Subject Area: Agricultural and Biological Sciences
Предметная область: Сельское хозяйство и биологические науки
№ | Source Title | Coverage | Active or Inactive | 2015 SNIP | Source Type | Publisher's Name | Publisher's Country |
TOP 10% | |||||||
1 | Studies in Mycology | 2002-ongoing, 1998-2000, 1996 | Active | 8.068 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
2 | Annual Review of Plant Biology | 1996-ongoing | Active | 5.918 | Book Series | Annual Reviews, Inc. | United States |
3 | Annual Review of Pathology: Mechanisms of Disease | 2006-ongoing | Active | 5.280 | Book Series | Annual Reviews, Inc. | United States |
4 | Annual Review of Entomology | 1981-ongoing, 1969-1979, 1966-1967, 1961-1963 | Active | 5.223 | Journal | Annual Reviews, Inc. | United States |
5 | Systematic Biology | 1992-ongoing | Active | 5.209 | Journal | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
6 | Trends in Ecology and Ecolution | 1986-ongoing | Active | 5.095 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
7 | Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History | 1996-ongoing | Active | 4.689 | Journal | American Museum of Natural History | United States |
8 | Molecular Biology and Evolution | 1983-ongoing | Active | 4.474 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
9 | Biological Reviews | 2006-ongoing, 2004, 1982-1985, 1960-1965, 1948-1949 | Active | 3.649 | Journal | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
10 | Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics | 2003-ongoing | Active | 3.632 | Journal | Annual Reviews, Inc. | United States |
11 | Physics of Life Reviews | 2004-ongoing | Active | 3.606 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
12 | Wildlife Monographs | 1981-ongoing | Active | 3.447 | Journal | The Wildlife Society | United States |
13 | Ecology Letters | 1998-ongoing | Active | 3.318 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
14 | Annual Review of Phytopathology | 1989-ongoing, 1987, 1981, 1973 | Active | 3.243 | Book Series | Annual Reviews, Inc. | United States |
15 | Trends in Plant Science | 1996-ongoing | Active | 3.121 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
16 | Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment | 2005-ongoing | Active | 3.015 | Journal | Ecological Society of America | United States |
17 | Annual review of food science and technology | 2010-ongoing | Active | 2.977 | Journal | Annual Reviews Inc. | United States |
18 | Fish and Fisheries | 2001-ongoing | Active | 2.945 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
19 | Ecological Monographs | 1987-ongoing, 1979-1980, 1974-1977 | Active | 2.926 | Journal | Ecological Society of America | United States |
20 | Systematic Entomology | 1991-ongoing | Active | 2.918 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
21 | Cladistics | 1988-ongoing | Active | 2.827 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
22 | Methods in Ecology and Evolution | 2011-ongoing | Active | 2.790 | Journal | John Wiley and Sons Inc. | United States |
23 | Remote Sensing of Environment | 1969-ongoing | Active | 2.704 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
24 | Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety | 2005-ongoing, 2002-2003 | Active | 2.607 | Journal | International Life Sciences Institute | United States |
25 | Fungal Diversity | 1998-ongoing | Active | 2.574 | Journal | Fungal Diversity Press | Hong Kong |
26 | Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences | 1993-ongoing, 1987, 1985 | Active | 2.571 | Journal | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
27 | Advances in Agronomy | 2001-ongoing, 1989-1999, 1986-1987, 1979-1984, 1974-1977, 1959-1972, 1949-1957 | Active | 2.510 | Book Series | Academic Press | United States |
28 | Trends in Food Science and Technology | 1990-ongoing | Active | 2.492 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
29 | Molecular Systems Biology | 2005-ongoing | Active | 2.308 | Journal | Nature Publishing Group | United Kingdom |
30 | ISME Journal | 2007-ongoing | Active | 2.283 | Journal | Nature Publishing Group | United Kingdom |
31 | BioScience | 1988-ongoing, 1983-1986, 1972-1979 | Active | 2.261 | Journal | American Institute of Biological Sciences | United States |
32 | Land Degradation and Development | 1996-ongoing | Active | 2.232 | Journal | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | United States |
33 | Postharvest Biology and Technology | 1991-ongoing | Active | 2.184 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
34 | Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition | 1980-ongoing | Active | 2.152 | Journal | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
35 | Mammal Review | 1989-ongoing | Active | 2.149 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
36 | Pharmacognosy Reviews | 2009-ongoing | Active | 2.146 | Journal | Medknow Publications | India |
37 | Persoonia | 2002-ongoing, 1996-2000 | Active | 2.135 | Journal | National Herbarium Nederland/Leiden Branch | Netherlands |
38 | Zoosystematica Rossica | 2014-ongoing | Active | 2.107 | Journal | Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences | Russian Federation |
39 | Transactions of the American Entomological Society | 1996-ongoing, 1993-1994 | Active | 2.069 | Journal | American Entomological Society | United States |
40 | Journal of Ecology | 1979-ongoing, 1976 | Active | 2.053 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
41 | Preslia | 1982-ongoing, 1979 | Active | 2.045 | Journal | Ceska Botanicka Spolecnost/Czech Botanical Society | Czech Republic |
42 | Plant Cell | 1989-ongoing | Active | 2.015 | Journal | American Society of Plant Biologists | United States |
43 | Global Ecology and Biogeography | 1998-ongoing | Active | 2.008 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
44 | Agricultural Water Management | 1979-ongoing, 1976-1977 | Active | 1.965 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
45 | Organisms Diversity and Evolution | 2001-ongoing | Active | 1.962 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
46 | Conservation Letters | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.944 | Journal | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | United States |
47 | Reviews in Aquaculture | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.931 | Journal | Blackwell Pub. Asia | Australia |
48 | European Journal of Agronomy | 1993-ongoing | Active | 1.924 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
49 | Agronomy for Sustainable Development | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.920 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |
50 | PLoS Biology | 2003-ongoing | Active | 1.903 | Journal | Public Library of Science | United States |
51 | Agricultural and Forest Meteorology | 1984-ongoing | Active | 1.900 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
52 | Ecology | 1979-ongoing, 1973-1977 | Active | 1.898 | Journal | Ecological Society of America | United States |
53 | Food Hydrocolloids | 1996-ongoing, 1986 | Active | 1.896 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
54 | Food Chemistry | 1976-ongoing | Active | 1.883 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
55 | Annual Review of Animal Biosciences | 2013-ongoing | Active | 1.874 | Journal | Annual Reviews Inc. | United States |
56 | Acarina | 2009-ongoing | Active | 1.860 | Journal | KMK Scientific Press Ltd. | Russian Federation |
57 | Field Crops Research | 1978-ongoing | Active | 1.855 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
