Andrey Vladimirovich Keller
Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences
In 1996, Prof Keller graduated from Chelyabinsk Higher Military Automobile Engineering College in Automobiles and Automobile Economy. From 1996 to 2015, he served in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. From 2011 to 2015, he was appointed as the Head at the Department of Tank Forces at SUSU.
In 2011, he defended his doctoral dissertation on Power Distribution System and Methods of Its Implementation in Four-Wheel Drive Military Vehicles. In 2013, he was appointed as the Head at the SUSU Department of Research and Development.
These days, Prof Keller is the Vice-Rector for Strategic Development at SUSU and the Executive Head of the Project 5-100 Program for Increasing SUSU Competitiveness among the Leading Research and Education Centers of the World.
Prof Keller teaches at the Department of Wheeled and Tracked Vehicles and Automobiles at SUSU Polytechnic Institute. Prof Keller teaches the following disciplines: Military Motor Equipment and Its Construction; Modern and Advanced Military Motor Equipment; Automobiles; Principles of Legislative and Regulatory Framework for Organization of Work of the Military Missions in the Ministry of Defense and Defense Industry Enterprises; Hydraulic and Pneumatic System; Multi-Purpose Crawler Chassis and Wheeled Vehicles; Transmissions of Multi-Purpose Crawler and Wheeled Vehicles on the Basis of Planetary Mechanisms; Rotation Mechanisms of Multipurpose Crawler Vehicles.
Prof Keller’s scientific interests include armaments and military equipment, complexes and systems for military use. Prof Keller has written more than 180 scientific works including 3 monographs:
1. Principles and Methods of Power Distribution Between Driving Wheels of Automobile Base Chassis (2009);
2. Russian Automotive Armies. Stages of Secular Way: Story. Events. People. Cars (2010);
3. Distribution Regularities of Engine Power to Wheels of All-Wheel Drive Army Tracks (2013).
Prof Keller is the author of 17 books and manuals, 34 invention patents and useful model patents. He has implemented 36 projects and established 7 teaching centers and laboratories.
Prof Keller has supervised 4 PhD students:
1. R. F. Kunakkildin: Function Improvement Four-Wheel Drive Road Trains Efficient Energy Distribution Between the Engines (2005);
2. A. N. Toropov: Method of Increasing Mobility of Multi-Purpose Vehicles by Limiting the Slipping of the Driving Wheels (2010);
3. V. Iu. Kostrov: Ensuring the Effectiveness of the Urban Compact Multi-Purpose Vehicle by Improve Its Construction Scheme and Optimization of Its Basic Parameters (2010);
4. V. Iu. Usikov: Increased Permeability of Multi-Purpose Vehicles by Regulation Decentralization of Air Pressure in the Tires (2015).
Prof Keller’s graduates continue the development of the leading research areas of the Department and win different competition awards.
Prof Keller’s research group is working on the major projects under the Resolution of the Russian Federation Government on Measures of the State Support of Cooperation Development between Russian Higher Education Institutions and Organizations Implementing Complex Projects on High-Tech Production and the Federal Target Program Research and Development of Priority Directions in Science and Technology in Russia for 2014-2020.
Prof Keller has suggested the following ideas:
- new principle of power distribution between driving wheels of cars;
- method of combined control of capacity distribution between driving wheels according to the deviation of controlled variables;
- engineering implementation methods on the stage of designing the patterns of power distribution between driving wheels of AWD vehicles with manual differential-locking transmission;
- concept of functioning and further development of the power distribution system between driving wheels of AWD vehicles.
Prof Keller’s research results are used in the automotive industry production by such companies as Automobile Plant «URAL», KAMAZ, Kurgan Wheel Tractor Plant, Autombile Plant «Vityaz», and others.
Prof Keller is known for his creative mind and strategic thinking. His sharp mind allows him to choose the right solution in any situation.
In 2015, South Ural State University became a participant of Project 5-100, the State program for maximizing the competitiveness of Russian universities. The University participation in the Project is, in large part, due to the Prof Keller’s involvement and his professional and personal qualities such as perseverance and determination.
Prof Keller’s involvement helped the University to get the following grants and awards:
- Chelyabinsk Region Government and the Ministry of Education Grant (2005);
- Russian Federation Government Award for supporting talented youth (2008, 2009, 2010);
- Russian Science Foundation Grant (2014).
Prof Keller has been awarded by the State: medals «For Military Virtue» and «For Distinguished Military Service» I, II, III class; distinctive sign of the Ministry of Defense «For Distinguished Exploitation of Automobile Vehicles»; honorary diplomas of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Governor of Chelyabinsk Region.