Subject Area: Social Sciences
Предметная область: Социальные науки
№ | Source Title | Coverage | Active or Inactive | 2015 SNIP | Source Type | Publisher's Name | Publisher's Country |
TOP 10% | |||||||
1 | Journal of Engineering Education | 1997-ongoing, 1969-1978 | Active | 11.053 | Journal | American Society for Engineering Education | United States |
2 | GPS World | 2001-ongoing, 1991-1994 | Active | 8.229 | Trade Journal | Advanstar Communications Inc. | United States |
3 | User Modelling and User-Adapted Interaction | 1991-ongoing | Active | 6.598 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
4 | Review of Educational Research | 1996-ongoing | Active | 6.027 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
5 | Nature Climate Change | 2011-ongoing | Active | 4.638 | Journal | Nature Publishing Group | United Kingdom |
6 | Philosophy and Public Affairs | 2003-ongoing, 1988-2001, 1984-1986, 1973-1982 | Active | 4.541 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
7 | International Security | 1996-ongoing, 1984 | Active | 4.520 | Journal | MIT Press | United States |
8 | Educational Researcher | 2009-ongoing | Active | 4.483 | Journal | American Educational Research Association | United States |
9 | American Political Science Review | 1996-ongoing, 1988-1989, 1982, 1979, 1977 | Active | 4.456 | Journal | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
10 | Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation | 2011-ongoing | Active | 4.392 | Journal | PAREOnline | United States |
11 | Zeitschrift fur Germanistik | 2002-ongoing | Active | 4.333 | Journal | Peter Lang AG | Switzerland |
12 | Crime and Justice | 2004-ongoing | Active | 4.315 | Journal | University of Chicago Press | United States |
13 | American Educational Research Journal | 1996-ongoing, 1982, 1978 | Active | 4.256 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
14 | American Sociological Review | 1965-ongoing | Active | 4.244 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
15 | Political Analysis | 2004-ongoing, 1989-1993 | Active | 4.223 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
16 | Annual Review of Sociology | 1983-ongoing, 1980-1981, 1977, 1975 | Active | 4.158 | Journal | Annual Reviews, Inc. | United States |
17 | Progress in Human Geography | 1978-ongoing | Active | 3.978 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
18 | American Journal of Sociology | 1964-ongoing, 1948-1950 | Active | 3.906 | Journal | University of Chicago Press | United States |
19 | Annual Review of Anthropology | 1996-ongoing, 1994, 1990-1991, 1979-1988 | Active | 3.826 | Journal | Annual Reviews, Inc. | United States |
20 | Journal of the Learning Sciences | 1996-ongoing | Active | 3.818 | Journal | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc. | United States |
21 | Educational Research Review | 2006-ongoing | Active | 3.792 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
22 | Vehicular Communications | 2014-ongoing | Active | 3.746 | Journal | Elsevier Inc. | United States |
23 | Exceptional Children | 1995-ongoing, 1961-1993 | Active | 3.659 | Journal | Council for Exceptional Children | United States |
24 | Review of Economics and Statistics | 1978-ongoing | Active | 3.651 | Journal | MIT Press | United States |
25 | Computational Linguistics | 1996-ongoing, 1985 | Active | 3.541 | Journal | MIT Press | United States |
26 | Review of Research in Education | 2002-ongoing, 1996-2000 | Active | 3.520 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
27 | Cultural Anthropology | 1996-ongoing | Active | 3.513 | Journal | Wiley-Blackwell | United States |
28 | American Journal of Political Science | 1996-ongoing, 1986, 1982 | Active | 3.412 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
29 | Computers and Education | 2003-ongoing, 1976-2001 | Active | 3.409 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
30 | Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory | 1991-ongoing | Active | 3.389 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
31 | Journal of Educational Psychology | 1910-ongoing | Active | 3.380 | Journal | American Psychological Association | United States |
32 | Journal of Peasant Studies | 1977-ongoing | Active | 3.292 | Journal | Frank Cass Publishers | United Kingdom |
33 | Annual Review of Political Science | 1998-ongoing | Active | 3.275 | Book Series | Annual Reviews, Inc. | United States |
34 | Educational Administration Quarterly | 1996-ongoing, 1979 | Active | 3.235 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
35 | Internet and Higher Education | 1998-ongoing | Active | 3.158 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
36 | Criminology | 1996-ongoing, 1987-1989, 1974-1984 | Active | 3.141 | Journal | American Society of Criminology | United States |
37 | Research on Language and Social Interaction | 1996-ongoing | Active | 3.128 | Journal | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc. | United States |
38 | Design Studies | 1979-ongoing | Active | 3.091 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
39 | Asian Security | 2010-ongoing | Active | 3.090 | Journal | Routledge | United States |
40 | Journal of Personality and Social Psychology | 1965-ongoing | Active | 3.073 | Journal | American Psychological Association | United States |
41 | Critical Inquiry | 1996-ongoing, 1985-1987, 1976 | Active | 3.063 | Journal | University of Chicago Press | United States |
42 | Journal of Communication | 1996-ongoing, 1964-1982 | Active | 2.985 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United States |
43 | Learning and Instruction | 1991-ongoing | Active | 2.982 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
44 | European Journal of Political Research | 1996-ongoing, 1989 | Active | 2.972 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
45 | African Affairs | 1901-ongoing | Active | 2.971 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
46 | Transportmetrica B | 2013-ongoing | Active | 2.916 | Journal | Taylor and Francis Inc. | United Kingdom |
47 | Journal of Teacher Education | 1996-ongoing | Active | 2.901 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
48 | Comparative Politics | 1996-ongoing, 1987-1989, 1978 | Active | 2.893 | Journal | City University of New York | United States |
49 | Developmental Review | 1981-ongoing | Active | 2.885 | Journal | Academic Press | United States |
50 | Social Issues and Policy Review | 2008-ongoing | Active | 2.879 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
51 | Tourism Management | 1982-ongoing | Active | 2.876 | Journal | Butterworth-Heinemann | United Kingdom |
52 | Sociological Theory | 1996-ongoing | Active | 2.872 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
53 | IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems | 2013-ongoing | Active | 2.864 | Journal | IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society | United States |
54 | IEEE Transactions on Education | 1969-ongoing | Active | 2.832 | Journal | IEEE Education Society | United States |
55 | Accounting, Organizations and Society | 1976-ongoing | Active | 2.813 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
56 | Journal of Democracy | 1996-ongoing | Active | 2.802 | Journal | The Johns Hopkins University Press | United States |
57 | British Journal of Sociology | 1987-ongoing, 1979-1984, 1965-1977 | Active | 2.778 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
58 | Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers | 1976-ongoing | Active | 2.771 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
59 | Information Communication and Society | 2005-ongoing | Active | 2.763 | Journal | Routledge | United Kingdom |
60 | Perspectives on Politics | 2005-ongoing | Active | 2.759 | Journal | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
61 | Portal | 2001-ongoing | Active | 2.754 | Journal | The Johns Hopkins University Press | United States |
