On April 9th through 12th, the 14th International Student Olympiad in Theoretical Mechanics took place at Belarusian State University of Transport in the city of Gomel. 140 students took part in the Olympiad – the best representatives of 32 universities of Belarus, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, China and Turkmenistan.
Our university was represented by a team consisting of: Pavel Lukinykh (AS-434), Ivan Vaganov (P-323), Viktor Ponomarev (ET-311), Amir Urumbaev (AS-345), Aleksei Antipin (AS-276), Aleksei Leonov (P-225), and Bogdan Pogorelov (KE-214). The team consisted of students representing Faculty of Aerospace Engineering of the Polytechnic Institute; Faculty of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Technology of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics; Faculty of Computer Technology, Control and Radio Electronics of the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and the Institute of Architecture and Construction.
During the theoretical round, participants had to solve 8 difficult problems in such areas of theoretical mechanics as statics, kinematics, and dynamics within four hours. Completed solution of one problem could score the participants 10 points.
Competent jury consisting of the university teaching staff, organizers and team leaders, published results of individual and team events of the main competition. The first place among team event was awarded to MIPT – Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. A serious rivalry occurred for the 2nd and the 3rd places. Our team got 127 points and was awarded a third place diploma.
In individual event, Ivan Vaganov, Viktor Ponomarev and Aleksei Antipin were awarded with bronze medals and third place diplomas. Pavel Lukinykh, Amir Urumbaev, Aleksei Leonov and Bogdan Pogorelov demonstrated good results having been placed 18th, 20th, 21st and 26th out of 140 participants.
Moreover, in this academic year our team was placed the 4th in Russia, having taken the 2nd place among national research universities of the Russian Federation, and Pavel Lukinykh was awarded with a first place diploma at the All-Russian Olympiad.
At the prestigious competition, SUSU students completed all tasks with flying colors and demonstrated high level of training in the sphere of theoretical mechanics, having sidestepped many participants from other universities. The team of South ural State University was trained by Associate Professors Yuriy Pryadko and Svetlana Slepova from the Department of Engineering Mechanics.