5.6.3. Archaeology

Level: Postgraduate studies

Duration of training: 3 years

Degree certificate: Postgraduate studies certification

Mode of study: Full time

Language of study: Russian

Research advisors: 

  1. Andrei Epimakhov, DSc (History), Associate Professor
    Field of Research: Funerary Rites of the Bronze Age Societies of the Urals and Neighboring Territories, Social Archaeology, Absolute Chronology; Issues of Theory, Historiography and Methodology of Fieldwork and Analysis
    Теl.: +7 (351) 267-94-97, e-mail: epimakhovav[at]susu[dot]ru

  2. Aleksandr Tairov, DSc (History), Professor
    Field of Research: The Genesis and Evolution of Nomadism in the Steppe and Forest-steppe Eurasia. The Natural Environment and Nomadic Societies of Central Eurasia. Ethno-cultural Processes in Central Eurasia During the Early Nomadic Era. Trade Communications of Central Eurasia. Geoarchaeology and Archaeological Mineralogy
    Теl.: +7 (351) 267-94-14, e-mail: tairovad[at]susu[dot]ru

Programme Description

In the process of mastering this educational programme, postgraduates gain the knowledge and skills of using the state-of-the-art information-and-communications technologies; create their own pedagogical potential in teaching main academic programmes of higher education; develop their capability of professional communication in the field of historical studies (Russian history), integrate into the scientific community and use its intellectual and information-and-communications environment to develop their own creative talents. During their postgraduate training in this programme, students form their ability to critically analyse and evaluate modern scientific achievements, generate new ideas when solving research and practical tasks, including in cross-disciplinary fields; and they are also ready to participate in the work of Russian and international scientific-research teams.

Career prospects

The programme graduates can work in educational organisations of higher education, special-purpose research institutes, and in other research and development institutes, archives, and museums; other organisations and institutions of culture; in expert and analytical centres, information-analysis public and governmental organisations; they can also conduct research in the field of history and currently topical social sciences and humanities.

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