Major: Human Resources Management
Level: Bachelor's degree
Duration of training: Full time –4 years; part time –5 years
Degree certificate: Bachelor's degree
Mode of study: Full time, part time
Language of study: Russian
Programme manager: Irina Rezanovich, 267-99-11, rezanovichiv[at]susu[dot]ru
Description of the educational programme
The aim of the program to train HR managers for both large enterprises, small and medium businesses with in-depth knowledge of human resources management. Starting from the first year the structure of professional training includes the teaching of managerial, economic, legal and psychological disciplines, which allows you to master the necessary professional skills and then hone them in practice, which usually takes place in the personnel services of various organizations. Graduates have the necessary level of qualification to work in personnel departments of industrial, trade, transport, banking, insurance, tourism, judicial and executive organizations, military-industrial complex, educational and other fields of activity; in personnel and recruiting agencies, consulting firms, administration, employment services and social protection services.
Professional competencies
Organizational, managerial and economic activities:
- development of personnel policy and personnel management strategy; personnel planning and personnel marketing;
- ensuring personnel has required qualifications and the necessary level of training;
- organization of vocational guidance and job adaptation for young specialists,
- participation in the development of a strategy for professional development of staff;
- organization and control of training, retraining and advanced training;
- organization of work on assessment and business career management, formation of a reserve personnel;
- motivation and stimulation of personnel, including labor remuneration;
- participation in ensuring safe working conditions, economic and information security;
- ensuring compliance with the requirements of psychophysiology, ergonomics and aesthetics of labor;
- organization of work with released personnel;
- application of labor laws, normative legal acts of the social and labor sphere to resolve legal issues of labor relations;
- economic analysis of labor indicators, budgeting personnel costs;
- assessment of economic and social effectiveness of projects to improve the system and technology of personnel management.
Information and analytical activities:
- analysis of the labor market, forecasting and determining the need for staff;
- analysis of the personnel potential and intellectual capital of the organization, study of professional and personal qualities of workers with the aim of their rational use;
- analysis of social processes and relationships in the organization; analysis of the system and processes of management of the personnel of the organization, the use of automated information technologies for personnel management.
Socio-psychological and project activities:
- implementation of social work with personnel, participation in the development and implementation of plans for social development of the organization;
- teambuilding (group and interpersonal relationships);
- management of business ethics, conflicts and stress, prevention of professional deformation and occupational burnout;
- introduction of modern methods of personnel management, optimization of the structure of the staff of the organization;
- participation in the development, justification and implementation of projects to improve personnel management technology and the organization as a whole (including in crisis situations)
Professional disciplines
- Psychophysiology of professional activity,
- Information technology in professional activities,
- Fundamentals of personnel policy and personnel planning,
- Documentation support of personnel management,
- Motivation and promotion of work,
- Management of social development of personnel,
- Personnel security in the organization,
- Organization and regulation of labor,
- Staff development technologies,
- Business processes in personnel service,
- Management accounting and personnel accounting,
- Business ethics,
- Business Foreign Language,
- Labor law,
- Labor Economics,
- Remuneration of staff,
- Marketing of staff,
- Labor market,
- Economics of Human Resource Management,
- Budgeting in personnel service,
- Strategic personnel management,
- Innovations in personnel management.
Areas of professional activity
- Industry, commerce, transport, banking, insurance, tourism, judicial and executive authorities, military-industrial complex, educational and other fields of activity: director of personnel; HR Manager; manager / recruiter; HR manager / specialist; personnel inspector; training manager, etc.
- Staffing and recruiting agencies: recruiter, consultant, headhunter, etc.
- Consulting firms: consultant, business coach.
- Administrative offices, employment and social protection services (regional and city): head of service, manager / specialist, personnel inspector, etc.