Science Technology and Human Values | 1991-ongoing, 1982-1989, 1978-1980 | Active | 1.948 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
60 | Journal of Consumer Culture | 2001-ongoing | Active | 1.939 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
61 | Marketing Science | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.936 | Journal | Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences | United States |
62 | Work, Employment and Society | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.930 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
63 | Mathematical Finance | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.929 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
64 | Economics and Sociology | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.918 | Journal | Centre of Sociological Research | Ukraine |
65 | Accounting Horizons | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.909 | Journal | American Accounting Association | United States |
66 | Surveys in Operations Research and Management Science | 2011-ongoing | Active | 1.906 | Book Series | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
67 | Journal of World Business | 1997-ongoing | Active | 1.899 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
68 | Economic Systems Research | 1989-ongoing | Active | 1.887 | Journal | Carfax Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
69 | Small Business Economics | 1989-ongoing | Active | 1.866 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
70 | Consumption Markets and Culture | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.863 | Journal | Routledge | United States |
71 | Auditing | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.857 | Journal | American Accounting Association | United States |
72 | Energy Economics | 1979-ongoing | Active | 1.851 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
73 | Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A, (Statistics in Society) | 1988-ongoing | Active | 1.845 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
74 | RAND Journal of Economics | 1991-ongoing, 1989, 1987, 1984-1985 | Active | 1.827 | Journal | Rand Journal of Economics | United States |
75 | Resources, Conservation and Recyclcing | 1988-ongoing | Active | 1.826 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
76 | Journal of Human Resources | 1992-ongoing, 1976-1982 | Active | 1.806 | Journal | University of Wisconsin Press | United States |
77 | IMF Economic Review | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.801 | Book Series | Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. | United Kingdom |
78 | Journal of Environmental Economics and Management | 1974-ongoing | Active | 1.795 | Journal | Academic Press | United States |
79 | International Marketing Review | 1995-ongoing | Active | 1.794 | Journal | Emarald Group Publishing Ltd | United Kingdom |
80 | Journal of Business and Economic Statistics | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.793 | Journal | American Statistical Association | United States |
81 | Journal of Financial Stability | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.791 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
82 | Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications | 2000-ongoing | Active | 1.784 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
83 | Finance and Stochastics | 2004-ongoing | Active | 1.781 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |
84 | Journal of Business Ethics | 1982-ongoing | Active | 1.779 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
85 | Contemporary Accounting Research | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.774 | Journal | Canadian Academic Accounting Association/Association Canadienne des Professeursde Comptabilite | Canada |
86 | Electronic Commerce Research | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.771 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
TOP 25% | |||||||
87 | Journal of Electronic Commerce Research | 2012-ongoing | Active | 1.757 | Journal | California State University Press | United States |
88 | European Review of Agricultural Economics | 1986-ongoing, 1981-1982 | Active | 1.754 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
89 | Theoretical Economics | 2007-ongoing | Active | 1.751 | Journal | Society for Economic Theory | United States |
90 | Structural Equation Modeling | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.748 | Journal | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc. | United States |
91 | Journal of Financial Intermediation | 1990-ongoing | Active | 1.734 | Journal | Academic Press | United States |
92 | Socio-Economic Planning Sciences | 1967-ongoing | Active | 1.721 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
93 | Journal of Public Economics | 1972-ongoing | Active | 1.707 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
94 | SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.695 | Journal | Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Publications | United States |
95 | Journal of International Marketing | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.693 | Journal | American Marketing Association | United States |
96 | Energy Journal | 1994-ongoing | Active | 1.686 | Trade Journal | International Association for Energy Economics | United States |
97 | Economics of Education Review | 1984-ongoing, 1981-1982 | Active | 1.682 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
98 | Economic Geography | 1987-ongoing, 1978-1985, 1974, 1972 | Active | 1.670 | Journal | Clark University | United States |
99 | International Journal of Accounting Information Systems | 2000-ongoing | Active | 1.669 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
100 | Economic History Review | 1976-ongoing, 1973, 1969-1970, 1965-1966 | Active | 1.660 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
101 | International Economic Review | 1988-ongoing, 1979-1985 | Active | 1.659 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
102 | Quantitative Economics | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.653 | Journal | The Economic Society | United States |
103 | Journal of Financial Markets | 1998-ongoing | Active | 1.644 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
104 | Emerging Markets Review | 2000-ongoing | Active | 1.641 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
105 | Fiscal Studies | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.635 | Journal | Institute for Fiscal Studies | United Kingdom |
106 | Journal of Economic History | 1976-ongoing, 1974, 1971-1972, 1969 | Active | 1.628 | Journal | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
107 | Journal of International Money and Finance | 1982-ongoing | Active | 1.624 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
108 | Journal of Common Market Studies | 1996-ongoing, 1994, 1991, 1988-1989, 1981-1982 | Active | 1.620 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
