Would you like to become a high-class professional in instrument engineering, radio electronics, automatic control, information security, computer science and software engineering?
Would you like to design self-driving systems and wireless sensors, to implement smart production technology, which no modern enterprise can do without?
Would you like to analyze terabytes of data, to reveal hidden patterns in complex processes, to work on supercomputers?
Apply to the SUSU School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), which is headed by Candidate of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor Gleb Radchenko.
“Our students are trained under programmes developed in collaboration with world leaders in the field of information technology: Emerson, Samsung, Kaspersky Lab, and others,” says Director of the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science. “The education process is implemented through breakthrough research projects, close attention is paid to practice. In our laboratories, which are similar to few not only in the Russian Federation, but also in the world, first-year future specialists can be engaged in full-fledged scientific activity, solve real problems in the field of digitalization of industrial systems. Dozens of students of the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science receive personal funding for their research projects as part of special programmes if they are engaged in scientific research or win at all-Russian or international Olympiads. Many students study abroad and participate in Double Degree programs of SUSU and leading European universities. Postgraduate students participate in international scientific schools in many countries from Jordan to the UK. By the way, world-famous scientists deliver lectures to our students.”
School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science: the Past and the Present
“The School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science was founded as part of the university reorganization on the basis of two SUSU leading faculties that are the Faculty of Computer Technologies, Control and Radio Electronics and the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Informatics,” continues Gleb Radchenko. “The purpose of this merging is to ensure the competitiveness of the university in the international arena in the framework of Program 5-100. Now there are ten departments, thirty laboratories and research centres in the structure of EECS, where almost three dozen professors and doctors of sciences work. The School interacts with one of the leading supercomputer centres in Russia, the SUSU Supercomputer Simulation Laboratory. The total performance of university supercomputers is 658 teraflops. This opens up great opportunities for our students, postgraduate students and doctoral students to be engaged in research work.”
Departments of the School can be conventionally combined into three blocks. The first is “Automation and Control Systems and Instrumentation”. These are departments of information and measuring technology; automation and control; automatic control systems. The second block is the departments, where training is being conducted in the fields of radio electronics and information communication systems. These are the departments of design and manufacture of radio equipment; information communication technology. The third block includes the departments that train specialists in information technology and information security. These are the departments of electronic computers; system programming; computational mathematics and high-performance computing; informational and analytical support of control in social and economic systems; information security.
The School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science train specialists in the following fields: “Computer Science and Engineering”, “Fundamental Computer Science and Information Technology”, “Software Engineering”, “Information Security”, “Information Security of Automatic Systems”, “Information and Communication Systems”, “Radio-Electronic Systems and Complexes”, “Design and Technology of Electronic Means”, “Instrumentation”, “Automation of Technological Processes and Production”, “Aircraft Control Systems”, “Navigation Systems”, “Control in Engineering Systems”.
How to Apply? Which Unified State Exams Are Required?
EECS invites applicants to Bachelor’s, Master’s degree and Specialist programmes. After graduation, those wishing to be engaged in scientific activities can enter postgraduate, doctoral training programmes; defend a candidate thesis, and then a doctoral thesis.
For admission, you need to pass the Unified State Exams: field-specific exams in Mathematics and the Russian language, as well as one of the two exams in Physics or Computer Science. Gleb Radchenko advises passing both: this expands the possibility of choosing the field of training. Those who have passed Physics can apply to the following fields: “Instrumentation”, “Aircraft Control Systems”, “Radio-Electronic Systems and Complexes”.
Those who have passed Computer Science are free to apply to the following fields: “Information and Communication Systems”, “Design and Technology of Electronic Means”, “Control in Engineering Systems”, “Automation of Technological Processes and Production”, as well as to those related to computer sciences, including “Computer Science and Computer Engineering ”,“ Information Security ”,“Software Engineering”, “Fundamental Computer Science and Information Technology”.
State-Financed Openings
You can study both on a state-financed or contractual basis. If you have passed the competition, you will be admitted and become a student.
