Happy Defender Of The Fatherland Day!

Dear colleagues, dear friends!

We heartily congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day!

This holiday has a rich and glorious history, being a symbol of courage, dignity and honor of many generations of our vast Motherland Every year on February 23 we remember the glorious victories of our state and say words of gratitude, first of all, to veterans of the great Patriotic war and to all who defended the honor and dignity of our country during local conflicts.

Defender of the Fatherland day is a celebration of every person who protects his house, his family, ensuring its well-being and peace. It is a holiday of patriots-people who make our country stronger by their work, actions, actions and decisions.

South Ural state University has always successfully worked for the benefit of his native country and continues to confidently carry out work on the state order, aimed at supporting and strengthening the defense complex of Russia. The achievements of our research teams, students, teachers – researchers of SUSU are an example of sincere love for Russia,

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on the defender of the Fatherland Day! We wish you and your family health, happiness, kindness and peaceful sky over your head!

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