19.04.04 Production Technology and Catering Organization

Major: Innovative Technologies in the Production and Organization of Catering Companies

Level: Master’s degree

Duration of training: 2 years – full time, 2,5 years – part time

Degree certificate: Master’s degree

Mode of study: Full time, part time

Language of study: Russian

Programme manager: Lyubov Savelyevna Prokhasko, +7(908)058-30-41, prokhaskols[at]susu[dot]ru

Description of the educational programme

Field of professional activity:

  • processing and storage of food raw materials at catering companies;
  • production of semi-finished products and products for various purposes for catering; control of the efficient activity of catering companies;
  • control of the quality and safety of raw materials and finished products at catering companies;
  • design and reconstruction of catering companies, culinary production facilities producing semi-finished products;
  • scientific research of food products and the development of new high-tech food production.


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