62 | English for Specific Purposes | 1986-ongoing, 1980-1981 | Active | 2.733 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
63 | Social Studies of Science | 1978-ongoing, 1975-1976 | Active | 2.721 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
64 | Governance | 1996-ongoing | Active | 2.714 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
65 | International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education | 2009-ongoing | Active | 2.694 | Journal | International Artificial Intelligence in Education Society | Netherlands |
66 | Communication Theory | 1995-ongoing, 1992 | Active | 2.693 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United States |
67 | New Media and Society | 1999-ongoing | Active | 2.691 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
68 | American Ethnologist | 1996-ongoing | Active | 2.677 | Journal | Wiley-Blackwell | United States |
69 | William and Mary Quarterly | 1999-ongoing, 1984-1987, 1981-1982, 1975-1978, 1971-1972, 1956, 1936 | Active | 2.677 | Journal | Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture | United States |
70 | Journal of Research in Science Teaching | 1996-ongoing | Active | 2.652 | Journal | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | United States |
71 | World Politics | 1988-ongoing, 1980 | Active | 2.649 | Journal | The Johns Hopkins University Press | United States |
72 | Transportation Research Part B: Methodological | 1979-ongoing | Active | 2.647 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
73 | Journal of Planning Literature | 1987-ongoing, 1985 | Active | 2.637 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
74 | Curriculum Inquiry | 1996-ongoing | Active | 2.634 | Journal | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | United States |
75 | Administrative Science Quarterly | 1996-ongoing, 1993-1994, 1989-1990, 1975-1987 | Active | 2.631 | Journal | Cornell University Press | United States |
76 | International Affaires | 1996-ongoing, 1988-1989, 1979-1986 | Active | 2.620 | Journal | The Royal Institute of International Affairs | United Kingdom |
77 | Studies in Science Education | 2010-ongoing | Active | 2.620 | Journal | Taylor and Francis Inc. | United Kingdom |
78 | ACM Transactions on Computing Education | 2010-ongoing | Active | 2.610 | Journal | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | United States |
79 | Reading Research Quarterly | 1996-ongoing | Active | 2.605 | Journal | International Reading Association, Inc. | United States |
80 | Living Reviews in European Governance | 2009-ongoing | Active | 2.585 | Journal | Institute for Advanced Studies, Department of Political Science | Austria |
81 | College and Research Libraries | 1987-ongoing | Active | 2.582 | Journal | Association of College and Research Libraies | United States |
82 | Journal of Second Language Writing | 1992-ongoing | Active | 2.567 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
83 | International Organization | 1995-ongoing, 1992, 1984, 1980, 1978, 1972, 1968 | Active | 2.565 | Journal | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
84 | Computers and Security | 1982-ongoing | Active | 2.563 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
85 | Journal of Language and Literature | 2011-ongoing | Active | 2.558 | Journal | Progress IPS LLC | Azerbajan |
86 | International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction | 2013-ongoing | Active | 2.549 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
87 | Global Environmental Change | 1990-ongoing | Active | 2.538 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
88 | Language Learning | 1996-ongoing | Active | 2.538 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
89 | Journal of Politics | 1996-ongoing, 1991, 1984-1986, 1980-1981, 1977, 1968 | Active | 2.536 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
90 | Transportation Science | 1969-ongoing | Active | 2.520 | Journal | Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences | United States |
91 | Journal of Development of Economics | 1974-ongoing | Active | 2.508 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
92 | American Journal of Education | 2003-ongoing, 1995-2001 | Active | 2.506 | Journal | University of Chicago Press | United States |
93 | Journal of Peace Research | 1996-ongoing, 1987, 1982, 1973 | Active | 2.502 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
94 | Applied Linguistics | 1980-ongoing | Active | 2.500 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
95 | International Journal of Information Management | 1986-ongoing | Active | 2.495 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
96 | Longe Range Planning | 1968-ongoing | Active | 2.481 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
97 | Journal of European Social Policy | 1994-ongoing | Active | 2.470 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
98 | Journal of Memory and Language | 1985-ongoing | Active | 2.468 | Journal | Academic Press | United States |
99 | Tramsportation Research, Part C: Emerging Technologies | 1993-ongoing | Active | 2.462 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
100 | Sociology | 1996-ongoing, 1994, 1978 | Active | 2.437 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
101 | Supreme Court Review | 2015-ongoing, 2013-2013, 2005-2011, 1999-2003, 1997, 1992 | Active | 2.421 | Journal | University of Chicago Press | United States |
102 | Active Learning in Higher Education | 2007-ongoing | Active | 2.383 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
103 | Journal of Travel Research | 1992-ongoing, 1982-1990 | Active | 2.381 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
104 | Human Relations | 1995-ongoing, 1987-1988, 1981-1984, 1977, 1975, 1948-1949 | Active | 2.362 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
105 | Teaching and Teacher Education | 1985-ongoing | Active | 2.360 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
106 | The International Journal of Transitional Justice | 2011-ongoing | Active | 2.359 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
107 | Journal of Economic Geography | 2001-ongoing | Active | 2.358 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
108 | Academy of Management Learning and Education | 2005-ongoing | Active | 2.353 | Journal | Academy of Management | United States |
109 | Annals of Tourism Research | 1974-ongoing | Active | 2.350 | Journal | Pergamon Press | United States |
110 | Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute | 2004-ongoing, 1995-2001 | Active | 2.346 | Journal | Royal Anthropological Institute | United Kingdom |
111 | Library and Information Science Research | 1987-ongoing | Active | 2.338 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
112 | Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology | 2014-ongoing | Active | 2.337 | Journal | John Wiley and Sons Ltd | United Kingdom |
113 | Sociological Methods and Research | 1996-ongoing, 1987, 1977 | Active | 2.335 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
114 | Information Systems Research | 1990-ongoing | Active | 2.334 | Journal | Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences | United States |
115 | Social Networks | 1978-ongoing | Active | 2.332 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
116 | ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing | 1989-ongoing | Active | 2.328 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
117 | Journal of Archaeological Research | 1993-ongoing | Active | 2.326 | Journal | Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers | United States |
118 | Comparative Political Studies | 1996-ongoing, 1990, 1983, 1979-1980 | Active | 2.323 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
119 | Language | 1996-ongoing | Active | 2.321 | Journal | Linguistic Society of America | United States |
