SUSU Invites to the Tournament on Entrepreneurial Law


On May 16, the Anniversary XV Tournament on Entrepreneurial Law will be held among the teams of the 3rd year students of the SUSU Institute of Law.

The annual holding of the Tournament has been a tradition of the Department of Entrepreneurial, Competitive and Environmental Law since its foundation in 2001.

The scientific and creative event includes the elements of KVN games such as "What? Where? When?" and "Brain-ring ", as well as the contests: "Warm-up", "Homework", "Competition of Captains", "Dossier". Winners and participants of the Tournament will be awarded with gifts and certificates.

According to the organizers, resourcefulness, erudition, the ability to analyze legislation, make the right decision and be able to defend it are the qualities necessary for a lawyer in his work.

The beginning is at 11:30 in the room 401 of the 5th academic building. We invite everyone to participate in this event!


Elena Zinchenko
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