Upon results of a competitive selection and by the Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No.318 dated December 18 of 2018, South Ural State University has been included into the List of federal innovative platforms in the system of education for 2019-2023 with the project entitled “Establishment of an infrastructure for mass supplementary online education of children on the basis of interaction od educational institutions and enterprises of the region”. The developer of this project is a team of SUSU’s Institute of Open and Distance Education.
More than 300 projects took part in the competitive selection. All of them had passed technical and general expertise. Organisers evaluated the level of novelty and conceptual innovative nature of the project as well as justification of the algorithm for acquiring the main results, its applicability, etc.
“Within the project, events targeted at enhancement of quality of supplementary educational programmes being implemented in online format are going to be organised. Among them is development of the system for vocational enhancement of supplementary education teaching staff, including the sphere of adaptation of supplementary general education programmes for children with limited health capacities. We will involve higher education teaching staff, pedagogues of general education institution and leading employees of the region’s enterprises as authors and developers. An individual direction is recruiting and extending the group of volunteers represented by students in order to supervise the process of supplementary education of children,” says Elena Kolmychevskaya, Director of the Children’s Internet University Education Centre of the SUSU IODE.
There will be an exchange of experience between teaching staff and developers of the programmes for children’s supplementary education taking place on the website of the Children’s Internet University. This Internet platform will become a catalogue of online courses of supplementary education for children with the option to register and get transferred to the educational portal for further learning.
Director of the SUSU Institute of Open and Distance Education Aleksandr Demin considers this project to be unique: “Innovative nature of the project is in a complex, multi-sided approach to formation of an available environment for supplementary education of children, which would involve enterprises interested in enhancement of education quality and the region’s development to the process of elaboration and implementation of educational programmes.”