The number of state-financed openings for the 2020/2021 academic year as per the fields:
- “Fundamental Computer Science and Information Technology”, 28;
- “Software Engineering”, 45;
- “Computer Science and Engineering”, 90;
- “Information Security”, 25;
- “Information Security of Automatic Systems”, 25;
- “Radio-Electronic Systems and Complexes”, 23;
- “Information and Communication Systems”, 48;
- “Design and Technology of Electronic Means”, 25;
- “Instrumentation”, 42;
- “Aircraft Control Systems”, 24;
- “Automation of Technological Processes and Production”, 27.
For more information the applicants can visit the website.
EECS Partners
“We are proud to cooperate with our industrial partners on science, education, internships, student internships, and graduate employment,” says Director of the SUSU School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science. “At present industry is the key consumer in the field of innovation, radio electronics, information technology, and information security. The SUSU School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science trains professionals in these fields. Therefore, those who are connected with industry already since student days know where to apply their competencies and are in demand on the labour market.”
Emerson Corporation has created an innovative enterprise and engineering centre in Chelyabinsk precisely because there are highly qualified specialists in the field of instrumentation, measuring equipment, which our School trains. Together with Emerson, an Emerson Competence Centre was created at SUSU. Our students being trained in the field of Instrumentation learn new types of measuring systems, control systems, including those based on artificial intelligence, artificial neural networks, on advanced equipment and systems supplied by Emerson.
Another our most important industrial partner is Endress + Hauser, a leading company engaged in the development of systems of automation of technological processes in the field of energy and resource conservation. Those who take training in our programmes related to automation and control can study the automatic systems, that are used at leading enterprises in this field, in a laboratory equipped by Endress + Hauser.
At present information technology, information security are the cornerstone in the development of information systems. Specialists in this field are in demand nowadays, when the world is communicating in virtual space. Now people do many ordinary everyday things on the Internet through online systems, for example: they buy clothes, order food, and get banking services. Information security professionals can, for instance, put a barrier between an internal corporate system and the external aggressive environment. We work with world leaders in the field of information protection, including Kaspersky Lab, which founded a scientific and educational centre at the SUSU School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, where our students are engaged in design work on a completely new operating system related to the Internet of things.
Samsung Academy
Speaking of new concepts and models, one cannot but mention the Internet of Things Laboratory. Two years ago, together with Samsung, we launched the Samsung Internet of Things (IoT) Academy project. Here students can gain knowledge in the field of the Internet of things, cyber-physical systems and create projects in the field of the Internet of things. In 2019, the students who began training in that field two years ago showed themselves worthy at the federal Samsung project competition: the project “Industrial Internet of Things in the System for Monitoring the Condition of Pipelines in Polyurethane Foam Insulation” by Sergey Kuznetsov was awarded the Grand Prix; “Automatic Heat Energy Metering System Based on Long-Range Energy-Efficient Networks” project by Sergey Antonov won the second place in the nomination “Business and Society”; and Evgeniy Kanashev, teacher at the SUSU School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science received the prize as the “Best Teacher of Samsung IoT Academy”. We bindingly declare that the best education in the field of the Internet of things in Russia is at the SUSU School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science. Starting this year, we are expanding our cooperation with the world's leader in the field of information technology and electronics, Samsung: we are jointly launching two new projects, that are a School of Mobile Development and a School of Artificial Intelligence.
EECS Laboratories Are Headed by Professors from the UK and Mexico
In addition to education, we also interact with our partners in the field of science. Thus, two world-class laboratories under the guidance of outstanding scientists have been opened at the SUSU EECS. The first of them, the Self-Validating Sensors, Systems, and Advanced Instrumentation Laboratory, is headed by Professor Manus P. Henry from University of Oxford, Great Britain. Research studies in the field of signal processing, measurement technology and self-diagnosis of technical systems are being conducted there. This is a very important component of the Internet of things field: in order to ensure the maximum convenience for users, and the maximum efficiency of industrial processes, you need to have reliable information about various environmental parameters. And this requires accurate sensors. Empowering them with self-validation and self-monitoring is a very interesting analytical and technical task that Professor Manus Henry and his colleagues try to solve.
The second laboratory, that is the Laboratory for Problem-Oriented Cloud Computing Environments, is engaged in research in the field of distributed computing and cloud technologies. It is headed by Professor of the Centre for Scientific Research and Higher Education of Ensenada Andrei Tchernykh, Mexico. The Laboratory conducts scientific research in the field of cloud computing, fog computing, edge computing. These are those fields and those computational concepts that are only just emerging. If you apply to the School, you will be in great demand in the future, including by such companies as Microsoft, Google or Amazon, which are looking for specialists who can solve such problems all over the world.
