Master’s Students of the Institute of Law Represented SUSU at an International Conference in Kazakhstan


The 11th International Scientific Conference for Students and Young Researchers, “Science and Education – 2016” was held on April 14th in the Gumileva Eurasian National University (Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan) and coincided with the university’s 20th anniversary. Three master’s students from SUSU participated in this event.

Lyailya Panaeva was a medalist of the conference, and received second place in the section, “Criminal Rights. Penal Law. Criminology.” (mentor – candidate of law, Mikhail Kirienko). Members of the jury also recognized the presentations of Valeriya Antonova (Ym-142, mentor – doctor of law Aleksey Minbaleyev) and Ilya Krylov (Ym-146, mentor -candidate of law, Anna Timoshenko) in the section “Civil law. Civil procedural law. Labor law.”

«Participation in this international conference was an extremely interesting and helpful experience. I’d like to note the significant amount of help from the organizational committee who helped international visitors. Such events give participants from various countries a chance to exchange the results of their scientific work, undoubtedly I’d like to participate in them again in the future,” notes conference participant, master’s student of the Institute of Law, Ilya Krylov.

The conference took place in seven sections. In each of the sections, the status of the legal systems of Kazakhstan, Russia, and other countries were discussed, problems were noted, and perspectives for development of the main sectors of law were defined. Much attention was paid in many presentations to the comparison of current legislation in Russia and Kazakhstan.

The goals of the conference were: to increase youth activity in the area of legal science, enable discussions about pressing issues of jurisprudence, and to exchange research results among young researchers of different countries. Young researchers and students from Kazakhstan, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, and other countries of the CIS took part in the conference.


Контактное лицо по новости: Юлия Шамсутдинова, тел.: 267-99-83
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