A social media contest, organized by the HSEM’s Business School and Seyho Motors, is finished at SUSU. Participants had to elaborate a strategy for operating in social networks for Lexus Dealership.
Contestants had a week to analyze modern social networks, review competitor’s groups, determine target audience of Lexus, and on the basis of this elaborate a content-plan for dealership groups.
Aleksandr Svetin and Aleksandr Demchenko, students of the School of Economics and Management, found inspiration in Japanese culture when creating their project.
“Our project is called ‘Ikigai L‘. Ikigai in Japanese means ‘the meaning of life’, and L is of course for Lexus,” explains Aleksandr Svetin. “We can’t say that our content-plan is absolutely unique, but it surely is not an ordinary content-plan. Its peculiarity is in classified columns; it is strictly structured. We didn’t see such columns anywhere else, considering that we analyzed more than 20 dealership centers. We reviewed their content, and on the basis of them elaborated our unique content-plan.”
For their project, the young people made up about twelve columns which will be interchanging in the dealership center. For example, the “Comments on Lexus” column will be dedicated to impressions of drivers from their cars; and posts noted “How it is done” will show rare pictures from Lexus producing plants.
In order to elaborate an efficient content-plan, it is necessary to precisely determine your target audience. All contestants successfully completed this task. But it wasn’t the last difficulty.
“The difficulty of working with audience in premium segment is in the fact that, as a rule, these people don’t buy things impulsively. Therefore I think that social networks as well as mailout can help these people to make a choice; to encourage them for buying,” notes Anastasia Kuzmina, a participant of the contest.
Anastasia surprised the contest organizers with several extraordinary ideas. For example, she offers a project named “Comfort zone”: guidelines on places that can be visited in Lexus get published in the dealership center.
Now the jury needs to choose the best work. Three of the best participants will be awarded with money prizes, and the winner will be able to undertake an internship in Seyho Motors with further recruitment.