On the occasion of the 73rd Anniversary of the Great Victory active preparations to the ceremonial May 9th parade started. Every year students of the SUSU’s Faculty of Military Education take part in the celebration and already began preparing to it.
The rehearsals take about one month and include participation of students of the Faculty of Military Education in two events: May 9th Victory Parade, as well as march in review and the ceremony of wreath-laying at the Eternal Flame monument on May 7th. The Head of the SUSU Faculty of Military Education Nikolay Karpov shares on the process of preparation to the holiday.
“The whole Military Faculty of our university will be involved in the May 7th parade. Students, lead by Rector Aleksandr Shestakov, will take part in flowers and wreaths laying to honour the memory of the dead soldiers. Three 80-people troops will be participating on May 9th. The pennant group with the pennants of the numbers of military units which were formed in the Urals and fought in the Great Patriotic War consists of 50 people. Also 100 people will take part in the Victory Waltz, which will be held on the square in front of the SUSU’s main building on May 7th.”
The total of 455 people from the Military Faculty will be engaged in the events dedicated to the Victory Day. Moreover, 100 people will be volunteers at the Immortal Regiment procession to ensure order in the participants’ columns movement. The second group of volunteers consisting of 30 people will head the procession with the Victory Banner.
“It’s for the second time that I’m participating in the march in review, and I have special feelings about it,” shares student of the SUSU’s Faculty of Military Education Ilya Skrebets. “It’s a great honour and, of course, a chance to pay my respect to the participants of the Great Patriotic War.”
The rehearsal of the march in review began on April 1st, and are held every day, Monday to Thursday, regardless of the weather conditions. Every year preparations to the holiday start way before May 9th and require significant devotedness and commitment from the participants.
“I’m happy that I’ll be taking part in the Victory Parade. It will be the first time for me,” shares student of the 2nd year of studies Eduard Pomyatun. “Despite the fact that I’m spending all of my free time on marching now, I really enjoy the rehearsals. All the time and efforts spent are undoubtedly worth the result. We’re given a chance to become part of one of the most important holidays in our history.”