SUSU Students Became Winners of All-Russia Olympiad on Electrical Engineering


Intellectual Student Forum – 2017, within which all-Russia student Olympiads were held on the disciplines of Transportation and Storage of Hydrocarbon Raw Material and Electrical Engineering, finished at the Industrial University of Tyumen.

Students from the SUSU Polytechnic Institute Pavel Ageev, Sergey Yakovlev, Dmitriy Khabarov and Kamshat Dzhakulova took part in the competition. Supervised by the Power Engineering Faculty’s lecturer Valeriy Safonov, the South Ural students managed to win the first prize in the team event of the “Electrical Engineering” nomination. Moreover, Dmitriy Khabarov became winner in the individual event.

“This isn’t the first year we are holding the Olympiad, and our assessment is maximally adequate and unbiased, as each team can propose an assignment. It is necessary to solve not only problems given by host university, but also problems of other participating universities,” comments the Tyumen university Professor, Yuriy Zemenkov.“The assignments are truly of Olympiad standard, they are tricky and require attention; each year pedagogues make up something interesting. For manyuniversities, this wasn’t their first participation. This year we were firstly visited by Moscow representatives, a very ambitious team, but so far the teams from Saint Petersburg, Ufa and Tyumen are distinct by the level of training and show better results. The Saint Petersburg team is making good progress though they started training on our specialty not so long ago, they graduated 100 people, and we – about 800, which means in this discipline Tyumen has more ‘Lomonosovs and Mendeleevs’.”

Winners of the Olympiad can apply for receiving an award for support of talented young people.


Oleg Igoshin
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