109 | Economic Development Quarterly | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.610 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
110 | Extremes | 2004-ongoing | Active | 1.597 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
111 | Journal of Business Communication | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.591 | Journal | American Business Communication Association | United States |
112 | Journal of Banking and Finance | 1977-ongoing | Active | 1.588 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
113 | American Economic Journal: Microeconomics | 2011-ongoing | Active | 1.585 | Journal | American Economic Association | United States |
114 | Journal of Industrial Ecology | 1997-ongoing | Active | 1.585 | Journal | MIT Press | United States |
115 | Review of International Political Economy | 1995-ongoing | Active | 1.579 | Journal | Routledge | United Kingdom |
116 | International Journal of Electronic Commerce | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.577 | Journal | M.E. Sharpe Inc. | United States |
117 | Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal | 2011-ongoing | Active | 1.575 | Journal | John Wiley and Sons Inc. | United States |
118 | Review of Economic Dynamics | 1998-ongoing | Active | 1.574 | Journal | Academic Press | United States |
119 | Resources Policy | 1974-ongoing | Active | 1.560 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
120 | Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.557 | Journal | Now Publishers Inc. | United States |
121 | Accounting Forum | 2004-ongoing | Active | 1.555 | Journal | School of Accountancy | Australia |
122 | Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.551 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
123 | Economy and Society | 1990-ongoing, 1981-1982 | Active | 1.547 | Journal | Routledge | United Kingdom |
124 | Journal of Financial Econometrics | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.545 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
125 | Explorations in Economic History | 1969-ongoing | Active | 1.540 | Journal | Academic Press | United States |
126 | Journal of Risk and Insurance | 1996-ongoing, 1978-1979 | Active | 1.534 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
127 | Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.533 | Journal | University of Washington | United States |
128 | International Journal of Accounting | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.524 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
129 | Journal of Risk and Uncertainty | 1988-ongoing | Active | 1.524 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
130 | Review of World Economics | 2003-ongoing | Active | 1.524 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |
131 | Information Economics and Policy | 1993-ongoing, 1988-1989, 1986, 1983-1984 | Active | 1.513 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
132 | Ecological Economics | 1989-ongoing | Active | 1.512 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
133 | International Review of Finance | 2011-ongoing | Active | 1.511 | Journal | John Wiley & Sons Ltd. | United Kingdom |
134 | Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.507 | Journal | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
135 | Journal of Economic Psychology | 1981-ongoing | Active | 1.496 | Journal | North-Holland Publ Co | Netherlands |
136 | Journal of Economic Theory | 1969-ongoing | Active | 1.489 | Journal | Academic Press | United States |
137 | Food Policy | 1975-ongoing | Active | 1.482 | Journal | Pergamon Press | United States |
138 | Economic Development and Cultural Change | 1982-ongoing, 1978-1979 | Active | 1.481 | Journal | University of Chicago Press | United States |
139 | Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics | 1996-ongoing, 1991, 1988, 1980-1984, 1977-1978 | Active | 1.476 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
140 | Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization | 1985-ongoing | Active | 1.467 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
141 | Journal of Population Economics | 1988-ongoing | Active | 1.462 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |
142 | Borsa Istanbul Review | 2013-ongoing | Active | 1.453 | Journal | Borsa Istanbul Anonim Sirketi | Turkey |
143 | Financial Analysts Journal | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.450 | Journal | Association for Investment Management and Research | United States |
144 | Indian Economic and Social History Review | 1997-ongoing, 1984-1987, 1982, 1976 | Active | 1.450 | Journal | Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd. | India |
145 | European Actuarial Journal | 2011-ongoing | Active | 1.449 | Journal | Springer International Publishing AG | Switzerland |
146 | Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.448 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
147 | International Business Review | 1993-ongoing | Active | 1.441 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
148 | Journal of International Management | 1998-ongoing | Active | 1.427 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
149 | Young Consumers | 2014-ongoing, 2012, 2004 | Active | 1.418 | Journal | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
150 | Journal of Money, Credit and Banking | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.413 | Journal | Ohio State University Press | United States |
151 | Econometric Theory | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.407 | Journal | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
152 | South Asia Research | 2007-ongoing, 2001, 1987-1996, 1985 | Active | 1.406 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
153 | European Economic Review | 1969-ongoing | Active | 1.405 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
154 | Economics and Philosophy | 2003-ongoing, 1993, 1990 | Active | 1.399 | Journal | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
155 | MIS Quarterly Executive | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.394 | Journal | Indiana University Press | United States |
156 | Journal of Asian Economics | 1990-ongoing | Active | 1.392 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
157 | Structural Change and Economic Dynamics | 1990-ongoing | Active | 1.391 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
158 | Experimental Economics | 2003-ongoing | Active | 1.382 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
159 | Journal of Comparative Economics | 1977-ongoing | Active | 1.382 | Journal | Academic Press | United States |
160 | International Review of Economics and Finance | 1992-ongoing | Active | 1.362 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
161 | Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization | 1980-ongoing | Active | 1.362 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
162 | Insurance: Mathematics and Economics | 1982-ongoing | Active | 1.357 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
