04.04.01 Chemistry. Chemistry for Environmental Engineering


Major: Chemistry for Environmental Engineering

Level: Master’s degree

Duration of training: 2 years

Degree certificate: Diploma, master’s degree

Mode of study: Full time

Language of study: English

Tuition fee for year 2021-2022: 179000 rubles (per year)

Programme manager: Olga Sharutina, +7(351)267-95-76, sharutinaok[at]susu[dot]ru

Description of the educational programme

The program is unique in including training courses embracing the most up-to-date methods of environmental protection. The lectures will be delivered by leading world scientists with Hi > 20.

The area of professional practice for Masters of Science after this educational program is the modern high-tech enterprises using the modern chemistry advances for environmental protection (in petrochemistry, metallurgy and pharmaceutics).

The program includes the courses that make it possible to learn:

– existing high-tech methods of environmental protection, energy- and resources-saving technology, based on the modern chemistry advances: the use of nanostructured (photo)catalysts for destruction of organic pollutants that are resistant to oxidation, the electrochemical methods of emission and decomposition of pollutants, the modern photovoltaic systems for solar energy conversion;

– methods of production and investigation of ultradispersed and nanostructured materials for environmental protection;

– methods of evaluating environmental conditions, of analysis for the most dangerous toxicants, of physicochemical environmental study, and of planning engineering activities to decrease environmental pollution;

– new progress in synthetic chemistry, development of green chemistry as a new research area.

During the studies the scientific research work is mandatory for master's degree.

The fields of research:

- Synthesis and application of heterogeneous (photo)catalysts for environment protection processes.

- Study of environmental pollutants with the view of their recycling and deactivation.

- Modern photovoltaic materials for energy-saving technology.

- New microporous materials for electrochemical decomposition of pollutants in water.

The purposes of research work are regularization, consolidation, and reinforcement of professional knowledge, formation of expertise in independent research in the chosen field of chemistry, as well as attainment of skills in preparing the graduate qualification work (master's thesis).

Program description



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