58 | Potato Journal | 2009-ongoing | Active | 1.849 | Journal | The Indian Potato Association | India |
59 | International Journal of Geomechanics | 2003-ongoing | Active | 1.840 | Journal | C R C Press | United States |
60 | Food and Bioproducts Processing: Transactions of the Institution of of Chemical Engineers, Part C | 1996-ongoing, 1991-1994 | Active | 1.831 | Journal | Institution of Chemical Engineers | United Kingdom |
61 | Plant, Cell and Environment | 1982-ongoing, 1979-1980 | Active | 1.821 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
62 | Soil and Tillage Research | 1980-ongoing | Active | 1.805 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
63 | Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering | 1984-ongoing | Active | 1.787 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
64 | Computers and Electronics in Agriculture | 1985-ongoing | Active | 1.786 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
65 | Food Quality and Preference | 1993-ongoing, 1988-1991 | Active | 1.781 | Journal | Pergamon Press | United States |
66 | Biological Conservation | 1968-ongoing | Active | 1.779 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
67 | Journal of Food Engineering | 1982-ongoing | Active | 1.774 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
68 | Fungal Biology Reviews | 2007-ongoing | Active | 1.757 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
69 | European Review of Agricultural Economics | 1986-ongoing, 1981-1982 | Active | 1.754 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
70 | Journal of Animal Ecology | 1982-ongoing, 1979 | Active | 1.754 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
71 | Journal of Experimental Botany | 1950-ongoing | Active | 1.735 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
72 | Zoologica Scripta | 1971-ongoing | Active | 1.735 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
73 | Ecography | 1992-ongoing | Active | 1.733 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
74 | Conservation Biology | 1989-ongoing | Active | 1.716 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
75 | Food Microbiology | 1984-ongoing | Active | 1.716 | Journal | Academic Press | United States |
76 | Phytopathology | 1993-ongoing, 1977-1989, 1974-1975, 1965-1971, 1947-1948 | Active | 1.715 | Journal | American Phytopathological Society | United States |
77 | Plant Physiology | 1977-ongoing, 1975, 1965-1971 | Active | 1.715 | Journal | American Society of Plant Biologists | United States |
78 | Industrial Crops and Products | 1992-ongoing | Active | 1.707 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
79 | Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution | 1992-ongoing | Active | 1.701 | Journal | Academic Press | United States |
80 | Advances in Ecological Research | 2008-ongoing, 2003-2006, 1999-2001, 1997, 1986-1995, 1982-1984, 1980, 1977, 1974-1975, 1971, 1966-1969, 1964, 1962 | Active | 1.685 | Book Series | Academic Press | United States |
81 | Journal of Rural Studies | 1985-ongoing | Active | 1.681 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
82 | Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment | 1983-ongoing | Active | 1.674 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
83 | Soil Biology and Biochemistry | 1969-ongoing, 1933 | Active | 1.670 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
84 | Meat Science | 1977-ongoing | Active | 1.662 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
85 | Environmental and Experimental Botany | 1976-ongoing | Active | 1.651 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
86 | Agricultural Systems | 1976-ongoing | Active | 1.649 | Journal | Applied Science Publishers | United Kingdom |
87 | Ecosystem Services | 2012-ongoing | Active | 1.644 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
88 | Applied Geography | 1980-ongoing | Active | 1.642 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
89 | Land Use Policy | 1984-ongoing | Active | 1.629 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
90 | International Journal of Food Microbiology | 1984-ongoing | Active | 1.626 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
91 | Invertebrate Systematics | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.624 | Journal | Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization Publishing | Australia |
92 | Food Control | 1990-ongoing | Active | 1.616 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
93 | Anthropology of Consciousness | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.615 | Journal | Wiley-Blackwell | United States |
94 | Taxon | 1989-ongoing, 1982-1984, 1970-1971 | Active | 1.615 | Journal | International Association for Plant Taxonomy | Austria |
95 | Current Opinion in Plant Biology | 1998-ongoing | Active | 1.613 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
96 | Functional Ecology | 1987-ongoing | Active | 1.612 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
97 | Theoretical and Applied Genetics | 1968-ongoing, 1933 | Active | 1.608 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |
98 | Ecological Indicators | 2001-ongoing | Active | 1.606 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
99 | GCB Bioenergy | 2011-ongoing | Active | 1.589 | Journal | Wiley-VCH Verlag | Germany |
100 | Food Research International | 1992-ongoing | Active | 1.581 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
101 | Diversity and Distributions | 1998-ongoing | Active | 1.580 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
102 | Annals of Botany | 1921-ongoing, 1894-1919, 1887-1892 | Active | 1.576 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
103 | Annales Zoologici | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.572 | Journal | Polska Akademia Nauk | Poland |
104 | Acta Scientiarum - Agronomy | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.565 | Journal | Universidade Estadual de Maringa | Brazil |
105 | Algal Research | 2012-ongoing | Active | 1.556 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
106 | Journal of Biogeography | 1979-ongoing, 1974 | Active | 1.550 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
107 | Journal of Ginseng Research | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.550 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
108 | Molecular Ecology | 1992-ongoing | Active | 1.545 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
109 | Plant Biotechnology Journal | 2004-ongoing | Active | 1.544 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
110 | Environmental Microbiology | 1999-ongoing, 1992 | Active | 1.532 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
111 | Current Biology | 1991-ongoing | Active | 1.528 | Journal | Cell Press | United States |
112 | Journal of Functional Foods | 2009-ongoing | Active | 1.526 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
113 | PLoS Genetics | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.522 | Journal | Public Library of Science | United States |
114 | Molecular Ecology Resources | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.516 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
115 | Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics | 1998-ongoing | Active | 1.513 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
116 | Biomass and Bioenergy | 1991-ongoing | Active | 1.510 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