Supercomputers, Our Special Pride
One should mention the Laboratory of Supercomputer Simulation, Supercomputer High-Performance Computing, Highly Loaded Systems, and Large Databases. This is the advantage that brought information technology in SUSU to the world level. The Laboratory of Supercomputer Simulation has three very powerful supercomputers, which are used not only for scientific calculations: there students also learn how to operate them, and they can also get connection from anywhere in the world.
Knowledge from World Famous Scientists
Lectures to students are delivered by world-famous scientists. So, the course "Fundamentals of Quantum Computing" is taught to our students by Professor of the Korea Institute for Advanced Study Jaewan Kim. “Public Key Encryption” course is delivered by Professor of the University of Luxembourg Franck Leprevost. The course "Fundamentals of Computer Vision" is presented by a scientist from Finland, Professor of Lappeenranta University of Technology Arto Kaarna, and the lecture on "Mathematical Fundamentals of the User Interface of Software Systems" is given by Professor of the University of Central Lancashire Janet Reed, Great Britain.
Studies at EECS open their way to the international scientific community. For example, students are actively participating in a joint Double Degree program with Lappeenranta University of Technology (Finland) in the fields of Software Engineering and Intelligent Computing. Upon completing their training, they immediately receive two diplomas of higher education that are of SUSU and the Finnish university.
In 2012, the first in the Urals English-language Master's programme for foreign students in the field of “Fundamental Computer Science and Information Technology” appeared in South Ural State University; and since 2019, the enrolment to the English-language Master's programme “Internet of Things Technology” has been opened. These programmes are in great demand among students from all over the world. Every year, students from Iraq, Egypt, Vietnam, India and other countries come to study at the SUSU School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science.
In addition, our students and postgraduates actively participate and win competitions in the UMNIK program by Small Enterprise Assistance Fund in the Scientific and Technical Field. The winners are awarded grants for the implementation of their research projects.
Computer Games Design, an In-demand Field
For seven years, the SUSU School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science has been organizing the largest annual international competition Global Game Jam on the development of computer games in Chelyabinsk. It takes place simultaneously around the world, including Russia. The goal is the popularization of information technology and team development of software systems (computer games, in particular), as well as the exchange of practical experience in creating software and identifying talented students.
It was in the SUSU EECS that the first Master’s degree programme in computer games appeared in our country. The computer games world market is huge, and in Chelyabinsk there are also many companies that are engaged in their development. Competitions are interesting and useful because they allow you to try your hand, compare your level of knowledge and skills with other participants, learn how to work in a team, distribute responsibilities, demonstrate your product to a large audience. The relationship with employers is also important: sponsors and organizers are the companies involved in the development of computer games, including SKB Kontur, Tapclap, Napoleon IT, ICVR, ODIN Games, Chel.Hack, Duck Rockets. They invite students to take practical training, internship, and those who have proven themselves well get jobs: good programmers, web designers are in demand on the labour market. There are cases when participation in the Global Game Jam paved the way for a successful career, or even to creation of one's own company. It all happens thanks to the knowledge of computer science and computer engineering, software engineering, which is provided by the SUSU School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science: students learn various programming languages, operating systems, master virtual and augmented reality, obtain web programming skills, and can create mobile applications, which is also important. Indeed, in the modern world a significant part of computer games is created specifically for handheld electronic devices, for example, smart-phones.
Where Can We Be Employed?
Students of the SUSU School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science take practical training in world-famous leading companies in the field of automation, instrument engineering and information technology. Graduates get employed by such corporations as Emerson, Endress+Hauser, Microsoft and Intel, Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd., Rosatom, Rostech, Rosnano, Rosneft, Gazprom, Rostelekom, Т2 Mobile, VympelCom (Beeline), Megafon, Kaspersky Lab, Google, Yandex, and others.
These world-class competitive experts in the field of electronics, software engineering, information technology, control systems and radio electronics, who are able to solve their tasks, use the latest, most relevant information technologies, radio electronics and control systems, are extremely in demand, and the only question is what working place is to be chosen.
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