11.04.04 Electronics and Nanoelectronics

11.04.04 Electronics and Nanoelectronics

Major: Nanoelectronics: Quantum Technologies and Materials

Level: Master's degree programme

Duration of training: 2 years and 6 months

Degree certificate: Diploma

Mode of study: full-time

Language of study: Russian

Programme manager:

Aleksandr Vorontsov, Doctor of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics), Professor

Description of the educational programme:

Nanotechnology is the basis for digital technologies and artificial intelligence development. Transition to nanoscale level in electronics means that presentations of structures and operation of electronic systems, based on classical physics, will be supplemented or replaced by the laws of quantum mechanics. In the programme, this transition is ensured with modern courses in micro- and nano-electronics, studying of electronic devices as quantum objects, describing them by analytical and numerical methods, using the advances in Condensed Matter Physics, Quantum Informatics and the Physics of Nanoscale Systems.



Room 702, Main University Building, 76 Lenin Prospekt

Tel.: +7 (351) 267-90-15

E-mail: pmfdek[at]susu[dot]ru

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