117 | Geoderma | 1967-ongoing | Active | 1.508 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
118 | LWT - Food Science and Technology | 1991-ongoing, 1984-1989, 1973 | Active | 1.501 | Journal | Academic Press | United States |
119 | Irrigation Science | 1978-ongoing | Active | 1.498 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |
120 | Ecosystems | 1998-ongoing | Active | 1.494 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |
121 | Journal of Food Composition and Analysis | 1987-ongoing | Active | 1.489 | Journal | Academic Press | United States |
122 | Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics | 2012-ongoing | Active | 1.489 | Journal | Elsevier USA | United States |
123 | Pest Management Science | 2000-ongoing | Active | 1.483 | Journal | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | United States |
124 | Food Policy | 1975-ongoing | Active | 1.482 | Journal | Pergamon Press | United States |
125 | BMC Biology | 2003-ongoing | Active | 1.476 | Journal | BioMed Central | United Kingdom |
126 | Biosystems Engineering | 2002-ongoing | Active | 1.472 | Journal | Academic Press | United States |
127 | Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.463 | Journal | BioMed Central | United Kingdom |
128 | Quaternary Science Reviews | 1982-ongoing | Active | 1.462 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
129 | Quarterly Review of Biology | 1945-ongoing | Active | 1.459 | Journal | University of Chicago Press | United States |
130 | Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries | 1988-ongoing | Active | 1.450 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
131 | Textile History | 1989-ongoing | Active | 1.434 | Journal | Maney Publishing | United Kingdom |
132 | International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife | 2012-ongoing | Active | 1.433 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
133 | International Journal of Biological Sciences | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.432 | Journal | Ivyspring International Publisher | Canada |
134 | Plant Journal | 1991-ongoing | Active | 1.425 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
135 | Forest Ecology and Management | 1978-ongoing, 1976, 1909 | Active | 1.422 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
136 | Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society | 1992-ongoing, 1988-1989, 1971-1979 | Active | 1.416 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
137 | Hystrix | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.416 | Journal | Associazione Teriologica Romana | Italy |
138 | Biometrika | 1965-ongoing, 1947-1951, 1908-1913 | Active | 1.413 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
139 | Molecular Plant Pathology | 2000-ongoing | Active | 1.411 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
140 | International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology | 2000-ongoing | Active | 1.403 | Journal | Society for General Microbiology | United Kingdom |
141 | Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society | 1969-ongoing | Active | 1.403 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
142 | Journal of the History of Biology | 1968-ongoing | Active | 1.401 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
143 | Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies | 2000-ongoing | Active | 1.400 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
144 | Global Food Security | 2012-ongoing | Active | 1.399 | Journal | Elsevier | United States |
145 | Evolution and Human Behavior | 1997-ongoing | Active | 1.395 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
146 | Advances in Marine Biology | 1997-ongoing, 1987-1994, 1984-1985, 1982, 1979-1980, 1975-1977, 1971-1973, 1969, 1963-1967 | Active | 1.388 | Book Series | Academic Press | United States |
147 | Weed Science | 1993-ongoing, 1983, 1981, 1979, 1976, 1973-1974 | Active | 1.387 | Journal | Weed Science Society of America | United States |
148 | European Journal of Soil Science | 1994-ongoing | Active | 1.385 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
149 | Journal of Dairy Science | 1965-ongoing | Active | 1.385 | Journal | American Dairy Science Association | United States |
150 | Ethnobiology and Conservation | 2012-ongoing | Active | 1.380 | Journal | Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco | Brazil |
151 | Evolutionary Applications | 2009-ongoing | Active | 1.374 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
152 | Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries | 1991-ongoing | Active | 1.369 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
153 | Journal of Pest Science | 2004-ongoing, 1948-1972, 1925-1944 | Active | 1.366 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |
154 | Molecular Plant | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.366 | Journal | Elsevier Inc. | United States |
155 | Precision Agriculture | 1999-ongoing | Active | 1.361 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
156 | Harmful Algae | 2002-ongoing | Active | 1.358 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
157 | Animal Feed Science and Technology | 1976-ongoing | Active | 1.357 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
158 | PLoS Computational Biology | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.357 | Journal | Public Library of Science | United States |
159 | Frontiers in Zoology | 2004-ongoing | Active | 1.356 | Journal | BioMed Central | United Kingdom |
160 | Journal of Agricultural Economics | 1978-ongoing | Active | 1.355 | Journal | Imperial College of Science | United Kingdom |
161 | Molecular Nutrition and Food Research | 2004-ongoing | Active | 1.352 | Journal | John Wiley & Sons Ltd. | United Kingdom |
162 | Food and Chemical Toxicology | 1982-ongoing | Active | 1.349 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
163 | Limnology and Oceanography | 1972-ongoing | Active | 1.339 | Journal | American Society of Limnonogy and Oceanography | United States |
164 | Oikos | 1973-ongoing | Active | 1.339 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
165 | Fottea | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.336 | Journal | Czech Phycological Society | Czech Republic |
166 | Marine Policy | 1977-ongoing | Active | 1.334 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
167 | Nutrients | 2009-ongoing | Active | 1.330 | Journal | Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) | Switzerland |
168 | Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology | 1971-ongoing | Active | 1.326 | Journal | Academic Press | United States |
169 | Phytochemistry | 1961-ongoing | Active | 1.326 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
170 | Insect Conservation and Diversity | 2009-ongoing | Active | 1.321 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
171 | American Journal of Agricultural Economics | 1979-ongoing, 1974-1977 | Active | 1.320 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
172 | Journal of Cereal Science | 1993-ongoing | Active | 1.320 | Journal | Academic Press | United States |
173 | Journal of Vegetation Science | 1993-ongoing | Active | 1.318 | Journal | Opulus Press AB | Sweden |
174 | BMC Plant Biology | 2001-ongoing | Active | 1.317 | Journal | BioMed Central | United Kingdom |
175 | Asian Myrmecology | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.314 | Journal | Penerbit UMS | Malaysia |
176 | Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences | 1970-ongoing | Active | 1.312 | Journal | Royal Society of London | United Kingdom |