120 | Trauma, Violence and Abuse | 2003-ongoing | Active | 2.320 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
121 | Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review | 1998-ongoing | Active | 2.298 | Journal | Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers | United States |
122 | Journal of Spatial Information Science | 2010-ongoing | Active | 2.297 | Journal | The National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis (NCGIA) | United States |
123 | Research in Higher Education | 1973-ongoing | Active | 2.292 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
124 | New Left Review | 1996-ongoing, 1987, 1984 | Active | 2.289 | Journal | New Left Review Ltd. | United Kingdom |
125 | Annual Review of Applied Linguistics | 2005-ongoing | Active | 2.277 | Journal | Newbury House | United States |
126 | Interest Groups and Advocacy | 2016-ongoing, 2014 | Active | 2.277 | Journal | Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. | United Kingdom |
127 | Linguistic Inquiry | 1998-ongoing, 1996 | Active | 2.264 | Journal | MIT Press | United States |
128 | Language Resources and Evaluation | 2005-ongoing, 1996-2002 | Active | 2.250 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |
129 | Washington Quarterly | 1996-ongoing, 1985-1986 | Active | 2.248 | Journal | MIT Press | United States |
130 | Land Degradation and Development | 1996-ongoing | Active | 2.232 | Journal | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | United States |
131 | Journal of Organizational Behavior | 1996-ongoing | Active | 2.228 | Journal | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | United States |
132 | Journal of Urban Economics | 1974-ongoing | Active | 2.225 | Journal | Academic Press | United States |
133 | Gender and Society | 1996-ongoing, 1991-1992 | Active | 2.220 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
134 | Qualitative Research | 2005-ongoing | Active | 2.218 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
135 | Higher Education | 1972-ongoing | Active | 2.209 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
136 | Journal of Education Policy | 1996-ongoing | Active | 2.203 | Journal | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
137 | Population and Development Review | 1976-ongoing | Active | 2.203 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
138 | Building and Environment | 1976-ongoing | Active | 2.197 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
139 | International Journal of Urban and Regional Research | 1978-ongoing | Active | 2.190 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
140 | World Bank Research Observer | 1986-ongoing | Active | 2.185 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
141 | Written Communication | 2004-ongoing, 1996-2002 | Active | 2.183 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
142 | Future of Children | 1994-ongoing | Active | 2.182 | Journal | David and Lucile Packard Foundation | United States |
143 | Child Development Perspectives | 2008-ongoing | Active | 2.180 | Journal | Wiley-Blackwell | United States |
144 | Theoretical Criminology | 1997-ongoing | Active | 2.178 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
145 | IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies | 2008-ongoing | Active | 2.177 | Journal | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers | United States |
146 | Child Development | 1950-ongoing, 1947-1948 | Active | 2.176 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
147 | Journal of Regional Science | 1977-ongoing, 1969 | Active | 2.173 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
148 | Journal of Political Philosophy | 1996-ongoing | Active | 2.159 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
149 | Critical Studies in Education | 2010-ongoing | Active | 2.158 | Journal | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
150 | International Journal of Human Computer Studies | 1994-ongoing | Active | 2.158 | Journal | Academic Press | United States |
151 | World Development | 1973-ongoing | Active | 2.157 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
152 | Social Politics | 1994-ongoing | Active | 2.154 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
153 | European Journal of International Relations | 1996-ongoing | Active | 2.147 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
154 | Journal of Service Research | 2004-ongoing, 1998-2000 | Active | 2.147 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
155 | Internet Research | 1995-ongoing | Active | 2.146 | Journal | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
156 | Review of Higher Education | 1996-ongoing | Active | 2.138 | Journal | The Johns Hopkins University Press | United States |
157 | Sociology of Education | 1996-ongoing, 1992, 1983, 1980 | Active | 2.134 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
158 | Demography | 1964-ongoing | Active | 2.128 | Journal | Population Association of America | United States |
159 | Journal of Cheminformatics | 2009-ongoing | Active | 2.125 | Journal | Chemistry Central | United Kingdom |
160 | Journal of Educational Measurement | 1996-ongoing | Active | 2.124 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
161 | Human Communication Research | 1995-ongoing, 1991 | Active | 2.123 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United States |
162 | Leadership Quarterly | 1990-ongoing | Active | 2.122 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
163 | Government Information Quarterly | 1984-ongoing | Active | 2.121 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
164 | Metacognition and Learning | 2006-ongoing | Active | 2.121 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |
165 | Information Retrieval | 1999-ongoing | Active | 2.120 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
166 | Public Culture | 1996-ongoing | Active | 2.120 | Journal | Duke University Press | United States |
167 | Water Resources and Industry | 2013-ongoing | Active | 2.120 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
168 | Public Administration Review | 1996-ongoing, 1988, 1985, 1978-1983 | Active | 2.112 | Journal | Wiley-Blackwell | United Kingdom |
169 | Information Processing and Management | 1975-ongoing | Active | 2.109 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
170 | Learning Environments Research | 2003-ongoing | Active | 2.105 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
171 | Antipode | 1978-ongoing, 1971 | Active | 2.104 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
172 | Africa | 1996-ongoing, 1978-1992, 1976 | Active | 2.101 | Journal | Edinburgh University Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
173 | Progress in Planning | 1973-ongoing, 1969 | Active | 2.096 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
174 | SAE International Journal of Transportation Safety | 2013-ongoing | Active | 2.093 | Journal | SAE International | United States |
175 | Journal of Mixed Methods Research | 2008-ongoing | Active | 2.089 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
176 | Journal of Computer Assisted Learning | 1996-ongoing | Active | 2.088 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
177 | Journal of Roman Studies | 2002-ongoing | Active | 2.081 | Journal | Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies | United Kingdom |
178 | Current Anthropology | 1996-ongoing, 1994, 1992, 1978-1988, 1974, 1971, 1962 | Active | 2.067 | Journal | University of Chicago Press | United States |
179 | Politics, Philosophy and Economics | 2007-ongoing | Active | 2.067 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
180 | Journal for Research in Mathematics Education | 1996-ongoing | Active | 2.060 | Journal | National Council of Teachers of Mathematics | United States |
181 | Environmental Impact Assessment Review | 1985-ongoing, 1980-1983 | Active | 2.057 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
