Алюков Сергей Викторович

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Научные профили: 
РИНЦ: SPIN-код 1113-8130, Author ID 573287
Scopus ID: 56712886300
Статьи и монографии за последние три года: 
Aliukov, S. Modeling of Rapidly Changing Macroeconomic Processes Based on the Analysis of Jump and Generalized Functions / S.. Aliukov //Mathematics.–2024.–Vol. 12 No. 1
Analysis of Shielded Harmonic and Biharmonic Systems by the Iterative Extension Method / Ushakov, A.L //Mathematics.–2024.–Vol. 12 No. 6
Mathematical Modeling of Engineering and Socio-Economic Processes and Systems / В.Г. Мохов [и др.].– MDPI AG, POSTFACH, CH-4005 BASEL, SWITZERLAND, 2024.–46c.
Алюков, С.В. Mathematical Modeling of Engineering and Socio-Economic Processes and Systems / С.В. Алюков. MDPI AG, ST ALBAN-ANLAGE 66, CH-4052 BASEL, SWITZERLAND, 2024.–25c.
Алюков, С.В. Аппроксимация кусочно-линейных и обобщенных функций / С.В. Алюков. ИНФРА-М, 2024.–149c.
Выбор и обоснование маршрутов движения автомобилей-мусоровозов с гибридной силовой установкой на базе шасси автомобиля «Урал» / Ю.В. Рождественский //Грузовик.–2024 № 3.– C.51-56
Осинцев, К.В. Mathematical Modeling of Engineering and Socio-Economic Processes and Systems / К.В. Осинцев, С.В. Алюков, А.А. Алабугин. MDPI AG, ST ALBAN-ANLAGE 66, CH-4052 BASEL, SWITZERLAND, 2024.–324c.
A Review of Mathematical Models of Elasticity Theory Based on the Methods of Iterative Factorizations and Fictitious Components / Ushakov, A. //Mathematics.–2023.–Vol. 11 No. 2
A Review of Mathematical Models of Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, and Government Regulation of the Economy / Mokhov, V. //Mathematics.–2023.–Vol. 11 No. 14
Ecological Hydrogen Production and Water Sterilization: An Innovative Approach to the Trigeneration of Renewable Energy Sources for Water Desalination: A Review / Solomin, E. //Energies.–2023.–Vol. 16 No. 17
Increasing Thermal Efficiency: Methods, Case Studies, and Integration of Heat Exchangers with Renewable Energy Sources and Heat Pumps for Desalination / Osintsev, K. //Energies.–2023.–Vol. 16 No. 13
Mathematical Foundations for Modeling a Zero-Carbon Electric Power System in Terms of Sustainability / Alabugin, A. //Mathematics.–2023.–Vol. 11 No. 9
Scientific Approaches to Solving the Problem of Joint Processes of Bubble Boiling of Refrigerant and Its Movement in a Heat Pump Heat Exchanger / Osintsev, K. //Energies.–2023.–Vol. 16 No. 11
К анализу эффективности пневматической подвески автобуса на базе полноприводного автомобиля «Урал» / Котиев Георгий //Грузовик.–2023 № 10.– C.3-8
Alabugin, A. Models and Methods of Formation of the Foresight-Controlling Mechanism / A.. Alabugin, S.. Aliukov, T.. Khudyakova //Sustainability.–2022.–Vol. 14 No. 16
Alabugin, A.A Review of Models for and Socioeconomic Approaches to the Formation of Foresight Control Mechanisms: A Genesis / A.A. Alabugin, S.V. Aliukov, T.A. Khudyakova //Sustainability.–2022.–Vol. 14 No. 19
Aliukov, S. Comparative Multidimensional Analysis of the Current State of European Economies Based on the Complex of Macroeconomic Indicators / S.. Aliukov, J.. Buleca //Mathematics.–2022.–Vol. 10 No. 5
Aliukov, S. Review of Methods, Applications and Publications on the Approximation of Piecewise Linear and Generalized Functions / S.. Aliukov, A.. Alabugin, K.. Osintsev //Mathematics.–2022.–Vol. 10 No. 16
Forecasting the Passage Time of the Queue of Highly Automated Vehicles Based on Neural Networks in the Services of Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems / Shepelev, V. //Mathematics.–2022.–Vol. 10 No. 2
Kuskarbekova, S. Novel Hydraulic and Aerodynamic Schemes of Coil Type Steam Generator: A Mathematical Model and Experimental Data / S.. Kuskarbekova, K.. Osintsev, S.. Aliukov //Energies.–2022.–Vol. 15 No. 21