177 | Tree Physiology | 1990-ongoing | Active | 1.312 | Journal | Heron Publishing | Canada |
178 | Zoologische Mededelingen | 2012-ongoing | Active | 1.312 | Journal | Naturalis | Netherlands |
179 | Food and Bioprocess Technology | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.310 | Journal | Springer Pub. Co., | United States |
180 | Applied and Environmental Microbiology | 1976-ongoing | Active | 1.308 | Journal | American Society for Microbiology | United States |
181 | Plant and Soil | 1948-ongoing | Active | 1.307 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
182 | Progress in Oceanography | 1976-ongoing, 1973, 1969, 1963-1965 | Active | 1.307 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
183 | Plant Pathology | 1991-ongoing | Active | 1.306 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
184 | Agriculture and Human Values | 1984-ongoing | Active | 1.305 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
185 | Food Reviews International | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.304 | Journal | Marcel Dekker Inc. | United States |
186 | Membrane Technology | 1991-ongoing | Active | 1.304 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
187 | Biometrics | 1965-ongoing, 1947-1951 | Active | 1.303 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
188 | North American Fungi | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.299 | Journal | Pacific Northwest Fungi Project | United States |
TOP 25% | |||||||
189 | Plant Methods | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.299 | Journal | BioMed Central | United Kingdom |
190 | Freshwater Biology | 1977-ongoing, 1973-1975 | Active | 1.289 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
191 | Applied Soil Ecology | 1994-ongoing | Active | 1.288 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
192 | Geobiology | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.288 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
193 | Systematic and Applied Microbiology | 1983-ongoing | Active | 1.288 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
194 | Journal of Mathematical Biology | 1974-ongoing | Active | 1.284 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |
195 | Plant Science | 1985-ongoing, 1983 | Active | 1.281 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
196 | Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences | 2009-ongoing | Active | 1.281 | Journal | King Saud University | Saudi Arabia |
197 | Wood Science and Technology | 1967-ongoing | Active | 1.280 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |
198 | Urban Forestry and Urban Greening | 2002-ongoing | Active | 1.276 | Journal | Urban & Fischer Verlag | Germany |
199 | Systematic Botany | 1994-ongoing | Active | 1.274 | Journal | American Society of Plant Taxonomists | United States |
200 | Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences | 1949-ongoing, 1947 | Active | 1.269 | Journal | Royal Society of London | United Kingdom |
201 | Scientia Horticulturae | 1973-ongoing | Active | 1.261 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
202 | Ornithological Monographs | 2011-ongoing, 2006-2008 | Active | 1.260 | Book Series | American Ornithologists' Union | United States |
203 | Biogeosciences | 2004-ongoing | Active | 1.258 | Journal | European Geosciences Union (EGU). | Germany |
204 | Evolution; international journal of organic evolution | 1982-ongoing, 1980, 1971-1978, 1948-1949 | Active | 1.257 | Journal | Society for the Study of Evolution | United States |
205 | Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.252 | Journal | Peabody Museum of Natural History | United States |
206 | Biology and Fertility of Soils | 1985-ongoing | Active | 1.251 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |
207 | Plant and Cell Physiology | 1959-ongoing | Active | 1.251 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
208 | Contributions to Zoology | 1995-ongoing | Active | 1.249 | Journal | SPB Academic Publ | Netherlands |
209 | Journal of Invertebrate Pathology | 1965-ongoing | Active | 1.247 | Journal | Academic Press | United States |
210 | Bioenergy Research | 2009-ongoing | Active | 1.244 | Journal | Springer Pub. Co., | United States |
211 | Biology Open | 2014-ongoing | Active | 1.243 | Journal | Company of Biologists Ltd | United Kingdom |
212 | Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics | 1996-ongoing, 1989, 1978 | Active | 1.241 | Journal | Agricultural Institute of Canada | Canada |
213 | Oecologia | 1968-ongoing | Active | 1.237 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |
214 | Biology Direct | 2006-ongoing | Active | 1.230 | Journal | BioMed Central | United Kingdom |
215 | Plant Genome | 2012-ongoing | Active | 1.230 | Journal | Crop Science Society of America | United States |
216 | Animal Behaviour | 1958-ongoing | Active | 1.221 | Journal | Academic Press | United States |
217 | Diatom Research | 1991-ongoing | Active | 1.221 | Journal | Biopress Ltd. | United Kingdom |
218 | Photosynthesis Research | 1980-ongoing | Active | 1.218 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
219 | Journal of Plant Physiology | 1991-ongoing, 1984-1989, 1979 | Active | 1.215 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
220 | Plant Physiology and Biochemistry | 1991-ongoing, 1989 | Active | 1.215 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
221 | Aquaculture | 1972-ongoing | Active | 1.214 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
222 | Journal of Human Evolution | 1972-ongoing | Active | 1.211 | Journal | Academic Press | United States |
223 | Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions | 1988-ongoing | Active | 1.211 | Journal | American Phytopathological Society | United States |
224 | Phytochemistry Reviews | 2002-ongoing | Active | 1.209 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
225 | Aquatic Sciences | 1989-ongoing | Active | 1.208 | Journal | Birkhauser Verlag | Switzerland |
226 | Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry | 1953-ongoing, 1908 | Active | 1.208 | Journal | American Chemical Society | United States |
227 | Animals | 2011-ongoing | Active | 1.207 | Journal | Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) | Switzerland |
228 | Forest Policy and Economics | 2000-ongoing | Active | 1.207 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
229 | Communications in Biometry and Crop Science | 2007-ongoing | Active | 1.205 | Journal | Warsaw Agricultural University | Poland |
230 | Aquaculture Nutrition | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.203 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
231 | Plant Disease | 1993-ongoing, 1981 | Active | 1.190 | Journal | American Phytopathological Society | United States |
232 | Weed Research | 1991-ongoing, 1986-1987, 1983-1984, 1977-1981 | Active | 1.186 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
233 | Poultry Science | 1965-ongoing | Active | 1.184 | Journal | Poultry Science Association Inc. | United States |
234 | Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science | 1993-ongoing, 1987, 1978, 1973 | Active | 1.183 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
235 | Marine Pollution Bulletin | 1970-ongoing | Active | 1.179 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
236 | Plant Cell Reports | 1981-ongoing | Active | 1.178 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |
237 | International Journal of Food Properties | 1998-ongoing | Active | 1.175 | Journal | Marcel Dekker Inc. | United States |
238 | Plant Foods for Human Nutrition | 1987-ongoing | Active | 1.175 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
239 | Tropical Plant Biology | 2009-ongoing | Active | 1.173 | Journal | Springer Pub. Co., | United States |
240 | Rice | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.172 | Journal | Springer Pub. Co., | United States |
241 | Applied Animal Behaviour Science | 1984-ongoing | Active | 1.171 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
242 | South African Journal of Wildlife Research | 1989-ongoing, 1983, 1981, 1978 | Active | 1.170 | Journal | South African Bureau for Scientific Publications | South Africa |
243 | Genetics, Selection, Evolution | 1989-ongoing | Active | 1.168 | Journal | BioMed Central | United Kingdom |
244 | American Journal of Botany | 1980-ongoing, 1977, 1974, 1965-1970, 1948-1949 | Active | 1.167 | Journal | Botanical Society of America, Inc. | United States |
245 | Herpetological Monographs | 1994-ongoing, 1991-1992 | Active | 1.164 | Book Series | Herpetologists League | United States |
246 | Ecology of Freshwater Fish | 1993-ongoing | Active | 1.159 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
247 | Tree Genetics and Genomes | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.158 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |
248 | Biological Control | 1991-ongoing | Active | 1.157 | Journal | Academic Press | United States |
249 | Preventive Veterinary Medicine | 1982-ongoing | Active | 1.157 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
250 | Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.156 | Journal | Australian Society of Viticulture and Oenology | Australia |
251 | Doga, Turkish Journal of Botany | 1992-ongoing, 1990 | Active | 1.153 | Journal | Scientific and Technical research Council of Turkey - TUBITAK/Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknik Arastirma Kurumu | Turkey |
252 | Biological Invasions | 1999-ongoing | Active | 1.151 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
253 | Marine and Coastal Fisheries | 2009-ongoing | Active | 1.151 | Journal | American Fisheries Society | United States |
254 | Arthropod Systematics and Phylogeny | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.149 | Journal | Staatliche Naturhistorische Sammlungen Dresden | Germany |
255 | Reviews in Fisheries Science and Aquaculture | 2014-ongoing | Active | 1.149 | Journal | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | United Kingdom |
256 | Theriogenology | 1974-ongoing | Active | 1.149 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
257 | IMA Fungus | 2015-ongoing | Active | 1.148 | Journal | International Mycological Association | United States |
258 | Journal of Wildlife Management | 1976-ongoing, 1973-1974 | Active | 1.147 | Journal | The Wildlife Society | United States |
259 | Palaeontology | 1996-ongoing, 1989-1994, 1987, 1979-1985 | Active | 1.146 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
260 | Aquacultural Engineering | 1982-ongoing | Active | 1.145 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
261 | Fish and Shellfish Immunology | 1991-ongoing | Active | 1.144 | Journal | Academic Press | United States |
262 | Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.140 | Journal | Sociedad Chilena de la Ciencia del Suelo | Chile |
263 | Journal of Experimental Biology | 1962-ongoing, 1947-1951 | Active | 1.139 | Journal | The Company of Biologists Ltd. | United Kingdom |
264 | Fisheries Oceanography | 1993-ongoing | Active | 1.137 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
265 | Agronomy Journal | 1993-ongoing, 1991, 1987, 1976-1985 | Active | 1.136 | Journal | American Society of Agronomy, Inc. | United States |
266 | Medical and Veterinary Entomology | 1987-ongoing | Active | 1.135 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
267 | International Journal of Plant Genomics | 2007-ongoing | Active | 1.132 | Journal | Hindawi Publishing Corporation | Egypt |
268 | BMC Evolutionary Biology | 2001-ongoing | Active | 1.131 | Journal | BioMed Central | United Kingdom |
269 | Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science | 1981-ongoing | Active | 1.131 | Journal | Academic Press | United States |
270 | Cryptogamie, Bryologie | 1999-ongoing | Active | 1.130 | Journal | Muesuem National d'Historie Naturalle | France |
271 | Bulletin of Insectology | 2002-ongoing | Active | 1.129 | Journal | Alma Mater Studiorum (Bologna) | Italy |
272 | Food Structure | 2014-ongoing | Active | 1.129 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
273 | Frontiers in Plant Science | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.128 | Journal | Frontiers Media S.A. | Switzerland |
274 | Biodiversity and Conservation | 1992-ongoing | Active | 1.127 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
275 | Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.126 | Journal | Hindawi Publishing Corporation | Egypt |
276 | European Journal of Soil Biology | 1993-ongoing | Active | 1.124 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
277 | Physiologia Plantarum | 1974-ongoing | Active | 1.124 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
278 | Mycorrhiza | 1991-ongoing | Active | 1.123 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |
279 | Fisheries Management and Ecology | 1994-ongoing | Active | 1.122 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
280 | International Dairy Journal | 1991-ongoing | Active | 1.121 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
281 | Aquatic Biosystems | 2012-ongoing | Active | 1.120 | Journal | BioMed Central | United Kingdom |
282 | Aquatic Toxicology | 1981-ongoing | Active | 1.119 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
283 | Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.119 | Journal | Faculty of Forestry, University of Zagreb | Croatia |
284 | Journal of Chemical Ecology | 1975-ongoing | Active | 1.119 | Journal | Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers | United States |
285 | Fungal Ecology | 2008-ongoing, 1995 | Active | 1.114 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
286 | Experimental and Applied Acarology | 1985-ongoing | Active | 1.113 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
287 | Annals of Applied Biology | 1982-ongoing, 1965-1980, 1961, 1947-1949 | Active | 1.112 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
288 | Journal of Wine Research | 2003-ongoing, 1993-1995, 1990 | Active | 1.108 | Journal | Carfax Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
289 | Mycologia | 1988-ongoing, 1985, 1982, 1965-1980, 1960, 1948-1949 | Active | 1.108 | Journal | Mycological Society of America | United States |
290 | Crop Protection | 1982-ongoing | Active | 1.107 | Journal | Butterworth Scientific Ltd. | United Kingdom |
291 | Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology | 2006-ongoing | Active | 1.105 | Journal | Board of Editors of the Hispanic American Review | Brazil |
292 | Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers | 1992-ongoing | Active | 1.105 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
293 | Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture | 1981-ongoing | Active | 1.105 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
294 | Paleobiology | 1979-ongoing | Active | 1.101 | Journal | Paleontological Society | United States |
295 | Breeding Science | 1994-ongoing | Active | 1.100 | Journal | Japanese Society of Breeding | Japan |
