Extracurricular Activities Department and the SUSU Photo School invite to take part in the photo contest “Russia as seen by Student”. Both professional and starting photographers under the age of 30 can apply.
Photos participating in the contest should be devoted to Russia and its various regions. Reflection of interesting and attractive aspects of international life, travel and tourism are welcomed in the photographs.
The contest is aimed at the patriotic education, engaging students in creative life and developing interest in Russia.
Photos are accepted in the following seven categories:
- Charm of Nature (photos of nature);
- Life of a City (photos of urban architecture);
- Remember, Proud, Live! (patriotic photos);
- Faces of the World (portrait photos);
- We are Responsible for What We Have Tamed (photos of animals);
- It is Easy to be Kind (photos reflecting volunteer activities);
- My Student Life (photos reflecting the student life of the university);
The photos can be submitted until February 25 via email 74foto74[at]mail[dot]ru.