182 | Computers, Environment and Urban Systems | 1988-ongoing, 1980-1986 | Active | 2.055 | Trade Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
183 | Advances in Engineering Education | 2009-ongoing | Active | 2.053 | Journal | American Society for Engineering Education | United States |
184 | Communication Education | 1996-ongoing | Active | 2.052 | Journal | Routledge | United Kingdom |
185 | Stanford Law Review | 1996-ongoing, 1987-1994, 1978-1979, 1974-1976 | Active | 2.052 | Journal | Stanford Law Review | United States |
186 | Western European Politics | 1989-ongoing, 1980 | Active | 2.048 | Journal | Frank Cass Publishers | United Kingdom |
187 | Journal of Studies in International Education | 2005-ongoing | Active | 2.047 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
188 | Comparative Education Review | 1996-ongoing, 1994, 1984, 1980-1982, 1976-1977 | Active | 2.045 | Journal | Comparative and International Education Society | United States |
189 | Communication Methods and Measures | 2010-ongoing | Active | 2.042 | Journal | Routledge | United States |
190 | Journal of Applied Econometrics | 1996-ongoing | Active | 2.041 | Journal | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | United States |
191 | Signs | 1998-ongoing, 1996, 1993, 1991, 1989, 1985-1987, 1979 | Active | 2.039 | Journal | University of Chicago Press | United States |
192 | Tobacco Control | 1996-ongoing | Active | 2.038 | Journal | BMJ Publishing Group | United Kingdom |
193 | Urban Education | 1996-ongoing | Active | 2.038 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
194 | Journal of Policy Analysis and Management | 1990-ongoing, 1982-1988 | Active | 2.035 | Journal | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | United States |
195 | Science Education | 1996-ongoing, 1978 | Active | 2.027 | Journal | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | United States |
196 | XLinguae | 2011-ongoing | Active | 2.027 | Journal | Slovenska Vzdelavacia a Obstaravacia s.r.o | Slovakia |
197 | ReCALL | 2009-ongoing | Active | 2.025 | Journal | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
198 | Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management | 2003-ongoing | Active | 2.021 | Journal | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | United States |
199 | Communication Monographs | 1996-ongoing | Active | 2.015 | Journal | Routledge | United Kingdom |
200 | International Journal of Sustainable Transportation | 2009-ongoing | Active | 2.014 | Journal | Taylor and Francis | United States |
201 | Representations | 1996-ongoing, 1986-1988, 1983 | Active | 2.014 | Journal | University of California Press | United States |
202 | Journal of Quantitative Criminology | 1985-ongoing | Active | 2.012 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
203 | American Historical Review | 1990-ongoing, 1984-1987, 1981, 1977-1979, 1970-1974 | Active | 2.010 | Journal | American Historical Association | United States |
204 | Cognitive Psychology | 1970-ongoing | Active | 2.009 | Journal | Academic Press | United States |
205 | Theory, Culture and Society | 1996-ongoing | Active | 2.007 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
206 | IEEE Transactions on Information Theory | 1969-ongoing | Active | 2.001 | Journal | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers | United States |
207 | Meditteranean Politics | 1996-ongoing | Active | 2.001 | Journal | Frank Cass Publishers | United Kingdom |
208 | Language Variation and Change | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.996 | Journal | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
209 | CALL-EJ | 2013-ongoing | Active | 1.994 | Journal | Asia-Pacific Association for Computer-Assisted Language Learning (APACALL) | Australia |
210 | Post-Soviet Affairs | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.981 | Journal | V.H. Winston and Sons, Inc. | United States |
211 | British Journal of Educational Technology | 1996-ongoing, 1988-1989 | Active | 1.980 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
212 | British Journal of Criminology | 1960-ongoing | Active | 1.972 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
213 | Socio-Economic Review | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.966 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
214 | Political Studies | 1996-ongoing, 1980 | Active | 1.960 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
215 | Business Strategy and the Environment | 1992-ongoing | Active | 1.954 | Journal | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | United States |
216 | Science Technology and Human Values | 1991-ongoing, 1982-1989, 1978-1980 | Active | 1.948 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
217 | Harvard International Law Journal | 1996-ongoing, 1992, 1979 | Active | 1.946 | Journal | Harvard University | United States |
218 | European Journal of Information Systems | 1995-ongoing | Active | 1.940 | Journal | Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. | United Kingdom |
219 | Journal of Semantics | 2005-ongoing, 1990-1995, 1984-1986, 1982 | Active | 1.940 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
220 | Journal of Consumer Culture | 2001-ongoing | Active | 1.939 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
221 | Journal of School Psychology | 1970-ongoing, 1963-1968 | Active | 1.939 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
222 | International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning | 2000-ongoing | Active | 1.934 | Journal | Athabasca University | Canada |
223 | Journal of Curriculum Studies | 1998-ongoing, 1996 | Active | 1.933 | Journal | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
224 | Work, Employment and Society | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.930 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
225 | Mathematical Finance | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.929 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
226 | Economics and Sociology | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.918 | Journal | Centre of Sociological Research | Ukraine |
227 | Policy Studies Journal | 1982-ongoing, 1977-1980 | Active | 1.915 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
228 | European Journal of Population | 1985-ongoing | Active | 1.914 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
229 | The Hispanic American Historical Review | 2001-ongoing, 1995, 1989, 1987, 1982, 1980, 1970, 1962 | Active | 1.913 | Journal | Board of Editors of the Hispanic American Review | Brazil |
230 | Computer Standards and Interfaces | 1985-ongoing | Active | 1.907 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
231 | Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review | 1996-ongoing, 1991-1992, 1988, 1984, 1981-1982, 1975, 1973 | Active | 1.907 | Journal | Harvard University, Law School, Publication Center | United States |
232 | Language in Society | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.907 | Journal | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
233 | Library Quarterly | 1988-ongoing, 1981, 1979, 1958, 1951 | Active | 1.907 | Journal | University of Chicago Press | United States |
234 | Linguistics and Philosophy | 2005-ongoing, 1977-2002 | Active | 1.904 | Journal | D. Reidel Pub. Co. | Netherlands |
235 | Chinese Journal of International Politics | 2006-ongoing | Active | 1.901 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
236 | Journal of Classification | 1984-ongoing | Active | 1.901 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |
237 | Medical Education | 1976-ongoing | Active | 1.900 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
238 | Communication Research | 1996-ongoing, 1990 | Active | 1.885 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