296 | Behavioral Ecology | 1990-ongoing | Active | 1.099 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
297 | Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | 1992-ongoing | Active | 1.098 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
298 | Mediterranean Marine Science | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.098 | Journal | National Centre for Marine Research | Greece |
299 | Plant, Soil and Environment | 2003-ongoing | Active | 1.098 | Journal | Ceska Akademie Zemedelskych Ved | Czech Republic |
300 | Forestry | 1962-ongoing, 1958-1959, 1953-1956, 1947, 1942-1945 | Active | 1.097 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
301 | Boreas | 1979-ongoing | Active | 1.095 | Journal | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
302 | Chemoecology | 1998-ongoing, 1996, 1990-1994 | Active | 1.095 | Journal | Birkhauser Verlag | Switzerland |
303 | Biology Letters | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.091 | Journal | The Royal Society | United Kingdom |
304 | Karstenia | 2013-ongoing | Active | 1.089 | Journal | Finnish Mycological Society | Finland |
305 | Biofouling | 1993-ongoing, 1990 | Active | 1.088 | Journal | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
306 | Mycology | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.088 | Journal | Taylor and Francis Inc. | United Kingdom |
307 | Mycoscience | 1994-ongoing | Active | 1.086 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |
308 | Soil Science Society of America Journal | 1976-ongoing | Active | 1.082 | Journal | Soil Science Society of America | United States |
309 | Fishery Bulletin | 1988-ongoing, 1979-1986 | Active | 1.081 | Journal | US National Marine Fisheries Services | United States |
310 | Journal of Mammalian Evolution | 1996-ongoing, 1993-1994 | Active | 1.079 | Journal | Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers | United States |
311 | New Forests | 1986-ongoing | Active | 1.078 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
312 | Agricultural Economics | 1986-ongoing | Active | 1.077 | Journal | Wiley-Blackwell | Netherlands |
313 | Cryo-Letters | 1993-ongoing | Active | 1.076 | Journal | Royal Veterinary College | United Kingdom |
314 | Biotropica | 1988-ongoing, 1979-1986 | Active | 1.075 | Journal | Association for Tropical Biology, Inc. | United States |
315 | Myrmecological News | 2009-ongoing | Active | 1.073 | Journal | Austrian Society of Entomofaunistics | Austria |
316 | Memoirs of Museum Victoria | 2009-ongoing | Active | 1.072 | Journal | Museum Victoria | Australia |
317 | Fisheries Research | 1983-ongoing, 1981 | Active | 1.071 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
318 | Integrative and Comparative Biology | 2002-ongoing, 1961-1996 | Active | 1.069 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
319 | Journal of Stored Products Research | 1965-ongoing | Active | 1.069 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
320 | Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology | 1965-ongoing | Active | 1.069 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
321 | Freshwater Science | 2012-ongoing | Active | 1.068 | Journal | The Society for Freshwater Science | United States |
322 | Journal of Anatomy | 1945-ongoing | Active | 1.067 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
323 | Aquaculture Research | 1995-ongoing | Active | 1.065 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
324 | Advances in the Study of Behavior | 1990-ongoing, 1982-1988, 1978-1980, 1976, 1974, 1971-1972, 1969, 1965 | Active | 1.064 | Book Series | Academic Press | United States |
325 | Turk Tarim ve Ormancilik Dergisi/Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry | 1994-ongoing | Active | 1.064 | Journal | Scientific and Technical research Council of Turkey - TUBITAK/Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknik Arastirma Kurumu | Turkey |
326 | Aquatic Invasions | 2011-ongoing | Active | 1.063 | Journal | Regional Euro-Asian Biological Invasions Centre | Finland |
327 | Journal of Biological Dynamics | 2007-ongoing | Active | 1.062 | Journal | Taylor and Francis Inc. | United Kingdom |
328 | Dendrochronologia | 2002-ongoing, 1989 | Active | 1.060 | Journal | Archeonatura | Italy |
329 | Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.059 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
330 | Functional Plant Biology | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.059 | Journal | Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization Publishing | Australia |
331 | Acta Botanica Mexicana | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.057 | Journal | Instituto de Ecologia | Mexico |
332 | Weed Technology | 2003-ongoing, 1993-2001 | Active | 1.054 | Journal | Weed Science Society of America | United States |
333 | Marine Environmental Research | 1978-ongoing | Active | 1.053 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
334 | Hydrobiologia | 1948-ongoing | Active | 1.052 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
335 | New Zealand Plant Protection | 2007-ongoing | Active | 1.052 | Journal | New Zealand Plant Protection Society | New Zealand |
336 | Opuscula Philolichenum | 2013-ongoing | Active | 1.052 | Journal | The New York Botanical Garden | United States |
337 | Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems | 2004-ongoing | Active | 1.052 | Journal | CABI Publishing | United Kingdom |
338 | Systematics and Biodiversity | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.051 | Journal | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
339 | Annals of Forest Science | 1999-ongoing | Active | 1.050 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |
340 | Plant Molecular Biology | 1981-ongoing | Active | 1.050 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
341 | American Journal of Enology and Viticulture | 1993-ongoing, 1987-1988, 1984, 1981, 1976, 1973 | Active | 1.048 | Journal | American Society for Enology and Viticulture | United States |
342 | International Journal of Wildland Fire | 1996-ongoing, 1993-1994 | Active | 1.046 | Journal | Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization Publishing | Australia |
343 | Aquaculture, Economics and Management | 1997-ongoing | Active | 1.045 | Journal | International Association of Aquaculture Economics & Management | Australia |
344 | Journal of Zoology | 1987-ongoing, 1981-1985, 1978-1979, 1974-1976 | Active | 1.045 | Journal | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
345 | Agribusiness | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.044 | Journal | Wiley-Liss Inc | United States |
346 | PLoS ONE | 2006-ongoing | Active | 1.044 | Journal | Public Library of Science | United States |
347 | Animal Welfare | 1996-ongoing, 1994 | Active | 1.043 | Journal | Universities Federation for Animal Welfare | United Kingdom |
348 | Zoologischer Anzeiger | 1990-ongoing, 1982-1983, 1961 | Active | 1.042 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
349 | Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.041 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
350 | Pedosphere | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.039 | Journal | Kexue Chubaneshe/Science Press | China |
351 | Infection, Genetics and Evolution | 2001-ongoing | Active | 1.036 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
352 | Journal of Mammalogy | 1987-ongoing, 1982-1984, 1980, 1965-1978, 1947-1949 | Active | 1.035 | Journal | American Society of Mammalogists | United States |
