Gennadii Georgievich Mikhailov
Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences,
the Head of Materials Science and Physicochemistry of Materials Department of SUSU,
the Academician of the Higher Education Academy of Sciences,
Honoured Science Worker of the Russian Federation,
Honoured Metallurgist,
Honoured Worker of Higher Education
Professor G.G. Mikhailov began to work at the Physical Chemistry Department of Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute in 1960. His first serious scientific work was "Investigation of the mechanism of electronic exchange between Fe2 + and Fe3 + ions in non-stoichiometric ferrous oxide". The exchange mechanism was invented after measurements of the electrical conductivity and thermal EMF of ferrous oxide and interpretation of the results obtained using quantum statistics. Reliable results were obtained after development of a special electrochemical method for determining the degree of mono-oxides non-stoichiometry. Together with the development of research in the field of quantum statistics of oxide electrons, experiments connected with obtaining of high-quality electric steel were also carried out. Analyzing the information in the literature on the thermodynamics of steel deoxidation processes, G.G. Mikhailov came to the conclusion that it was necessary to develop new methods for analyzing the deoxidizing ability of metal components. He created a thermodynamic theory of deep steel refining, and for the first time in the world science he constructed steel deoxidation graphs. Also, for the first time the problem of complex deoxidation of steel was solved, which made it possible to combine, explain the processes of deep deoxidization of steels and to give their graphic interpretation. These works formed the basis of the doctoral dissertation of G.G. Mikhailov. Parts of the theory have found their application at smelting of a class of electrotechnical, corrosion-resistant and alloy structure steels. This topic was the main in his scientific work for a long time.
Professor G.G. Mikhailov allocated a lot of time to the development of alloy corundum manufacturing technique to create an abrasive tool with new properties, zirconium electrocorundum, created for abrasive processing of extrastrong, including armor, steels. Professor G.G. Mikhailov and his collaborators made an invaluable contribution to the development of the theory of chrome recovery in the smelting of carbon silicochrome and extra low-carbon ferrochrome. Gennadii Georgievich Mikhailov took part in the creation and implementation of the extra low-carbon ferrochrome technology by mixing smelts. Unique data on the structure of the ferroalloy furnaces smelting chamber was obtained, which made it possible to boost productivity of smelting furnaces. The theoretical work of Professor G.G. Mikhailov, which formed the basis for the ferrosilicoaluminum alloys smelting technology, was of great interest. Carrying out the thermodynamic analysis of more and more complex steels, G.G. Mikhailov began working on the refining of copper-base alloys and his students Dr. of Tec. Sc. E.A. Trofimov and PhD in Tec. Sc. O.V. Samoilova successfully solve theoretical and technological problems of metal fabrication based on copper and aluminum. Research in the field of ferrochromium production also formed the basis of the doctoral thesis of the graduate of the Metallurgical faculty, at present Dr. of Tec. Sc. Professor V.M. Chernobrovin.
Currently, Professor G.G. Mikhailov, together with the department employees PhD in Chemistry A.G. Morozova, PhD in Tec. Sc. T.M. Lonzinger, engineer V.A. Skotnikov is developing a special sorbent agent, which has non-reversible sorption to heavy metals and radionuclides. These works have a great future in connection with implementation of areas contaminated with heavy metals and radionuclides because of the industrial enterprises activities. Sorbents for purification of drinking water and industrial effluents have been created; patents for these sorbents have been obtained. The results of laboratory investigation hold out a hope of solving a number of topical environmental problems. Professor G.G. Mikhailov has been a supervisor of 2 doctoral and 26 PhD theses.
In 2015 Professor G.G. Mikhailov individually and in collaboration with the employees of the Materials Science and of the Materials Physical Chemistry Departments published 19 articles, one article of which was indexed by Web of Science, three articles were indexed by Scopus, 15 articles are in the publications from the list of the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles.
Among the best students of Professor G.G. Mikhailov are S.Yu. Gurevich, Professor, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, the Head of General Physics Department in SUSU; A.G. Tyurin, Doctor of Chemistry, Professor, the Head of Physical Chemistry and Metal Corrosion Department in CSU (Chelyabinsk State University); E.M. Wilhelm, an engineer, currently working in Germany; K.Yu. Pashkeev who has developed the equipment and actually created a new ferrowolfram metallothermic melting technology; leading scientists E.A. Trofimov, L.A. Makrovets and others.
In 2015 by grants and commercial agreements, the department earned 4, 370 thousand rubles. In addition, the group of Professor G.G. Mikhailov as a co-executive received 820 thousand rubles from the Institute of Metallurgy UB RAS.
Along with publication of scientific articles, in 2015 Professor G.G. Mikhailov together with his colleagues received two patents and a certificate of the program and the database registration. In the last 3 years, 70 articles on the theoretical analysis of metallurgical melting operations and three monographs have been published with a crucial role of Professor G.G. Mikhailov:
- Calculations of copper production metallurgical processes / Eliseev E.I., Volkhin A.I., Mikhailov G.G. and others. – Chelyabinsk: SUSU Publishing house, 2012. – 221 p.;
- Smelter slag thermodynamics / Mikhailov G.G., Antonenko V. I. – M.: MISiS Publishing House, 2013. – 173 p.;
- Phase equilibrium in multicomponent systems with liquid nonferrous metals / Mikhailov G.G., Trofimov E.A., Sidorenko A.Yu. – M.: MISiS Publishing House, 2014. – 157 p.
Professor G.G. Mikhailov delivered reports at many scientific conferences, forums and congresses. Among them XIV International Congress of Steel Makers in 2016 (the report "Thermodynamics of the processes of steel refining and modifying with alkaline-earth and rare-earth elements"); XIII Russian Seminar "Computer Modeling of the Physicochemical Properties of Glasses and Melts" in 2016 (the report "Thermodynamic modeling of the processes of interaction of oxygen dissolved in a liquid metal in the presence of yttrium and aluminum at high temperatures"); XX Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry in 2016 (the reports "Phase equilibria in refining and modification of steel with highly activity alkaline-earth and rare-earth elements" and "Investigation of the process of non-reversible sorption of heavy metal cations by a composite sorbent"); XVI International Scientific Conference Steel electrometallurgy modern problems in 2015 (the report "Thermodynamics of the processes of interaction of cerium, lanthanum, calcium and silicon with oxygen in iron melts"); X All-Russian Symposium with International Participation "Thermodynamics and Materials Science" in 2015 (the report "Thermodynamic modeling of phase equilibria in a liquid metal modified by REM"); VII Eurasian scientific and practical conference "Strength of heterogeneous structures" in 2014 (the report "About the influence of barium-containing ligatures on steel refining and modifying"), etc.
Professor G.G. Mikhailov is a member of the Dissertation Council on academic degrees conferment D.212.298.04 in specialty 02.00.04 - physical chemistry, the Dissertation Council on academic degrees conferment D.212.298.01 in specialty 05.16.01 - metallurgy of ferrous, nonferrous and rare metals; a member of the Presidium of the Academic methodological association for staff training for metallurgy and materials science.