5.6.3. Archaeology

Andrei Epimakhov 

DSc (History), Associate Professor
Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities
Field of Research: funerary rites of the bronze age societies of the Urals and neighboring territories, social archaeology, absolute chronology; issues of theory, historiography, and methodology of fieldwork and analysis
Теl.: +7 (351) 267-94-97
E-mail: epimakhovav[at]susu[dot]ru

Aleksandr Tairov 

DSc (History), Professor
Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities
Field of Research: The genesis and evolution of nomadism in the steppe and forest-steppe Eurasia. The natural environment and nomadic societies of Central Eurasia. Ethno-cultural processes in Central Eurasia during the early nomadic era. Trade communications of Central Eurasia. Geoarchaeology and archaeological mineralogy
Теl.: +7 (351) 267-94-14
E-mail: tairovad[at]susu[dot]ru

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