353 | Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture | 1991-ongoing, 1965-1989 | Active | 1.035 | Journal | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | United States |
354 | Grass and Forage Science | 1991-ongoing, 1985 | Active | 1.033 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
355 | Acarologia | 2010-ongoing, 1994-2008, 1965-1984 | Active | 1.031 | Journal | Universite de Montpellier III | France |
356 | Ecological Complexity | 2004-ongoing | Active | 1.026 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
357 | Plant Biosystems | 2000-ongoing, 1993 | Active | 1.026 | Journal | Societa Botanica Italiana | Italy |
358 | Water (Switzerland) | 2012-ongoing | Active | 1.022 | Journal | Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) | Switzerland |
359 | European Journal of Forest Research | 2004-ongoing, 2002 | Active | 1.020 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |
360 | Horticultura Brasileira | 2007-ongoing | Active | 1.019 | Journal | Sociedade de Olericultura do Brasil | Brazil |
361 | Photosynthetica | 1993-ongoing, 1988-1989, 1985, 1983, 1981, 1979 | Active | 1.018 | Journal | Akademie Ved Ceske Republiky | Czech Republic |
362 | Seed Science Research | 1994-ongoing | Active | 1.018 | Journal | CABI Publishing | United Kingdom |
363 | Fern Gazette | 1998-ongoing, 1994-1996, 1982-1985 | Active | 1.017 | Journal | British Pteridological Society | United Kingdom |
364 | Foodborne Pathogens and Disease | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.017 | Journal | Mary Ann Liebert Inc. | United States |
365 | International Agrophysics | 1992-ongoing, 1989 | Active | 1.014 | Journal | Polska Akademia Nauk | Poland |
366 | Parasitology | 1963-ongoing, 1948-1961 | Active | 1.014 | Journal | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
367 | Lankesteriana | 2013-ongoing | Active | 1.013 | Journal | Universidad de Costa Rica | Costa Rica |
368 | World's Poultry Science Journal | 1996-ongoing, 1965-1971 | Active | 1.013 | Journal | CABI Publishing | United Kingdom |
369 | Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences | 1980-ongoing | Active | 1.012 | Journal | NRC Research Press | Canada |
370 | Journal of Bryology | 1996-ongoing, 1991-1993, 1985 | Active | 1.009 | Journal | Maney Publishing | United Kingdom |
371 | Algae | 2013-ongoing | Active | 1.008 | Journal | The Korean Society of Phycology | South Korea |
372 | Fruits | 2005-ongoing, 1995 | Active | 1.008 | Journal | E D P Sciences | France |
373 | South American Journal of Herpetology | 2014-ongoing | Active | 1.008 | Journal | Sociedade Brasileira de Herpetologia | Brazil |
374 | Planta | 1947-ongoing, 1925-1945 | Active | 1.007 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |
375 | Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution | 1992-ongoing | Active | 1.006 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
376 | Forest Science | 1993-ongoing, 1978-1991, 1974-1976, 1970 | Active | 1.004 | Journal | Society of American Foresters | United States |
377 | Journal of Plant Growth Regulation | 1982-ongoing | Active | 1.004 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |
378 | Continental Shelf Research | 1982-ongoing | Active | 1.003 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
379 | Journal of Integrative Plant Biology | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.003 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
380 | Journal of Arid Environments | 1980-ongoing | Active | 1.002 | Journal | Academic Press | United States |
381 | Environmental Earth Sciences | 2009-ongoing | Active | 1.001 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |
382 | Journal of Food Protection | 1993-ongoing, 1982-1989, 1977-1980 | Active | 1.001 | Journal | International Association for Food Protection | United States |
383 | International Journal of Phytoremediation | 1999-ongoing | Active | 0.999 | Journal | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
384 | Food and Function | 2010-ongoing | Active | 0.998 | Journal | Royal Society of Chemistry | United Kingdom |
385 | Soil Use and Management | 1985-ongoing | Active | 0.998 | Journal | CABI Publishing | United Kingdom |
386 | Bulletin of Entomological Research | 1989-ongoing, 1982-1985, 1965-1970, 1961, 1947-1949 | Active | 0.996 | Journal | CABI Publishing | United Kingdom |
387 | Insect Systematics and Evolution | 1996-ongoing | Active | 0.995 | Journal | Brill | Netherlands |
388 | Journal of Marine Systems | 1990-ongoing | Active | 0.995 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
389 | Aquatic Botany | 1975-ongoing | Active | 0.994 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
390 | Ecological Informatics | 2006-ongoing | Active | 0.994 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
391 | Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology | 1967-ongoing | Active | 0.994 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
392 | Journal of Forest Economics | 1995-ongoing | Active | 0.992 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
393 | BioControl | 1998-ongoing | Active | 0.991 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
394 | Canadian Journal of Forest Research | 1976-ongoing | Active | 0.991 | Journal | NRC Research Press | Canada |
395 | Journal of Evolutionary Biology | 1989-ongoing | Active | 0.991 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
396 | Small Ruminant Research | 1988-ongoing | Active | 0.991 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
397 | Animal | 2007-ongoing | Active | 0.990 | Journal | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
398 | Journal of Avian Biology | 1994-ongoing | Active | 0.989 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
399 | Estuaries and Coasts | 2006-ongoing, 1978-2001 | Active | 0.985 | Journal | Estuarine Research Federation | United States |
400 | Aquaculture Environment Interactions | 2011-ongoing | Active | 0.984 | Journal | Inter-Research | Germany |
401 | Behavior Genetics | 1972-ongoing, 1970 | Active | 0.984 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
402 | Journal of Theoretical Biology | 1961-ongoing | Active | 0.982 | Journal | Academic Press | United States |
403 | Microbial Ecology | 1979-ongoing, 1974-1977 | Active | 0.982 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |
404 | Tropical Ecology | 1993-ongoing, 1988, 1976-1978 | Active | 0.981 | Journal | Scientific Publishers | India |
405 | Journal of Sea Research | 1996-ongoing | Active | 0.979 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
406 | Marine Ecology - Progress Series | 1990-ongoing, 1985-1986 | Active | 0.978 | Journal | Inter-Research Science Publishing | Germany |
407 | Biological Journal of the Linnean Society | 1971-ongoing | Active | 0.977 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
408 | Ibis | 1980-ongoing | Active | 0.976 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
409 | Nota Lepidopterologica | 1995-ongoing | Active | 0.976 | Journal | Apollo Books | Denmark |
410 | Plant Biotechnology Reports | 2008-ongoing | Active | 0.976 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |
411 | Baltic Journal of Coleopterology | 2003-ongoing | Active | 0.973 | Journal | Baltijas Koleopterologijas Instituts/Baltic Institute of Coleopterology | Latvia |
412 | Drvna Industrija | 1998-ongoing, 1980-1981 | Active | 0.973 | Journal | Inst za Drvo | Croatia |
