Бондарев Юрий Леонидович

Hirsch index: 
Scopus 0
Articles and monographs: 
Some Issues of Development and Mathematical Modeling of Superconducting Electrokinetic Energy Storage Unit / Smolentsev, N.I //IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.–2017.–Vol. 87-3
Superconducting electrokinetic storage for energy saving and energy enhancement in local electric networks / Smolentsev, N.I //AER-Advances in Engineering Research.–2017.–Vol. 133.– P.233-238
Участие в международных научных конференциях: 
International Sientific conference ICOLLE 2014
Russian patents: 
Воздушно-солнечный тепловой конвектор
Устройство теплообмена с элементами на основе полимерных волокон
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