Osintsev, K. A Review of Methods, and Analytical and Experimental Studies on the Use of Coal–Water Suspensions / K.. Osintsev, S.. Aliukov, A.. Alabugin //Mathematics.–2022.–Vol. 10 No. 20
Osintsev, K. Experimental and Mathematical Investigation of the Thermophysical Properties of Coal–Water Slurries Based on Lignite / K.. Osintsev, S.. Aliukov //Energies.–2022.–Vol. 15 No. 10
Osintsev, K. ORC Technology Based on Advanced Li-Br Absorption Refrigerator with Solar Collectors and a Contact Heat Exchanger for Greenhouse Gas Capture / K.. Osintsev, S.. Aliukov //Sustainability.–2022.–Vol. 14 No. 9
Osintsev, K.V Experimental Investigation into the Exergy Loss of a Ground Heat Pump and its Optimization Based on Approximation of Piecewise Linear Functions / K.V. Osintsev, S.V. Alyukov //Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics.–2022.–Vol. 95 No. 1.– P.9-19
Spiridonov, V.. Scientific Aspects of the Study of Transcontinental Relations and Global Settlement / V.. Spiridonov, S.. Shabiev, S.. Aliukov //Land.–2022.–Vol. 11 No. 3
Alabugin, A.A Combined Approach to Analysis and Regulation of Thermodynamic Processes in the Energy Technology Complex / A.A. Alabugin, S.V. Aliukov, K.V. Osintsev //Processes.–2021.–Vol. 9 No. 2
Alabugin, A.A Methodological Foundations for Modeling the Processes of Combining Organic Fuel Generation Systems and Photovoltaic Cells into a Single Energy Technology Complex / A.A. Alabugin, K.V. Osintsev, S.V. Aliukov //Energies.–2021.–Vol. 14 No. 10
Aliukov, S.V Mathematical modeling of coal dust screening by means of sieve analysis and coal dust combustion based on new methods of piece‐linear function approximation / S.V. Aliukov, K.V. Osintsev //Applied Sciences.–2021.–Vol. 11 No. 4
Dubrovskiy, A. On the possibility of generalizing the results of studies of dynamical systems on the example of a vehicle suspension / A.. Dubrovskiy, S.. Aliukov, K.. Osintsev //Machines.–2021.–Vol. 9 No. 3
Osintsev, K. Investigation of Operation of Coil-Flow Steam Generator of Serpentine Type in Conditions of Low Ambient Temperatures / K.. Osintsev, S.. Aliukov, S.. Kuskarbekova //International Journal of Heat and Technology.–2021.–Vol. 39 No. 4.– P.1164-1172
Osintsev, K.V A Case study of Exergy Losses of a Ground Heat Pump and Photovoltaic Cells System and Their Optimization / K.V. Osintsev, S.V. Aliukov, Y.S. Prikhodko //Energies.–2021.–Vol. 14 No. 8
Osintsev, K.V Development of Methodological Bases of the Processes of Steam Formation in Coil Type Boilers Using Solar Concentrators / K.V. Osintsev, S.V. Aliukov, S.I. Kuskarbekova //Energies.–2021.–Vol. 14 No. 8
Osintsev, K.V Experimental Study of a Coil Type Steam Boiler Operated on an Oil Field in the Subarctic Continental Climate / K.V. Osintsev, S.V. Aliukov, S.I. Kuskarbekova //Energies.–2021.–Vol. 14 No. 4
Osintsev, K.V Improvement Dependability of Offshore Horizontal-Axis Wind Turbines by Applying New Mathematical Methods for Calculation the Excess Speed in Case of Wind Gusts / K.V. Osintsev, S.. Aliukov, A.N. Shishkov //Energies.–2021.–Vol. 14 No. 11
Osintsev, K.V Management of the Torch Structure with the New Methodological Approaches to Regulation Based on Neural Network Algorithms / K.V. Osintsev, S.V. Aliukov, Y.S. Prikhodko //Energies.–2021.–Vol. 14 No. 7
Shilonosova, N. Five-Sector Model of the Circulation of Resources, Income, and Expenditure in the Sharing Economy / N.. Shilonosova, Y.. Butrina, S.. Aliukov //Academy of Strategic Management Journal.–2021.–Vol. 20 No. SI1.– P.1-14
Alabugin, A.A Approximation Methods for Analysis and Formation of Mechanisms for Regulating Heat and Mass Transfer Processes in Heat Equipment Systems / A.A. Alabugin, S.V. Aliukov, K.V. Osintsev //International Journal of Heat and Technology.–2020.–Vol. 38 No. 1.– P.45-58
Alyukov, A. Active Shock Absorber Control Based on Time-Delay Neural Network / A.. Alyukov, Y.. Rozhdestvenskiy, S.. Aliukov //Energies.–2020.–Vol. 13 No. 5
Diagnostics of fatigue cracks in rotor systems of machines / Zakhezin, A.M //Engineering Letters.–2020.–Vol. 28 No. 1.– P.209-214
Economic Cluster Analisis and Fuzzy Modelling of Operation of Wind Power Plants in the Arctic / Aliukov, S. //IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.–2020.–Vol. 459 No. 6
Identification of distinguishing characteristics of intersections based on statistical analysis and data from video cameras / Shepelev, V. //Journal of Big Data.–2020.–Vol. 7 No. 1
Improving approaches to strategic enterprise management in the context of sustainable development / Khudyakova, T.A //Sustainability.–2020.–Vol. 12 No. 20
Main Features of Forming the Transmission of an Active Multi-Link Road Train / B.. Belousov //SAE Technical Papers.–2020.–Vol. 2020-April
Mathematical Model of Thermodynamic Processes in the Intake Manifold of a Diesel Engine with Fuel and Water Injection / Bondar, V. //Energies.–2020.–Vol. 13 No. 17
Orbital hybridization-induced band offset phenomena in NixCd1-xO thin films / A.. Das //Nanoscale.–2020.–Vol. 12 No. 2.– P.669-686
Osintsev, K. New Methods for Control System Signal Sampling in Neural Networks of Power Facilities / K.. Osintsev, S.. Aliukov, Y.. Prikhodko //IEEE Access.–2020.–Vol. 8.– P.192857-192866
The Capacity of the Road Network: Data Collection and Statistical Analysis of Traffic Characteristics / Shepelev, V. //Energies.–2020.–Vol. 13 No. 7
The Use of Multi-Sensor Video Surveillance System to Assess the Capacity of the Road Network / Shepelev, V. //Transport and Telecommunication.–2020.–Vol. 21 No. 1.– P.15-31
О НЕЛОКАЛЬНОМ ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИИ РЕЗУЛЬТАТОВ ЛОКАЛЬНОГО АНАЛИЗА ДИНАМИЧЕСКИХ СИСТЕМ / А.Ф. Дубровский //Вестник Южно-Уральского государственного университета. Серия «Машиностроение».–2020.–Том 20 № 4.– C.5-12
Осинцев, К.В. МАТЕМАТИЧЕСКОЕ МОДЕЛИРОВАНИЕ РАЗРЫВНЫХ ГАЗОДИНАМИЧЕСКИХ ТЕЧЕНИЙ С ПРИМЕНЕНИЕМ НОВОГО МЕТОДА АППРОКСИМАЦИИ / К.В. Осинцев, С.В. Алюков //Материаловедение. Энергетика (до 22.12.2020 наименование в Перечне «Научно-технические ведомости СПбПУ. Естественные и инженерные науки» ISSN 2542-1239) (До 25.07.2017 г. наименование в Перечне Научно-технические ведомости СПбГПУ ISSN 1994- 2354).–2020.–Том 26 № 2.– C.41-55
Anchukov, V. Stability and control of movement of the truck with automatic differential locking system / V.. Anchukov, A.. Alyukov, S.. Aliukov //Engineering Letters.–2019.–Vol. 27 No. 1.– P.131-139
Godlevskaya, E.. Conceptual model of formation of system engineering competence: Essence and didactic instrumentation / E.. Godlevskaya, V.. Likholetov, S.. Aliukov //Proceedings of the 33rd International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA 2019: Education Excellence and Innovation Management through Vision 2020.–2019.– P.7570-7578
High temperature-mediated rocksalt to wurtzite phase transformation in cadmium oxide nanosheets and its theoretical evidence / A.. Das //Nanoscale.–2019.–Vol. 11 No. 31.– P.14802-14819
Improving the Strategic Management of Investment Activities of Industrial Enterprises as a Factor for Sustainable Development in a Crisis / Zhuravlyov, V.V //Sustainability.–2019.–Vol. 11 No. 23
Investigation of China's wind power based on cluster analysis and multidimensional scaling methods / Aliukov, S.V //IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.–2019.–Vol. 378
Kheruvimov, A. Investigations of Composite Materials for Their Applications in Designs of Vehicles / A.. Kheruvimov, A.. Nikonov, S.. Aliukov //SAE Technical Papers.–2019.– P.1-5
Likholetov, V. Problems in Engineering Education, Engineering and Invention / V.. Likholetov, S.. Aliukov //International Journal of Engineering Education.–2019.–Vol. 35 No. 6.– P.1605-1617
Mezaal, N.A The computational fluid dynamics performance analysis of horizontal axis wind turbine / N.A. Mezaal, K.V. Osintsev, S.. Alyukov //International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems.–2019.–Vol. 10 No. 2.– P.1072-1080
Modeling of the Automatic Power Distribution System among the Traction Motors of the Driving Wheels of a Multi-Axle Vehicle / Kondakov, S. //SAE Technical Papers.–2019.– P.1-7
Toropov, E. New Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to the Study of Heat Transfer in Coal Dust Combustion / E.. Toropov, K.. Osintsev, S.. Aliukov //Energies.–2019.–Vol. 12 No. 1
Ulanov, A. Optimization of the Process of Acceleration of a Vehicle Taking into Account the Regimes of Operation of Its Engine / A.. Ulanov, S.. Aliukov //SAE Technical Papers.–2019.– P.1-5
Use of crowdsourcing in agricultural consulting services for the sustainable development of agricultural enterprises / K.O. Sokolov //Espacios.–2019.–Vol. 40 No. 16.– P.12-12
Adaptive Suspension of Vehicles with New Principle of Action: Theoretical Bases and Experimental Investigations / Dubrovskiy, A. //Engineering Letters.–2018.–Vol. 26 No. 4.– P.526-534
Aliukov, S. Overrunning Clutches in Designs of Inertial Continuously Variable Transmissions / S.. Aliukov, L.. Shefer, A.. Alyukov //Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science.–2018.–Vol. 2236.– P.684-689
Aliukov, S. Solution of Differential Equations of Dynamics of Inertial Continuously Variable Transmissions / S.. Aliukov, L.. Shefer, A.. Alyukov //Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science.–2018.–Vol. 2235.– P.69-74
Aliukov, S.V Approximation of Electrocardiograms with Help of New Mathematical Methods / S.V. Aliukov //Computational Mathematics and Modeling.–2018.–Vol. 1.– P.1-12
Aliukov, S.V Improving the Company's Capital Model in the Context of Production Modernization as a Factor in the Sustainability of an Industrial Enterprise / S.V. Aliukov, V.V. Zhuravlyov, N.Y. Varkova //PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2ND INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE ON NEW INDUSTRIALIZATION: GLOBAL, NATIONAL, REGIONAL DIMENSION (SICNI 2018).–2018.–Vol. 240 No. 1.– P.23-28
Aliukov, S.V Inertial Continuously Variable Transmissions and Ways to Improve Their Performance / S.V. Aliukov, A.V. Keller, A.S. Aliukov //SAE Technical Papers.–2018.–Vol. Volume 2018 - April.– P.1-8
Improvement of the strategic management mechanism for the sustainable development of Russian gold-mining enterprises / Zhuravlyov, V. //Proceedings of the 32nd International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA 2018 - Vision 2020: Sustainable Economic Development and Application of Innovation Management from Regional expansion to Global Growth.–2018.– P.550-561
Innovative methods in control of processes and algorithms of their implementation / Aliukov, S.V //Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science.–2018.–Vol. 2235.– P.107-110
Strategic Aspects of Ensuring Sustainable Development of Gold Enterprises of the Russian Federation / Zhuravlyov, V. //Sustainability.–2018.–Vol. 10 No. 12
Toropov, E.V Analysis of the calculated and experimental dependencies of the combustion of coal dust on the basis of a new methodological base of theoretical studies of heat exchange processes / E.V. Toropov, K.V. Osintsev, S.V. Aliukov //International Journal of Heat and Technology.–2018.–Vol. 36 No. 4.– P.1240-1248
АДАПТИВНЫЙ АМОРТИЗАТОР ТРАНСПОРТНЫХ СРЕДСТВ НОВОГО ПРИНЦИПА ДЕЙСТВИЯ / А.Ф. Дубровский //Вестник Южно-Уральского государственного университета. Серия: Машиностроение.–2018.–Том 18 № 4.– C.5-16
Алюков, С.В. Динамика инерционных бесступенчатых автоматических передач / С.В. Алюков. ИНФРА-М, 2018.–249c.
Об эффективности использования адаптивных амортизаторов в подвесках транспортных средств / А.Ф. Дубровский //Транспорт Урала.–2018.–Том - № 4(59).– C.68-73
A method for conceptualizing the professional experience of university lecturers in the system of continuing education / Rezanovich, I.V //ICERI Proceedings.–2017.–Vol. November.– P.1211-1220
A system of motivation of creative-intellectual employees at enterprises / Vlasova, G.A //ICERI Proceedings.–2017.–Vol. 1.– P.2985-2995
Adaptive Suspension of Vehicles and Its Characteristics / Dubrovskii, A.F //Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science.–2017.–Vol. II.– P.679-684
Alabugin, A.A EVALUATION AND IMPROVEMENT OF COMPETENCIES OF A RESEARCHER IN THE LEARNING PROCESSES / A.A. Alabugin, S.V. Aliukov, R.A. Alabugina //INTED Proceedings.–2017.–Vol. -.– P.3757-3761
Alabugin, A.A Management Models of Efficiency of Development of Resource and Energy Saving Systems Using Methods of Approximation of Step Functions / A.A. Alabugin, S.V. Aliukov, K.V. Osintcev //Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science.–2017.–Vol. 2229.– P.102-106
Alabugin, A.A Theoretical and methodological approaches to improving management of integration processes of potentials of balanced enterprise development / A.A. Alabugin, K.V. Kardapoltcev, S.V. Aliukov //Proceedings of the 30th International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA 2017 - Vision 2020: Sustainable Economic development, Innovation Management, and Global Growth.–2017.–Vol. 2017-January.– P.1359-1365
Aliukov, S.V Analysis of Methods for Solution of Differential Equations of Motion of Inertial Continuously Variable Transmissions / S.V. Aliukov, A.S. Aliukov //SAE Technical papers.–2017.–Vol. 2017-03-28.– P.1-8
Aliukov, S.V Inertia Continuously Variable Transmissions and Investigation of their Dynamics / S.V. Aliukov, A.V. Keller, A.S. Aliukov //SAE Technical Papers.–2017.–Vol. 2017-03-28.– P.1-8
Aliukov, S.V Modeling of Dynamic Processes for Inertial Continuously Variable Transmissions / S.V. Aliukov, A.V. Keller, A.S. Aliukov //SAE Technical Papers.–2017.–Vol. 03.– P.1-8
Aliukov, S.V PEDAGOGICAL ASPECTS OF LIFE VALUES OF MODERN STUDENTS / S.V. Aliukov, A.E. Rezanovich //INTED2017 Proceedings.–2017.–Vol. -.– P.5935-5941
Aliukov, S.V The Ramsey Model and its Modification / S.V. Aliukov, В.П. Горшенин, Е.С. Щенникова //Proceedings of the 29th International Business Information Management Association conference, 2017.–2017.–Vol. 05.– P.249-258
Aliukov, S.V Vibrations and Properties of Inertia Continuously Variable Transmissions / S.V. Aliukov, A.V. Keller, A.S. Aliukov //Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science.–2017.–Vol. II.– P.702-706
Analysis of corruptibility of the authority-business environment / Smagin, V.N //Proceedings of the 29th International Business Information Management Association Conference, 2017.–2017.–Vol. 05.– P.1766-1778
Assessment of competitiveness of Russian companies in the field of information technology / Baeva, D.A //Proceedings of the 30th International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA 2017 - Vision 2020: Sustainable Economic development, Innovation Management, and Global Growth.–2017.–Vol. 2017-January.– P.173-182
Assessment of the Industrial Innovative Solutions Viability: the Methodic and Practical Aspects of Marketing, Technical and Economic Efficiency on Operational and Strategic Levels / Saveleva, I.P //Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science.–2017.–Vol. 2229.– P.658-662
Babanova, Y.V CHANGE OF THINKING AS THE MAIN PROBLEM OF BUSINESS EDUCATION / Y.V. Babanova, S.V. Aliukov //INTED2017 Proceedings.–2017.–Vol. -.– P.3215-3222
Basic Characteristics of Adaptive Suspensions of Vehicles with New Principle of Operation / Dubrovskii, A.F //SAE International Journal of Commercial Vehicles.–2017.–Vol. Volume 10, Issue 1.– P.193-203
Cognitive Technologies to Build Models for Operation of Business School / Горшенин Владимир //Proceedings of the 29th International Business Information Management Association conference, 2017.–2017.–Vol. 05.– P.504-513
Corruption Spread in the Resisting Economical System / Smagin, V.N //Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science.–2017.–Vol. 2230.– P.728-733
Development of a Photogrammetric System for Measuring Spatial Coordinates of Control Points of Large-size Structures / Sukhovilov, B.M //Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science.–2017.–Vol. 2230.– P.768-771
Development of Organizational-Economic Relations as a Condition of Enterprise Viability / Т.А. Коркина //Proceedings of the 30th International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA 2017 - Vision 2020: Sustainable Economic development, Innovation Management, and Global Growth.–2017.–Vol. 2017-January.– P.1662-1669
Egorova, O.V Management of Option Investment Projects: Theory and Practice / O.V. Egorova, L.A. Baev, S.V. Aliukov //Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science.–2017.–Vol. 2230.– P.682-687
Galkina, L.A Selection and justification of priorities of innovative development of an industrial region / L.A. Galkina, I.A. Baev, S.V. Aliukov //Proceedings of the 30th International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA 2017 - Vision 2020: Sustainable Economic development, Innovation Management, and Global Growth.–2017.–Vol. 2017-November.– P.68-76
Keller, A.V Evaluation of Stability and Control of Movement of 6x6 Truck for Different Operating Modes / A.V. Keller, S.V. Aliukov, V.V. Anchukov //SAE Technical papers.–2017.–Vol. -.– P.1-8
Keller, A.V Improvement of cross-country capability of all-wheel drive vehicles by means of decentralization of regulation of air pressure in tires / A.V. Keller, S.V. Aliukov, V.I. Usikov //Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science.–2017.–Vol. 2230.– P.961-964
Keller, A.V Mathematical Model of the Truck for Investigation of Stability and Control of Movement / A.V. Keller, S.V. Aliukov, V.V. Anchukov //Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science.–2017.–Vol. II.– P.711-716
Keller, A.V Simulation Modeling of the Multi-Axle Truck Dynamics / A.V. Keller, R.R. Saiakhov, S.V. Aliukov //Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science.–2017.–Vol. 2230.– P.750-754
Keller, A.V Studies of stability and control of movement of multipurpose vehicle / A.V. Keller, S.V. Aliukov, V.V. Anchukov //Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science.–2017.–Vol. 2230.– P.815-820
Likholetov, V.V Didactical opportunities of teaching system analysis and theory of inventive problem solving / V.V. Likholetov, S.V. Aliukov, E.V. Godlevskaia //INTED2017 Proceedings.–2017.–Vol. 1.– P.7763-7770
Likholetov, V.V Theory of Inventive Problem Solving and prospects of engineering education / V.V. Likholetov, S.V. Aliukov //INTED2017 Proceedings.–2017.–Vol. -.– P.7747-7752
Logistic Integration of Trading Service Facilities: Spatial Aspect / Kuzmenko, Y.G //Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science.–2017.–Vol. 2230.– P.704-708
Management of Meso-, Micro- and Nano-Level Entities on Criteria for Providing Sustainability of Development / О.В. Артемьева //Proceedings of the 30th International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA 2017 - Vision 2020: Sustainable Economic development, Innovation Management, and Global Growth.–2017.–Vol. 2017-January.– P.1629-1642
On The Question of Corruption Spread in The Resisting Economic System / Smagin, V.N //SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC GROWTH, EDUCATION EXCELLENCE, AND INNOVATION MANAGEMENT THROUGH VISION 2020, VOLS I-VII.–2017.–Vol. -.– P.4141-4151
Properties of new adaptive suspension of vehicles / Dubrovskii, A.F //Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science.–2017.–Vol. 2230.– P.900-905