239 | Applied Ergonomics | 1969-ongoing | Active | 1.882 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
240 | Journal of Marital and Family Therapy | 1996-ongoing, 1979-1991 | Active | 1.879 | Journal | American Association for Marriage And Family Therapy | United States |
241 | International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.877 | Journal | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
242 | Anthropology and Education Quarterly | 1996-ongoing, 1993 | Active | 1.876 | Journal | Wiley-Blackwell | United States |
243 | Work and Occupations | 1996-ongoing, 1983 | Active | 1.872 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
244 | International Journal of Corpus Linguistics | 2002-ongoing | Active | 1.871 | Journal | John Benjamins Publishing Company | Netherlands |
245 | Consumption Markets and Culture | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.863 | Journal | Routledge | United States |
246 | Critical Social Policy | 1990-ongoing | Active | 1.861 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
247 | Anthropological Theory | 2001-ongoing | Active | 1.857 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
248 | Scientific Studies of Reading | 2004-ongoing | Active | 1.851 | Journal | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc. | United States |
249 | Journalism | 2000-ongoing | Active | 1.849 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
250 | Cities | 1983-ongoing | Active | 1.845 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
251 | Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A, (Statistics in Society) | 1988-ongoing | Active | 1.845 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
252 | Feminist Theory | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.842 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
253 | Early Childhood Research Quarterly | 1994-ongoing, 1986-1992 | Active | 1.838 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
254 | Social Science and Medicine | 1967-ongoing | Active | 1.835 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
255 | Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.834 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
256 | Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review | 1997-ongoing | Active | 1.834 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
257 | The Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation/La Revue canadienne d' evaluation deprogramme | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.833 | Journal | Canadian Evaluation Society | Canada |
258 | Comparative Studies in Society and History | 1976-ongoing, 1970, 1966 | Active | 1.832 | Journal | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
259 | Journal of Higher Education | 1996-ongoing, 1994 | Active | 1.832 | Journal | Ohio State University Press | United States |
260 | American Journal of International Law | 1996-ongoing, 1987, 1984, 1979 | Active | 1.830 | Journal | American Society of International Law | United States |
261 | University of Pennsylvania Law Review | 1996-ongoing, 1992-1993, 1989-1990, 1986, 1977-1978, 1974 | Active | 1.830 | Journal | University of Pennsylvania Law Review | United States |
262 | International Studies Quarterly | 1989-ongoing, 1985, 1978 | Active | 1.826 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
263 | Journal of Legal Studies | 1996-ongoing, 1985, 1983 | Active | 1.824 | Journal | University of Chicago Press | United States |
264 | Annual Review of Law and Social Science | 2006-ongoing | Active | 1.822 | Book Series | Annual Reviews, Inc. | United States |
265 | Journal of Intellectual Capital | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.822 | Journal | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
266 | Educational Technology and Society | 1998-ongoing | Active | 1.813 | Journal | IEEE Computer Society | United States |
267 | Human Rights Quarterly | 1994-ongoing, 1992, 1990, 1981 | Active | 1.808 | Journal | The Johns Hopkins University Press | United States |
268 | Public Opinion Quarterly | 1977-ongoing, 1967-1975, 1937-1965 | Active | 1.807 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
269 | American Behavioral Scientist | 1996-ongoing, 1993-1994, 1979-1985, 1975-1977 | Active | 1.805 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
270 | Journal of Sex Research | 1973-ongoing | Active | 1.803 | Journal | Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality | United States |
271 | Development and Change | 1981-ongoing | Active | 1.802 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
272 | Higher Education Quarterly | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.802 | Journal | Basil Blackwell | United Kingdom |
273 | African Diaspora | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.797 | Book Series | Brill | Netherlands |
274 | Journal of Business and Economic Statistics | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.793 | Journal | American Statistical Association | United States |
275 | Safety Science | 1991-ongoing | Active | 1.789 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
276 | Argument and Computation | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.787 | Journal | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
277 | Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory | 2005-ongoing, 1994-2002 | Active | 1.785 | Journal | Plenum Publishers | United States |
278 | Journal of Business Ethics | 1982-ongoing | Active | 1.779 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
279 | Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.779 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
280 | Law and Society Review | 1996-ongoing, 1987, 1985, 1983, 1977-1979 | Active | 1.778 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
281 | Journal of Global History | 2006-ongoing | Active | 1.774 | Journal | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
282 | Planning Theory | 2002-ongoing | Active | 1.774 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
283 | Vocations and Learning | 2009-ongoing | Active | 1.774 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |
284 | Journal of World Prehistory | 2008-ongoing, 1987-2006 | Active | 1.773 | Journal | Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers | United States |
285 | Review of International Studies | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.768 | Journal | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
286 | Men and Masculinities | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.767 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
287 | Digital Investigation | 2004-ongoing | Active | 1.766 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
288 | Educational Technology Research and Development | 1989-ongoing, 1957 | Active | 1.764 | Journal | Association for Educational Communication and Technology (AECT) | United States |
289 | Computer Science Education | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.762 | Journal | Taylor and Francis Inc. | United Kingdom |
290 | International Journal of Geographical Information Science | 1997-ongoing | Active | 1.762 | Journal | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
291 | HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory | 2011-ongoing | Active | 1.760 | Journal | HAU Society for Ethnographic Theory | United Kingdom |
292 | Journal of Cold War Studies | 2011-ongoing | Active | 1.760 | Journal | MIT Press Journals | United States |
293 | Contemporary Educational Psychology | 1976-ongoing | Active | 1.757 | Journal | Academic Press | United States |
294 | Journal of Interactive Online Learning | 2002-ongoing | Active | 1.755 | Journal | National Center for Online Learning Research | United States |
295 | Developmental Psychology | 1969-ongoing | Active | 1.752 | Journal | American Psychological Association | United States |
