Josephine Mengel (Germany)

Josephine Mengel


Bergakademie Freiberg (Freiberg Mining Academy)

“I like the group in which I study, as well as our Russian language teachers.”

‒ Why did you decide to learn Russian language?

‒ I’ve been learning Russian at school for about 7 years. After that, I decided to continue learning it, but at a higher level.

‒ Why did you come to SUSU?

‒ I came to SUSU to study Russian language. I like studying here very much. I like the group in which I study, as well as our Russian language teachers. Yulia Viktorovna is a very good and kind teacher, who can explain understandably and, what’s most important, - teach.

‒ What do you think about Russia?

‒ Russia is very beautiful! People here are very good and kind. The language itself is interesting though difficult: so far, it is uneasy for me to learn cases, and grammar is hard to study as well. Regarding food, I simply adore pelmeni, borsch and pancakes!

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