Alexander Anatolievich Diakonov
Professor, Doctor of Technical Science,
Vice-Rector for Research
South Ural State University (NRU)
Alexander Anatolievich Diakonov is a Professor of Department of engineering technologies in South Ural State University, member of International Association of engineers – The International Association of Engineers (IAENG-China), a member of Institute of electrical and electronics engineers - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE-USA).
Scientific area of Professor A. A. Diakonov is simulation stochastic modeling of high-speed and super-speed metal-working manufacturing of modern materials with the use of supercomputing. His career A.A. Diakonov started as a serviceman of machine tools with numerical control, a process engineer, a research engineer at the industrial enterprises of Chelyabinsk such as LLC «FSUE “Stankomash”, LLC “Ural research Institute of abrasives and grinding”, ZAO “NIIIT – experimental plant”, LLC “ChTZ – URALTRAC”. Nowadays Professor A. A. Diakonov is one of the founders of the development and application concept of CAE-programs of technological assignments for high-tech and science absorbing industry.
A. A. Diakonov actively implements the results of scientific researches in the field of Metalworking and methods of end-to-end digital production into educational process of undergraduates of the University.
L. V. Shipulin defended his thesis on the problems of developing methods of projecting operations flat grinding the periphery of the circle on the basis of the integrated simulation process under supervision of Professor A. A. Diakonov in 2013. Currently he supervises preparation of 1 doctoral and 5 PhD theses.
Alexander A. Diakonov takes an active part in international conferences, among them World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science (San Francisco, United States), Source of the Document Mechanics of Composite Materials and others.
Nowadays, Professor A.A. Diakonov together with Professor Karali Patra (Indian Institute of technology Patna) carries out international research aimed at modeling and developing of fundamentally new method of processing of micromechanical products – ultra-fast microgrinding.
Professor A. A. Diakonov has published over 200 scientific publications as author and co-author of monographs about problems of simulation stochastic modeling of high-speed and super-speed metal-working manufacturing.
Alexander A. Diakonov is a member of the editorial boards of leading Russian journals on mechanical engineering – “STEEN”, “Fundamental and applied problems of techniques and technolog”, “SUSU Bulletin. Mechanical engineering” and is a member of the editorial Board of the journal indexed by database Scopus “Russian Engineering Research”.
Professor A. A. Diakonov is a member of expert Council of higher attestation Commission at the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation, member of the expert Council for import substitution under the government of the Chelyabinsk region.
Being a well-erudite person, Alexander A. Diakonov has a very rare hobby – bird-hunting, i.e. he collects and teaches Russian Canary some singing.