296 | Mobilization | 2014-ongoing, 2005-2012 | Active | 1.749 | Journal | San Diego State University | United States |
297 | Structural Equation Modeling | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.748 | Journal | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc. | United States |
298 | Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.747 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
299 | International Journal of Press/Politics | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.746 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
300 | Preservation, Digital Technology and Culture | 2013-ongoing | Active | 1.745 | Journal | Walter de Gruyter GmbH | Germany |
301 | Human Rights Law Review | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.743 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
302 | Journal of Sustainable Tourism | 1998-ongoing, 1994 | Active | 1.743 | Journal | Channel View Publications | United Kingdom |
303 | Justice Quarterly | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.743 | Journal | Academy of Criminal Justice Science | United States |
304 | Past and Present | 2005-ongoing, 2000-2001, 1952-1998 | Active | 1.740 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
305 | British Journal of Educational Psychology | 1965-ongoing, 1947-1949 | Active | 1.736 | Journal | Wiley-Blackwell | United States |
306 | Current Sociology | 2005-ongoing, 1988, 1984 | Active | 1.736 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
307 | Discourse Studies | 2005-ongoing, 1999 | Active | 1.734 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
308 | International Journal of Educational Development | 1981-ongoing | Active | 1.734 | Journal | W.I. Ozanne and Associates | United Kingdom |
309 | Language Teaching | 2009-ongoing | Active | 1.733 | Journal | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
310 | The Cambridge law journal | 2014-ongoing, 2001-2004, 1996-1997, 1994, 1987, 1974 | Active | 1.733 | Journal | Stevens & Sons | United Kingdom |
311 | Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice | 1992-ongoing, 1982 | Active | 1.733 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
312 | Transport Reviews | 1984-ongoing | Active | 1.730 | Journal | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
313 | School Psychology Review | 1996-ongoing, 1988 | Active | 1.724 | Journal | National Association of School Psychologists | United States |
314 | International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.722 | Journal | Multilingual Matters Ltd. | United Kingdom |
315 | Socio-Economic Planning Sciences | 1967-ongoing | Active | 1.721 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
316 | Distance Education | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.718 | Journal | Carfax Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
317 | International Studies Review | 1999-ongoing | Active | 1.715 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
318 | Monumenta Serica | 2014-ongoing | Active | 1.714 | Journal | Maney Publishing | United States |
319 | Mind and Language | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.712 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
320 | Language Teaching Research | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.711 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
321 | Reference Services Review | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.711 | Journal | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
322 | Michigan Law Review | 1993-ongoing, 1991, 1982-1983, 1974-1980 | Active | 1.710 | Journal | Michigan Law Review Association | United States |
323 | Regional Studies | 1977-ongoing, 1973 | Active | 1.707 | Journal | Carfax Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
324 | British Journal of Politics and International Relations | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.706 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
325 | Discourse and Society | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.704 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
326 | European Journal of Cultural Studies | 2005-ongoing, 1998-1999 | Active | 1.703 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
327 | British Journal of Political Science | 1996-ongoing, 1981-1982, 1979 | Active | 1.700 | Journal | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
328 | Natural Language and Linguistic Theory | 2003-ongoing, 1983-2001 | Active | 1.698 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
329 | Speech Communication | 1982-ongoing | Active | 1.697 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
330 | Cognition and Instruction | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.692 | Journal | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc. | United States |
331 | Environmental Education Research | 2010-ongoing, 1995 | Active | 1.692 | Journal | Carfax Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
332 | Comparative Social Research | 2006-ongoing, 2002-2003, 1999-2000, 1984, 1980-1981 | Active | 1.690 | Journal | JAI Press | United States |
333 | Russian Review | 1996-ongoing, 1987, 1985, 1983, 1981, 1978, 1973 | Active | 1.689 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
334 | South European Society and Politics | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.689 | Journal | Frank Cass Publishers | United Kingdom |
335 | Journal of Experimental Criminology | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.688 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |
336 | Economics of Education Review | 1984-ongoing, 1981-1982 | Active | 1.682 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
337 | Journal of Rural Studies | 1985-ongoing | Active | 1.681 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
338 | Security Dialogue | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.680 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
339 | Cognition | 1976-ongoing, 1972-1974 | Active | 1.676 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
340 | Evaluation | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.675 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
341 | American quarterly | 2000-ongoing, 1988-1989, 1986, 1979-1982, 1976-1977, 1970-1973 | Active | 1.672 | Journal | The Johns Hopkins University Press | United States |
342 | Economic Geography | 1987-ongoing, 1978-1985, 1974, 1972 | Active | 1.670 | Journal | Clark University | United States |
343 | History of Political Thought | 1996-ongoing, 1987, 1984 | Active | 1.670 | Journal | Imprint Academic | United Kingdom |
344 | International Journal of Doctoral Studies | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.668 | Journal | Informing Science Institute | United States |
345 | Regulation and Governance | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.668 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
346 | Politics and Society | 1996-ongoing, 1993, 1981, 1976 | Active | 1.667 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
347 | Sociologia Ruralis | 1979-ongoing, 1976-1977, 1972 | Active | 1.667 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
348 | Harvard Educational Review | 1996-ongoing, 1989, 1979 | Active | 1.665 | Journal | Harvard University | United States |
349 | International Political Science Review | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.665 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
350 | Journal of Linguistics | 2004-ongoing, 1998-2001 | Active | 1.665 | Journal | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
351 | Telematics and Informatics | 1993-ongoing, 1989-1990, 1987, 1984-1985 | Active | 1.665 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
352 | IEEE/ACM Transactions on Speech and Language Processing | 2014-ongoing | Active | 1.664 | Journal | IEEE Advancing Technology for Humanity | United States |
