Astroid Defense and Other Projects: Aerospace Technologies Research Center to Participate in Scientific Research


The topic of aviation and cosmic technologies always attracts the careful attention of researchers around the world. The most advanced developments and discoveries are also aimed at the cosmos. South Ural State University doesn’t stand on the sidelines: the best students and post-graduates as well as leading researchers in this area are completing their research in the Aerospace Technologies Research Center. Here, scientific solutions in aerospace and related fields are created. The center is led by Marina Semashko, candidate of technical sciences. Today, the center includes departments of technology and design, a department of mathematical modeling, and a research laboratory.

“From the beginning, the center was created for the completion of scientific projects. In addition, it was important to make it into an engineering center. The no-less important function of the Center is attracting clients, so we try to create partnerships with manufacturing and defense industries in the Chelyabinsk region and Russia,” says the center head, Marina Semashko.

The Laboratory of Micropowder Technologies has gotten international recognition, the head of which is Pavel Lykov, candidate of technical sciences. In the laboratory, they complete research in the following areas: methods of creating metal powders, methods of manufacturing composite powders, and additive technologies.

“The data received throughout this research are published in the Scopus, Web of Science, and RSCI databases. The results received are always of interest in Russian and international conferences. In 2017 we received the Russian Federation Presidential Grant. It is very meaningful, of course, that this research is related to one of the Project 5-100 directions – Asteroid Defense,” says the head of the Aerospace Technologies Research Center.

The Laboratory of Pulse-Signal Systems and High-Speed Processes, led by Aleksey Shultz, is developing actively. The laboratory works on the design and modeling of the new generation of flight apparatuses. Their work includes research on the use of composite materials in the construction of standard and widely used products. Promising technologies are being developed.

“The development of this laboratory became possible after we began to work closely with our partner company RB-Composite (general director – candidate of technical sciences, advisor to the RAMAS, Vycheslav Shestopalov,” explains Marina Yurevna, “The laboratory’s work involves the design and modeling of the next generation of flight apparatuses. This includes ammunition and missiles, which will contain modernized elements. We are moving in the direction of using ammunition with modern materials and coatings in classical constructions. Within our work we research the use of composite materials in the construction of standard and widely-used products.”

One more laboratory in the Aerospace Technologies Research Center is the dynamics of thermophysical processes. The laboratory is led by doctor of technical sciences, professor Aleksandr Kartashev. The laboratory staff solve important issues tied to the combustion and heat exchange of the power plants for rocket engines, the internal ballistics of propulsion systems, and gas generators.


“At this time the laboratory’s task is to develop technical solutions for the creation of modular, superlight accelerators. This issue is of interest to the Stankomash company which takes active part in the solution of this problem,” shares Marina Semashko.

The areas of interest for the Aerospace Technologies Research Center include the development of modern technologies for bulk and sheet metal stamping, machining processes, and the loading and use of ammunition. The Center’s staff participate in technological auditing and business auditing for enterprises. The Aerospace Technologies Research Center actively works with the largest manufacturing companies of Chelyabinsk and Russia. Among its partners are the Russian Society of Mechanical Engineers, SPLAV NPO, Kurganpribor NPO, PLASTMASS factory, SIGNAL factory, and many more. In addition, the center actively works with such technological platforms as Aviation Mobility and Aviation Technologies and the National Cosmic Technological Platform, which were created by decision of the Government Commission on High Technology and Innovation.

The Aerospace Technologies center has big plans for the future. First of all, this includes attracting those who are interested in design work or the modernization of their manufacturing process. The center is ready to complete difficult technical tasks. It is ready to broaden its scientific base and help South Ural State University students and staff realize their research potential.


Olga Romanovskaya; photo by Oleg Igoshin
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