09.03.03 Applied Informatics

Major: Applied Informatics in Economics

Level: Bachelor’s degree

Duration of training: 4 years

Degree certificate: Bachelor’s degree

Mode of study: Full time, part time

Language of study: Russian

Programme manager: Boris Sukhovilov, 267-95-22, sukhovilovbm[at]susu[dot]ru

Description of the educational programme

The bachelor’s degree program Applied Informatics is aimed at training specialists who are able to:

  • conduct a pre-project survey of the application area, collect detailed information to formalize customer requirements;
  • create software and software prototypes for solving applied tasks, test components for specified scenarios;
  • participate in the implementation, adaptation and configuration of information systems;
  • develop and maintain databases;
  • accompany and adapt modern information systems to customer requirements.

The goal of the program is to bridge the gap between software developers and users of information systems.

Field of future profession

The program is aimed at training IT professionals in the field of economics.
A balanced combination of disciplines of information and economic components in the training program allows graduates to work in enterprises and organizations of various profiles.


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