Staff of structural subdivisions responsible for acceptance of foreign citizens (excluding the following categories of people: students enrolled for the principal educational programmes, attendees of pre-university courses, exchange students and attendees of Summer Schools), who are willing to visit South Ural State University, must due time*:
- Coordinate the possibility of a visit by international guests to SUSU with the Rector or Vice-Rector for International Relations;
- Arrange visa support (if necessary) under assistance of the Immigration Services office in accordance with the goal of a visit;
- Prepare a schedule of stay of foreign citizens at SUSU and in Chelyabinsk (with attachment of copies of their passports and specification of the place of employment/study of each foreign citizen);
- The entire package of documents must be submitted to SUSU’s International Office (office 913 of the Main building, or office 019a in the Eastern wing of the Main building).
Deadlines for submission of documents to the International Office:
- 60 days prior to the visit (for formatting of an invitation letter for visa application) to the Immigration Services office;
- 30 days prior to the visit (for formatting of an official invitation letter) to the International Relations and Development office;
- 14 days prior to the visit (for the possibility to visit the university’s territory) to the International Relations and Development office;
- 7 days after the visit (for a report to the Federal Security Service Directorate) to the Immigration Services office.
*in accordance with the Regulations on arrangement of an invitation and acceptance of foreign citizens, approved on August 28 of 2018 by the Order of the SUSU Rector No.225
Responsibility for arrangement of a visit, compliance with requirements regarding the formatting and submission deadlines of applicable documents is born by the Head of the SUSU subdivision which performs acceptance of foreign citizens.
If any questions regarding the arrangement of the following:
- admissions of foreign citizens to SUSU
please contact Julia Shmotina, Head of the International Office’s International Relations and Development via phone 272 32 78
- formatting an invitation letter for entry of foreign citizens to Russia
please contact Marina Davydova, Head of the Immigration Services office, via phone 8 (351) 267-93-30
- excursions to the museum complex of SUSU
please contact Nadezhda Ivanova, Director of the Museum Complex, via phone 267-95-81
- excursions to research and education centres and laboratories
please contact Olga Khayrullina, Head of the Information Management and Analytics Office of the Research and Innovation Services, via phone 272 30 48
- informational coverage of a visit in the format of an article published on the SUSU website
please contact Lidiya Lobodenko, Head of the Marketing and Strategic Communications Department, via phone 272 33 12
- informational coverage of a visit in the format of a video broadcasted on SUSU-TV
please contact Natalia Tuchkova, Head of the main office for TV broadcasting, via phone 267 90 86
Document templates
Programme of a visit by foreign citizens
Report on a visit of foreign citizens
Request to the garage for transfer arrangement
Request to Volna cafe / Request to the café in Sigma Academic Complex
Order on arrangement of a visit
Official note for formatting a pass (in case of staying longer than 30 days)
Visits by foreign citizens
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