Rezanovich, E.A EVALUATION OF EFFICIENCY OF MODERN TECHNOLOGIES FOR INTRACORPORATE TRAINING OF STAFF / E.A. Rezanovich, S.V. Aliukov, A.E. Rezanovich //INTED2017 Proceedings.–2017.–Vol. -.– P.5794-5803
Rezanovich, I.V CASCADE TRAINING OF PERSONNEL IN A CORPORATE UNIVERSITY / I.V. Rezanovich, S.V. Aliukov //INTED2017 Proceedings.–2017.–Vol. 3.– P.7816-7823
Sectoral Factors of Formation of Tax Revenues in Subsidized Regions of Russia / Журбина Е //Proceedings of the 30th International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA 2017 - Vision 2020: Sustainable Economic development, Innovation Management, and Global Growth.–2017.–Vol. 2017-January.– P.1643-1650
Spatial manifestation of inflation in terms of the territorial heterogeneity of the Russian economy / Danilova, I.V //Proceedings of the 30th International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA 2017 - Vision 2020: Sustainable Economic development, Innovation Management, and Global Growth.–2017.–Vol. 2017-January.– P.2953-2959
Strategic Management of Dynamic Capabilities of an Enterprise with Using Foresight Technologies / Vaisman, E.D //Proceedings of the 29th International Business Information Management Association conference, 2017.–2017.–Vol. 05.– P.787-795
Technology of development of professional thinking of graduate students / Rezanovich, I.V //ICERI Proceedings.–2017.–Vol. November.– P.1093-1102
The Synergy Mirage In Russian Industry: The Study of the Effectiveness of the Biggest M&A With Acquired Goodwill / Ivanov, A.E //Proceedings of the 30th International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA 2017 - Vision 2020: Sustainable Economic development, Innovation Management, and Global Growth.–2017.–Vol. 2017-January.– P.134-139
Three-Dimensional Modeling of Innovative Socio-Economic Entities / Dvornichenko, A.A //Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science.–2017.–Vol. 2230.– P.642-645
Vaisman, E.D Assessment of institutions in Russian SME development system / E.D. Vaisman, M.V. Podshivalova, S.V. Aliukov //Proceedings of the 30th International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA 2017 - Vision 2020: Sustainable Economic development, Innovation Management, and Global Growth.–2017.–Vol. 2017-January.– P.140-150
СРАВНИТЕЛЬНЫЙ АНАЛИЗ МЕТОДОВ АППРОКСИМАЦИИ РАБОЧЕЙ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКИ УПРУГОГО ЭЛЕМЕНТА ПОДВЕСКИ АВТОМОБИЛЯ / А.Ф. Дубровский //Вестник Южно-Уральского государственного университета. Серия: Машиностроение.–2017.–Том Том 17 №4.– C.5-12
Участие в международных научных конференциях: 
32nd IBIMA International Conference (2018)
WCE 2017 World Congress on Engineering 2017
The 29th IBIMA conference will be held in Vienna, Austria 3-4 May 2017. (2017)
Proceedings of INTED2017 Conference (2017)
SAE 2015 Commercial Vehicle Engineering Congress (2016)
Российские патенты (включая свидетельства о регистрации программ): 
Повышение квалификации: 
Технологии и методы искусственного интеллекта (80 ч., 2023 г.)
Углубленная лингвистическая подготовка «Лингва». Уровень Proficiency (240 ч., 2021 г.)
Грант правительства Словакии (478 ч., 2021 г.)
Углубленная лингвистическая подготовка «Лингва» (240 ч., 2020 г.)
Углубленная лингвистическая подготовка «Лингва». English Medium Instruction (240 ч., 2019 г.)
Цифровые технологии (220 ч., 2019 г.)
Управление в логистических и транспортных системах (255 ч., 2019 г.)
Использование ресурсов электронно-информационной образовательной среды ВУЗа при реализации образовательных программ высшего образования (16 ч., 2019 г.)
Английский язык: научная статья (72 ч., 2017 г.)
English for Professional Communication: Academic Socializing (120 ч., 2015 г.)
Fulbright (1080 ч., 2014 г.)
Финансовое моделирование в Excel (24 ч., 2014 г.)
Economics (2000 ч., 2007 г.)
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