353 | City and Community | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.663 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
354 | Journal of Information Technology | 1987-ongoing | Active | 1.660 | Journal | Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. | United Kingdom |
355 | International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.658 | Journal | Inderscience Publishers | Switzerland |
356 | Cognitive Science | 1977-ongoing | Active | 1.657 | Journal | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc. | United States |
357 | Information Society | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.655 | Journal | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
358 | International Journal of Sport Policy | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.655 | Journal | Taylor and Francis Inc. | United Kingdom |
359 | Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability | 2009-ongoing | Active | 1.649 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
360 | Political Geography | 1992-ongoing, 1983 | Active | 1.647 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
361 | Ecosystem Services | 2012-ongoing | Active | 1.644 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
362 | Journal of Marriage and Family | 1996-ongoing, 1985, 1980-1981, 1973-1978 | Active | 1.644 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
363 | Studies in Higher Education | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.644 | Journal | Carfax Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
364 | Analytic Methods in Accident Research | 2013-ongoing | Active | 1.642 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
365 | Applied Geography | 1980-ongoing | Active | 1.642 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
366 | PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review | 2011-ongoing | Active | 1.642 | Journal | Wiley - VCH Verlag GmbH &Co. KGaA | Germany |
367 | Central Europe | 2003-ongoing | Active | 1.640 | Journal | Maney Publishing | United Kingdom |
368 | Information and Organization | 2001-ongoing | Active | 1.640 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
369 | Journal of Criminal Justice | 1973-ongoing | Active | 1.640 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
370 | Journal of Cultural Economy | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.639 | Journal | Taylor and Francis Inc. | United Kingdom |
371 | Journal of Legal Analysis | 2013-ongoing | Active | 1.639 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United States |
372 | Australasian Journal of Educational Technology | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.635 | Journal | Australian Society for Educational Technology | Australia |
373 | Modern China | 1984-ongoing, 1979 | Active | 1.635 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
374 | Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.632 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
375 | Journal of Learning Disabilities | 1973-ongoing | Active | 1.631 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
376 | Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management - ASCE | 1980-ongoing | Active | 1.631 | Journal | American Society of Civil Engineers | United States |
377 | Physical Review Special Topics - Physics Education Research | 2006-ongoing | Active | 1.631 | Journal | American Physical Society | United States |
378 | Sociology of Health and Illness | 1992-ongoing, 1979-1989 | Active | 1.631 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
379 | Land Use Policy | 1984-ongoing | Active | 1.629 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
380 | Accident Analysis and Prevention | 1969-ongoing | Active | 1.628 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
381 | Research in the Teaching of English | 2004-ongoing, 1996-2001 | Active | 1.627 | Journal | National Council of Teachers of English | United States |
382 | Crime and Delinquency | 1995-ongoing, 1975-1980 | Active | 1.626 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
383 | Human Resources for Health | 2003-ongoing | Active | 1.621 | Journal | BioMed Central | United Kingdom |
384 | Societes Contemporaines | 2001-ongoing | Active | 1.621 | Journal | Presses de Sciences Po | France |
385 | Journal of Common Market Studies | 1996-ongoing, 1994, 1991, 1988-1989, 1981-1982 | Active | 1.620 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
386 | Eure | 2001-ongoing, 1996-1998, 1982, 1979 | Active | 1.617 | Journal | Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile | Chile |
387 | Anthropology of Consciousness | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.615 | Journal | Wiley-Blackwell | United States |
388 | Israel Exploration Journal | 2002-ongoing | Active | 1.614 | Journal | Israel Exploration Society | Israel |
389 | Mobilities | 2007-ongoing | Active | 1.614 | Journal | Routledge | United Kingdom |
390 | School Effectiveness and School Improvement | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.614 | Journal | Swets & Zeitlinger | Netherlands |
391 | Second Language Research | 2004-ongoing | Active | 1.614 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
392 | European Journal of Engineering Education | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.611 | Journal | Elsevier Science | United Kingdom |
393 | Economic Development Quarterly | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.610 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
394 | Journal of English for Academic Purposes | 2002-ongoing | Active | 1.605 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
395 | International Journal of Transgenderism | 2005-ongoing, 1997-2002 | Active | 1.604 | Journal | Haworth Press Inc. | United States |
396 | Journal of Research in Music Education | 2002-ongoing | Active | 1.604 | Journal | Sage Periodicals Press | United States |
397 | Medical Teacher | 1996-ongoing, 1985-1993, 1979-1980 | Active | 1.604 | Journal | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
398 | International Journal of Heritage Studies | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.603 | Journal | University of Plymouth Press | United Kingdom |
399 | Journal of Planning Education and Research | 1983-ongoing | Active | 1.599 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
400 | Sustainability Science | 2007-ongoing | Active | 1.598 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |
401 | Journal of Islamic Studies | 2009-ongoing, 1990-1995 | Active | 1.597 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
402 | History & Memory | 1999-ongoing | Active | 1.594 | Journal | Athenaum | United States |
403 | Journal of European Public Policy | 1995-ongoing | Active | 1.591 | Journal | Routledge | United Kingdom |
404 | Journal of Literacy Research | 2005-ongoing, 1997-2001 | Active | 1.591 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
405 | Law and Human Behavior | 1977-ongoing | Active | 1.590 | Journal | Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers | United States |
406 | European Journal of Women's Studies | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.586 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
407 | Journal of Industrial Ecology | 1997-ongoing | Active | 1.585 | Journal | MIT Press | United States |
408 | Target | 2002-ongoing | Active | 1.585 | Journal | John Benjamins Publishing Company | Netherlands |
409 | TripleC | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.581 | Journal | Unified Theory of Information Research Group | Austria |
410 | Innovative Higher Education | 2004-ongoing, 1983-2002 | Active | 1.580 | Journal | Human Sciences Press | United States |
411 | Review of International Political Economy | 1995-ongoing | Active | 1.579 | Journal | Routledge | United Kingdom |
