Graduate of the School of Medical Biology Svetlana Grinvald upon completion of her studies at SUSU was awarded a diploma with honours and became a specialist in biotechnology.
– How did you choose what field to study at South Ural State University?
– After graduating from high school, my only desire was to enrol at the University of Civil Aviation in Saint Petersburg, but my parents suggested considering a few other options, one of which was South Ural State University. After arriving at the university, it took me a long time to decide which profession to choose. I wanted a field that was in-demand, innovative, and where I could develop both my professional skills and show my creativity. After analyzing all of the fields of study, I settled on choosing the speciality of a food production technologist, which is offered at the School of Medical Biology.
– Which moments from your studies were the most memorable ones?
– Most of all I remember the practical exercises, where at first we learned to titrate correctly, mix reagents, prepare solutions, and then conduct research on food products. We determined the content of pesticides in vegetables and fruits, determined the amount of proteins and fats in food, planted crops on nutrient media and counted microorganisms. We studied the effect of non-traditional additives on the quality of the final products, studying defects and establishing optimal storage conditions for food products. Back in school I didn’t really like chemistry, but at the university I “plunged headfirst” into research and even began to participate in scientific conferences.
– Can you tell us about your achievements?
– Student years are the best time to develop your capabilities, and SUSU provides all of the means to do that. My extracurricular activities began with participating in various social events. With time, my interest was piqued by the student centre, where I acted as the vice chairperson, organized a school for activists and various creative events, one of which was the university project “Priznaniye” (“Recognition”).
Besides my work in the Student Council, I participated in various creative projects; I especially remember the Miss and Mister SUSU contest. In addition, I actively participated in volunteer work for the university and the city, travelled to forums, participated in such big projects as Victory Waltz, and also represented my department in athletic relays and held shaping classes. I completed the elite training program in the School of Medical Biology.
– What fields has your research work been tied to?
– My first scientific work was participating in a project to develop enriched pasta with an unconventional colour and taste. With this project, I participated in an exhibition of scientific and technical creations by students and published my first article in a scientific edition.
Then, I became interested in the development of technologies for enriched bakery products which can be used both as main food products and as semi-finished products in a fast-food chain. This topic formed the basis of my final term paper. My supervisor and I determined the composition of the recipe by monitoring the needs of the population of the Chelyabinsk Region, substantiated the recipe and equipment necessary for the technological process, and conducted analyses of standard quality indicators, as well as the nutritional and biological value of the bakery product. With this project, I participated in a student research competition, and based on the results of experimental studies, I prepared an article for publication.
– Do you have a motto?
– My motto in life is: never give up, always try something new and interesting, develop yourself, work a lot, and most importantly—don't forget to enjoy what you do.
– Do you have any interesting hobbies?
– My hobbies are mostly creative ones. I draw, I’m learning to sing, I dance, enjoy photography, reading, I regularly play sports, and I am interested in proper, healthy nutrition.
– What are your plans for the future?
– In the near future I will try to enrol in a Master’s degree programme, as this is necessary for further development in my chosen field. I would also like to develop innovative functional and specialized food products. It is necessary to correct metabolic processes and prevent health disorders using a diet in the modern world. A number of enterprises successfully operate in our region, striving to be in line with the current trends of the food industry, constantly updating and expanding their product line. Perhaps, my professional activity will be connected with one of them.
– What advice would you give to applicants in 2020?
– I would like to stress once again that SUSU is one of the most remarkable universities, where the emphasis is put not only on the educational activities of students, but great attention is paid to extracurricular life as well, which plays a crucial role in developing your personal qualities. Therefore, I wish the applicants to take active part in the life of the university, to develop themselves, to use all the opportunities that the university provides, and then it will be possible to obtain much more knowledge and skills, as well as develop and fulfil their creative potential. Nothing is impossible for people striving towards their goal! Listen to your heart and you will surely succeed!
Graduate of the School of Medical Biology Zheng Hui came to Chelyabinsk from China and successfully completed the Vegetable-Based Food Products programme.
– Why did you choose this field of study at South Ural State University?
– I enrolled in South Ural State University through the Russian-Chinese project of cooperation between universities. In China, I studied Quality and Food Safety at Xuchang University, so I chose a related field of study—Vegetable-Based Food Products.
– Which moments from your studies were the most memorable ones?
– The most memorable moments in my studies were laboratory work in our professional subjects, where we, while studying the technology, made pasta, sweets, marmalade, baked bread, and also decorated cakes and painted gingerbread cookies.
– Could you please tell us about your achievements?
– When writing my final term paper, I studied the principles of designed manufacturing lines for the production of cookies using equipment available in the PRC. The theme of my final term paper was chosen based on a study of the food market in China. According to analysts' forecasts, the production of cookies in China is expected to grow rapidly in the coming years (at the level of 7-10% per year), and the demand for engineering manufacturing developments for confectionery enterprises is very high.
– Do you have a motto?
– My motto in life is: perseverance does not guarantee success, surrender guarantees failure.
– What are your plans for the future?
– In the future, I plan on continuing my research in a Master’s degree programme at the Department of Food Technology and Biotechnology.