413 | European Journal of Phycology | 1993-ongoing | Active | 0.973 | Journal | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
414 | Raffles Bulletin of Zoology | 1996-ongoing | Active | 0.973 | Journal | National University of Singapore | Singapore |
415 | Systematic and Applied Acarology | 2011-ongoing | Active | 0.973 | Journal | Systematic and Applied Acarology Society | Australia |
416 | Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems | 1991-ongoing | Active | 0.972 | Journal | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | United States |
417 | Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agricola e Ambiental | 2006-ongoing | Active | 0.972 | Journal | Universidade Federal da Paraiba, Centro de Ciencias e Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Agricola | Brazil |
418 | Zoomorphology | 1980-ongoing | Active | 0.971 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |
419 | Tree-Ring Research | 2005-ongoing | Active | 0.969 | Journal | Tree-Ring Society | United States |
420 | Journal of Sensory Studies | 1996-ongoing | Active | 0.968 | Journal | Food and Nutrition Press, Inc. | United States |
421 | Veterinary Journal | 1997-ongoing | Active | 0.968 | Journal | W. B. Saunders Co., Ltd. | United Kingdom |
422 | Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology | 2008-ongoing | Active | 0.967 | Journal | National Center for Scientific Research | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
423 | Molecular Breeding | 1995-ongoing | Active | 0.967 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
424 | Conservation and Society | 2011-ongoing | Active | 0.965 | Journal | Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd. | India |
425 | New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science | 1989-ongoing | Active | 0.965 | Journal | Royal Society of New Zealand | New Zealand |
426 | Animal Reproduction Science | 1978-ongoing, 1936 | Active | 0.961 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
427 | Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering - ASCE | 1983-ongoing | Active | 0.961 | Journal | American Society of Civil Engineers | United States |
428 | Plant Biology | 1999-ongoing | Active | 0.961 | Journal | Georg Thieme Verlag | Germany |
429 | Acta Protozoologica | 1992-ongoing, 1973-1990 | Active | 0.959 | Journal | Polska Akademia Nauk | Poland |
430 | Agricultural and Food Science | 2004-ongoing | Active | 0.959 | Journal | M T T Agrifood Research Finland | Finland |
431 | Flora: Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants | 1990-ongoing, 1980-1988, 1975-1976 | Active | 0.958 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
432 | Journal of the Textile Institute | 1969-ongoing | Active | 0.958 | Journal | Textile Institute | United Kingdom |
433 | Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems | 1996-ongoing | Active | 0.957 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
434 | PhytoKeys | 2014-ongoing | Active | 0.957 | Journal | Pensoft Publishers | Bulgaria |
435 | Cerne | 2007-ongoing | Active | 0.956 | Journal | Centro de Estudos em Recursos Naturais Renovaveis | Brazil |
436 | Plant Systematics and Evolution | 1974-ongoing | Active | 0.956 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |
437 | Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research | 1996-ongoing | Active | 0.954 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
438 | Food Bioscience | 2013-ongoing | Active | 0.953 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
439 | Fungal Biology | 2010-ongoing | Active | 0.951 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
440 | International Journal of Plant Sciences | 1992-ongoing | Active | 0.950 | Journal | University of Chicago Press | United States |
441 | Zootaxa | 2005-ongoing | Active | 0.950 | Journal | Magnolia Press | New Zealand |
442 | Journal of Comparative Physiology B: Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology | 1974-ongoing | Active | 0.949 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |
443 | International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology | 2005-ongoing | Active | 0.948 | Journal | Islamic Azad University of Research and Technology | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
444 | Microbes and Environments | 2008-ongoing | Active | 0.948 | Journal | Japanese Society Of Microbial Ecology | Japan |
445 | Ocean and Coastal Management | 1992-ongoing | Active | 0.948 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
446 | Yantu Lixue/Rock and Soil Mechanics | 1998-ongoing | Active | 0.948 | Journal | Zhongguo Kexueyuan | China |
447 | Journal of Applied Phycology | 1989-ongoing | Active | 0.947 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
448 | Journal of Food Science | 1993-ongoing, 1982-1987, 1977-1980, 1973-1975 | Active | 0.946 | Journal | Institute of Food Technologists | United States |
449 | Journal of Phycology | 1987-ongoing, 1980 | Active | 0.946 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
450 | Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington | 1992-ongoing, 1983-1984 | Active | 0.946 | Journal | Biological Society of Washington | United States |
451 | American Journal of Potato Research | 1998-ongoing | Active | 0.943 | Journal | Potato Association of America | United States |
452 | Cryobiology | 1964-ongoing | Active | 0.943 | Journal | Academic Press | United States |
453 | Annales Botanici Fennici | 1977-ongoing, 1975, 1973 | Active | 0.942 | Journal | Finnish Zoological and Botanical Publishing Board | Finland |
454 | Pedobiologia | 1979-ongoing, 1977 | Active | 0.942 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
455 | Journal of Soils and Water Conservation | 1973-ongoing | Active | 0.939 | Journal | Soil and Water Conservation Society | United States |
456 | Turkish Journal of Zoology | 1994-ongoing | Active | 0.939 | Journal | Scientific and Technical research Council of Turkey - TUBITAK/Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknik Arastirma Kurumu | Turkey |
457 | Acta Amazonica | 2006-ongoing, 1979 | Active | 0.937 | Journal | Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonica | Brazil |
458 | Auk | 1994-ongoing, 1982-1987 | Active | 0.937 | Journal | American Ornithologists' Union | United States |
459 | Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments | 2010-ongoing | Active | 0.936 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |
460 | Plant Reproduction | 2013-ongoing | Active | 0.936 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |
461 | EvoDevo | 2010-ongoing | Active | 0.934 | Journal | BioMed Central | United Kingdom |
462 | Human Nature | 1990-ongoing | Active | 0.934 | Journal | Aldine de Gruyter | United States |
463 | Journal of Animal Science | 1965-ongoing, 1961, 1947-1951 | Active | 0.934 | Journal | American Society of Animal Science | United States |
464 | Theory in Biosciences | 1997-ongoing | Active | 0.934 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |
465 | Genome Biology and Evolution | 2010-ongoing | Active | 0.933 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
466 | The Botanical Review | 1935-ongoing | Active | 0.933 | Journal | New York Botanical Garden | United States |
467 | Tropical Zoology | 1993-ongoing | Active | 0.933 | Journal | Edizioni Polistampa | Italy |
468 | Journal of Economic Entomology | 1965-ongoing, 1961, 1949, 1947 | Active | 0.932 | Journal | Entomological Society of America | United States |
469 | Euphytica | 1952-ongoing | Active | 0.931 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |