Presentation of the “I Am a Professional” Olympiad Was Held at SUSU

On October 25th, the presentation of the “I Am a Professional” Olympiad for students was held at South Ural State University.

In 2019-2020, the “I Am a Professional” Olympiad will be held for the third time. The competitions test not only theoretical knowledge, but also professional competences of the participants. Students can try themselves in one or several of the 68 categories. These cover different professional spheres: from medicine and healthcare to computer and engineering sciences. Every year the list of categories is updated according to the requests from the participants and the changes on the labour market.

The Olympiad is held in 2 stages: a correspondence (selective) stage with tests, and an in-person stage with already practice-oriented tasks. The tasks of the final tour are compiled with the participation of the employers themselves, and each one of them wishes to convey to their potential colleagues what their work implies. That is why up to 30% of the tasks within the in-person round are case tasks.  

Within the presentation, a round table was organized to discuss the issue of forming an efficient system of revealing, supporting and developing the capabilities and talents of young people on the example of the “I Am a Professional” Olympiad with the participation of vice-rectors for academic affairs from the educational organisations of higher education in the Chelyabinsk Region. Minister of Education and Science of the Chelyabinsk Region Aleksandr Kuznetsov was also among the meeting’s guests. He spoke about the role of South Ural State University in holding this Olympiad.

“This is an all-Russian Olympiad, which aims at bringing together employers and most promising graduates of the universities from across the Chelyabinsk Region, the Ural Federal District and the whole Russian Federation. This is the first step of a competition movement of this kind, and it’s quite a successful one at that: we can see the dynamics in the registration of the participants, and the number of SUSU students among them is high. In this context, this is the place we’ve chosen to hold our meeting at.”

In the second half of the day, a meeting was held between students and Director of the Association of the Organisers of the “I Am a Professional” Olympiads for Students Valeriya Kasamara. She shared on the mechanics of holding an Olympiad, and noted that the informal communication between students and employers is beneficial for both parties.

“Winter schools is a very interesting format. These are the meetings for young people from different regions of our country. Students can come and meet the leaders from those sectors, which they are planning to build their careers in, and they can learn first-hand in which direction to move and what to achieve. Students get a chance to communicate with their future employers. In this academic year, we are planning on holding 18 winter schools in different cities across Russia.”

The main provisions of the Olympiad were presented at the meeting. Also, all those willing could ask their questions and receive answers directly from the Association Director. Besides, at this event, curators of the “I Am a Professional” Olympiad were awarded the Letters of Acknowledgement by the Association of the Organisers of Olympiads for Students.

The “I Am a Professional” All-Russian Olympiad for Students is one of the flagship projects within the “Russia Is a Land of Opportunity” Presidential Platform. This project is being fulfilled with the support from the Russian Federation Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The main goal of the project is to help talented students training under various specialities prove themselves, continue their studies in our country’s leading universities, or begin their careers in big companies.

The registration for participation in the “I Am a Professional” Olympiad will be open through November 18th on November 22nd through December 8th, an online selection stage will be held, and the final in-person stage of this Olympiad will begin already in January of 2020.

Marina Kovyazina; photo by: Oleg Igoshin
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