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برامج تحضير الدكتوراة
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برنامج التحضيري
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الطاقم الأكاديمي
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المناصب الأكاديمية والبحثية
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مشاريع لطلاب ما بعد الدكتوراة
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النفقات عند الوصول
الوثائق والأستمارات
جهات الأتصال الرئيسية
الحياة الجامعية في أرقام وحقائق
رابطة الطلاب الأجانب
الحياة الطلابية
المنظمات الطلابية
الثقافة والفن
المتاحف الجامعية
الإعلام الجامعي
الصحة والراحة
خريطة الحرم الجامعي
إتحاد الخريجين العالمي
معلومات للخريجين
الإعلان والضيوف
Сведения об образовательной организации
Научно-педагогический состав
Шанмугавел Сударсан
Шанмугавел Сударсан
Старший научный сотрудник —
НИЛ «Проблемы утилизации современных многокомпонентных материалов со сложной структурой»
Hirsch index:
Scopus 0
Articles and monographs:
Synthesis and characterization of thermal properties of poly(p-cumylphenyl methacrylate-co-methoxyethyl methacrylate) copolymers / P.. E //Journal of Molecular Structure.–2025.–Vol. 1324
A computational study of the impact of fluid flow characteristics on convective heat transfer with Hall current using the MHD non-Newtonian fluid model / S.. Mullai Venthan //Chemical Engineering Research and Design.–2024.–Vol. 203.– P.789-799
Chandrasekaran, N.. Synthesis of copolymer of aniline-o-phenylenediamine using nonionic surfactant Triton X-100: analysis of electrical conductivities and supercapacitor properties / N.. Chandrasekaran, D.. Madheswari, S.. Shanmugavel //Ionics.–2024.–Vol. 30 No. 9.– P.5755-5765
Enhancing the mechanical properties of high-entropy alloys through severe plastic deformation: A review / Naseri, M. //Journal of Alloys and Metallurgical Systems.–2024.–Vol. 5
High-entropy oxide (CeGdHfPrZr)O2 nanoparticles as reusable photocatalyst for wastewater remediation / Mariappan, A. //Surfaces and Interfaces.–2024.–Vol. 51
Reusable high-entropy oxide environmental photocatalyst towards toxic Cr(VI) reduction with tailored bandgap via solution combustion synthesis / Mariappan, A. //Advanced Powder Technology.–2024.–Vol. 35 No. 5
Review of novel approach and scalability forecast of ZnSe and Perovskite/Graphene based thin film materials for high performance solar cell applications / T.. Rajesh Kumar //Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie.–2024
Shanmugavel, S. Survey of diverse hydrometallurgy techniques for recovering and extracting valuable metals from PCB waste: an overview / S.. Shanmugavel, A.. Mariappan, T.. Evgeny Alekseevich //International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology.–2024
Sudarsan, S. Synthesis and characterization of copper ferrite nanocomposite from discarded printed circuit boards as an effective photocatalyst for Congo red dye degradation / S.. Sudarsan, M.. Anandkumar, E.A. Trofimov //Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry.–2024.–Vol. 131.– P.208-220
A comprehensive review on recent developments of natural fiber composites synthesis, processing, properties, and characterization / S.. JP //Engineering Research Express.–2023.–Vol. 5 No. 3
Exploration of mechanical properties of hemp fiber/flax fiber reinforced composites based on biopolymer and epoxy resin / A.. Shebaz //Materials Today: Proceedings.–2023
Synthesis and characterization of binding interaction of ZnO nanoparticles with organic compounds / M.. Srinivasan //Materials Today: Proceedings.–2023
Synthesis, characterization, and performance of chitosan/nylon 6/polyurethane blend for the removal of chromium (VI) and lead (II) ions from aqueous solutions for enhanced kinetic adsorption studies / S.. Jayakumar //Water Reuse.–2023.–Vol. 13 No. 3.– P.319-328
Thermal, morphology and bacterial analysis of pH-responsive sodium carboxyl methylcellulose/ fumaric acid/ acrylamide nanocomposite hydrogels: Synthesis and characterization / Sudarsan, S. //Heliyon.–2023.–Vol. 9 No. 11
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