163 | Journal of Corporate Finance | 1994-ongoing | Active | 1.356 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
164 | Journal of Agricultural Economics | 1978-ongoing | Active | 1.355 | Journal | Imperial College of Science | United Kingdom |
165 | Journal of Economic Inequality | 2004-ongoing | Active | 1.355 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
166 | European Journal of Political Economy | 1985-ongoing | Active | 1.352 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
167 | Transnational Corporations | 2015-ongoing, 2005-2012 | Active | 1.345 | Journal | United Nations Publications | United States |
168 | Cliometrica | 2007-ongoing | Active | 1.344 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |
169 | Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.344 | Journal | Transaction Publishers | United States |
170 | NBER Macroeconomics Annual | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.343 | Book Series | MIT Press | United States |
171 | Critical Perspectives on Accounting | 1990-ongoing | Active | 1.338 | Journal | Academic Press | United States |
172 | Journal of Law and Economics | 1996-ongoing, 1978-1989 | Active | 1.338 | Journal | University of Chicago Press | United States |
173 | Regional Science and Urban Economics | 1973-ongoing | Active | 1.335 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
174 | Marine Policy | 1977-ongoing | Active | 1.334 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
175 | American Journal of Agricultural Economics | 1979-ongoing, 1974-1977 | Active | 1.320 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
176 | Scandinavian Actuarial Journal | 2008-ongoing, 1977-1978 | Active | 1.311 | Journal | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
177 | Industrial and Corporate Change | 1992-ongoing | Active | 1.293 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
178 | Journal of Real Estate Research | 2003-ongoing | Active | 1.287 | Journal | American Real Estate Society | United States |
179 | Entrepreneurship and Regional Development | 1996-ongoing, 1993, 1990 | Active | 1.277 | Journal | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
180 | Economic Theory | 1991-ongoing | Active | 1.272 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |
181 | Foundations and Trends in Finance | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.272 | Book Series | Now Publishers Inc | United States |
182 | Journal of Sports Economics | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.272 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
183 | Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money | 1997-ongoing | Active | 1.266 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
184 | Economic Inquiry | 1996-ongoing, 1987-1989, 1979-1985 | Active | 1.263 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
185 | Annual Review of Financial Economics | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.260 | Journal | Annual Reviews Inc. | United States |
186 | Maritime Economics and Logistics | 2003-ongoing | Active | 1.259 | Journal | Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. | United Kingdom |
187 | Accounting and Finance | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.256 | Journal | Accounting Association of Australia and New Zealand | Australia |
188 | Real Estate Economics | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.253 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
189 | Basic Income Studies | 2013-ongoing, 2009-2011 | Active | 1.248 | Journal | Walter de Gruyter GmbH | Germany |
190 | Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics | 1996-ongoing, 1989, 1978 | Active | 1.241 | Journal | Agricultural Institute of Canada | Canada |
191 | Journal of Consumer Affairs | 1996-ongoing, 1991 | Active | 1.240 | Journal | American Council on Consumer Interests | United States |
192 | Labour Economics | 1993-ongoing | Active | 1.229 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
193 | Asia Pacific Journal of Management | 1983-ongoing | Active | 1.228 | Journal | National University of Singapore | Singapore |
194 | Economic Record | 1979-ongoing, 1977 | Active | 1.226 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
195 | International Tax and Public Finance | 1994-ongoing | Active | 1.225 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
196 | Innovation Policy and the Economy | 2011-ongoing, 2009-ongoing | Active | 1.225 | Book Series | MIT Press | United States |
197 | Annual Review of Resource Economics | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.218 | Journal | Annual Reviews Inc. | United States |
198 | Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics | 1988-ongoing | Active | 1.213 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
199 | China Journal of Accounting Research | 2013-ongoing | Active | 1.207 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
200 | Forest Policy and Economics | 2000-ongoing | Active | 1.207 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
201 | Journal of Economics and Management Strategy | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.202 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
202 | Feminist Economics | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.195 | Journal | Routledge | United Kingdom |
203 | China Economic Review | 1989-ongoing | Active | 1.186 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
204 | Managerial Auditing Journal | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.185 | Journal | Emarald Group Publishing Ltd | United Kingdom |
205 | Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation | 1992-ongoing | Active | 1.170 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
206 | Review of Income and Wealth | 1996-ongoing, 1989 | Active | 1.160 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
207 | World Bank Economic Review | 1986-ongoing | Active | 1.157 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
208 | Economics of Transportation | 2012-ongoing | Active | 1.155 | Journal | Elsevier Limited | United Kingdom |
209 | Games and Economic Behavior | 1989-ongoing | Active | 1.154 | Journal | Academic Press | United States |
210 | Metroeconomica | 2011-ongoing, 1978 | Active | 1.147 | Journal | John Wiley and Sons Inc. | United States |
211 | Resources and Energy Economics | 1993-ongoing | Active | 1.145 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
212 | Scandinavian Journal of Economics | 1995-ongoing, 1991-1992, 1985, 1983, 1977-1980 | Active | 1.144 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
213 | Research in International Business and Finance | 2004-ongoing | Active | 1.137 | Journal | JAI Press | United States |
214 | AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.136 | Journal | Springer Pub. Co. | United States |
215 | Journal of the Knowledge Economy | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.136 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |