Хищенко Константин Владимирович

Старший научный сотрудник кафедры «Вычислительная механика»
Кандидат физико-математических наук
Hirsch index: 
Scopus 32
Web of Science 0
Знание иностранных языков: 
Russian scientific profiles: 
РИНЦ: SPIN-код 8168-7800, Author ID 8771
Scopus ID: 6602474343
Web of Science ResearcherID: K-1558-2013
Articles and monographs: 
Khishchenko, K.V Equation of state for aluminum at high pressures / K.V. Khishchenko //High Temperature.–2023.–Vol. 61 No. 3.– P.440-443
Khishchenko, K.V Equation of state for tantalum at high pressures in waves of shock compression and isentropic expansion / K.V. Khishchenko //Physics of Wave Phenomena.–2023.–Vol. 31 No. 4.– P.273-276
Khishchenko, K.V Equation of state of hafnium at high pressures in shock waves / K.V. Khishchenko //Physics of Wave Phenomena.–2023.–Vol. 31 No. 2.– P.123-125
Khishchenko, K.V Equation of state of zirconium at high pressures / K.V. Khishchenko //High Temperature.–2023.–Vol. 61 No. 5.– P.720-723
Studying the dynamics of wave processes of compression and expansion in palladium under picosecond laser action / A.Y. Semenov //High Temperature.–2023.–Vol. 61 No. 4.– P.502-507
Effect of the temperature of an electrode microprotrusion on the microcrater formation on the electrode surface upon pulsed and radiofrequency vacuum breakdowns / S.A. Barengolts //Vacuum.–2022.–Vol. 204
Khishchenko, K.V Equation of state for bismuth at high energy densities / K.V. Khishchenko //Energies.–2022.–Vol. 15 No. 19
Khishchenko, K.V Equation of state for iridium at high pressures / K.V. Khishchenko //Journal of Physics: Conference Series.–2022.–Vol. 2154 No. 1
Melting of titanium by a shock wave generated by an intense femtosecond laser pulse / V.A. Khokhlov //JETP Letters.–2022.–Vol. 115 No. 9.– P.523-530
Khishchenko, K.V Equation of state for rhodium at high pressures / K.V. Khishchenko //Journal of Physics: Conference Series.–2021.–Vol. 2057 No. 1
Khishchenko, K.V Equation of state for vanadium at high pressures / K.V. Khishchenko //Journal of Physics: Conference Series.–2021.–Vol. 1787 No. 1
Khishchenko, K.V High- and low-entropy layers in solids behind shock and ramp compression waves / K.V. Khishchenko, A.E. Mayer //International Journal of Mechanical Sciences.–2021.–Vol. 189
Plasma-liquid interaction during a pulsed vacuum breakdown / S.A. Barengolts //Journal of Applied Physics.–2021.–Vol. 129 No. 13
Семенов, А.Ю. Modeling of shock-wave processes in aluminum under the action of a short laser pulse / А.Ю. Семенов, И.А. Стучебрюхов, К.В. Хищенко //.–2021.–Том 50.– C.108-118
Хищенко, К.В. Analytic approximation of the Debye function / К.В. Хищенко //.–2020.–Том 49.– C.96-110
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