Students of IEU Visited Interactive Excursion in the Labs of the Department of ETFP of the IETT


On the 29th of January the series of non-standard interactive master-classes for students of Chelyabinsk State Industrial and Humanistic College named after A.V. Yakovlev was held at the Department of Equipment and Technology of Food Production of the Institute of Economics, Trade and Technology. The second, third and forth years students of Technology of Production of Catering visited the classrooms and laboratories of the Department, where something interesting was prepared for the guests.

So in the laboratory of Foodstuffs Made of Plant Raw Materials future technologists watched the preparation of macaroni using the specialized equipment, got familiar with the specifics of their production technology, starting from the choice of flour and ingredients to the selection of accessories. Students learned about the traditions of cooking a favorite dish of the Italians, why Italians pasta is not a side dish but a separate dish, why the "rough" pasta, according to many people, is more delicious than smooth one, and why the leader of the Italian pasta industry can afford to produce pasta in non-transparent containers.

In the laboratory of Technological Equipment of Food Enterprises the students watched the technology of dumplings industrial manufacturing and learned a lot about cooking burgers and other meat semi-finished products, got familiar with the work specificity of KTD-50 thermosmoke camera, GBF-5G blast chiller, PES-2 electric stove, machine for meat products production, UGL-120 machine for dumplings production and other equipment that is larger counterparts and installed in industrial plants.

In the laboratory of Methods of Materials and Food Study of the Department of Technology and Organization of Nutrition the guests of the Department determined the density of milk using lacto densimeter measuring the level of PH (acidity) of dairy products, learned the acidophilous bacterium in the electron microscope under the supervision of the Deputy Head of the Department, Candidate of Sciences (Veterinary) Svetlana Merenkova.

Anyone who would like to visit in the laboratories of food production departments and immerse into the specifics of the technological processes with the special equipment, can contact us by phone: (351) 267-96-70, 267-98-81.

Text: Iuliia Rudneva  

Контактное лицо по новости: Мария Ильина, тел.: 267-99-83
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