412 | British Educational Research Journal | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.576 | Journal | Wiley-Blackwell | United Kingdom |
413 | Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research | 2009-ongoing | Active | 1.576 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
414 | Psychology of Violence | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.572 | Journal | American Psychological Association | United States |
415 | Public Roads | 1992-ongoing, 1969-1990 | Active | 1.569 | Trade Journal | US Federal Highway Administration | United States |
416 | Journal of Social Policy | 1986-ongoing, 1978-1984, 1976 | Active | 1.568 | Journal | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
417 | Public Administration | 1978-ongoing, 1967 | Active | 1.568 | Journal | Wiley-Blackwell | United Kingdom |
418 | University of Chicago Law Review | 1995-ongoing, 1991-1992, 1986, 1977-1978 | Active | 1.566 | Journal | University of Chicago Press | United States |
419 | Resources Policy | 1974-ongoing | Active | 1.560 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
420 | Behavioral and Brain Sciences | 1990-ongoing, 1978-1982 | Active | 1.558 | Journal | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
421 | IEEE Security and Privacy | 2003-ongoing | Active | 1.557 | Journal | IEEE Computer Society | United States |
422 | Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.557 | Journal | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
423 | Environment and Planning D: Society and Space | 1983-ongoing | Active | 1.555 | Journal | Pion Ltd. | United Kingdom |
424 | Journal of Youth and Adolescence | 1972-ongoing | Active | 1.555 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
425 | Social Forces | 1977-ongoing, 1974 | Active | 1.555 | Journal | University of North Carolina | United States |
426 | Applied Ontology | 2011-ongoing | Active | 1.553 | Journal | IOS Press | Netherlands |
427 | Journal of Happiness Studies | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.553 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
428 | Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.551 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
429 | Emerging Adulthood | 2013-ongoing | Active | 1.551 | Journal | SAGE Publications Ltd | United Kingdom |
430 | Library Resources and Technical Services | 1988-ongoing, 1981-1984, 1978-1979 | Active | 1.549 | Journal | American Library Association | United States |
431 | Economy and Society | 1990-ongoing, 1981-1982 | Active | 1.547 | Journal | Routledge | United Kingdom |
432 | Feminism and Psychology | 1996-ongoing, 1994, 1992 | Active | 1.546 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
433 | International Review for the Sociology of Sport | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.546 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
434 | Journal of Transport Geography | 1993-ongoing | Active | 1.543 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
435 | Computer Assisted Language Learning | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.540 | Journal | Intellect Books | United Kingdom |
436 | Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.539 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
437 | Social Science Research | 1972-ongoing | Active | 1.535 | Journal | Academic Press | United States |
438 | Ocean Development and International Law | 1990-ongoing, 1988, 1983-1985, 1980, 1978 | Active | 1.534 | Journal | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
439 | Journal of the Urban Planning and Development Division, ASCE | 1979-ongoing | Active | 1.531 | Journal | American Society of Civil Engineers | United States |
440 | Gifted Child Quarterly | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.530 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
441 | Instructional Science | 1994-ongoing, 1972-1992 | Active | 1.529 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
442 | Urban Studies | 1976-ongoing | Active | 1.528 | Journal | SAGE Publications Ltd | United Kingdom |
443 | International Political Sociology | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.525 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
444 | Journal of Sociolinguistics | 2004-ongoing | Active | 1.522 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
445 | Journal of Politeness Research | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.521 | Journal | Walter de Gruyter GmbH | Germany |
446 | Journal of Contermporary China | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.520 | Journal | Carfax Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
447 | British Journal of Sociology of Education | 1995-ongoing | Active | 1.518 | Journal | Carfax Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
448 | D-Lib Magazine | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.517 | Journal | Corporation for National Research Initiatives | United States |
449 | Information Technology and Libraries | 1988-ongoing | Active | 1.513 | Journal | American Library Association | United States |
450 | International Journal of Communication | 2011-ongoing | Active | 1.512 | Journal | USC Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism | United States |
451 | International Journal of Educational Research | 1986-ongoing | Active | 1.511 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
452 | Language Learning and Development | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.511 | Journal | Psychology Press Ltd | United Kingdom |
453 | Program | 1988-ongoing | Active | 1.511 | Journal | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
454 | Educational Studies in Mathematics | 1968-ongoing | Active | 1.510 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
455 | Diachronica | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.509 | Journal | John Benjamins Publishing Company | Netherlands |
456 | Oxford Journal of Archaeology | 1982-ongoing | Active | 1.508 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
457 | European Journal of Teacher Education | 2005-ongoing, 1993 | Active | 1.506 | Journal | Carfax Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
458 | Yale Law Journal | 1996-ongoing, 1994, 1985-1991, 1983, 1981, 1977-1979, 1973-1975 | Active | 1.506 | Journal | Yale Journal Co., Inc. | United States |
459 | Journal of Information Science | 1979-ongoing | Active | 1.500 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
460 | Journal of Academic Librarianship | 1988-ongoing | Active | 1.499 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
461 | Reviews of Human Factors and Ergonomics | 2011-ongoing | Active | 1.498 | Book Series | SAGE Publications Inc. | United States |
462 | International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction | 1998-ongoing, 1996 | Active | 1.496 | Journal | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc. | United States |
463 | Journal of Economic Psychology | 1981-ongoing | Active | 1.496 | Journal | North-Holland Publ Co | Netherlands |
464 | Science Communication | 1995-ongoing | Active | 1.496 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
465 | Children and Society | 2003-ongoing | Active | 1.495 | Journal | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | United States |
466 | Journal of Classroom Interaction | 2014-ongoing, 2009 | Active | 1.495 | Journal | University of Houston | United States |
467 | European Sociological Review | 1985-ongoing | Active | 1.490 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
468 | Journal of Geography | 1995-ongoing, 1993, 1990, 1984-1987, 1978-1982, 1961 | Active | 1.490 | Journal | National Council for Geographical Education | United States |
469 | Population, Space and Place | 2004-ongoing | Active | 1.490 | Journal | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | United States |
470 | Metaphor and Symbol | 2007-ongoing | Active | 1.489 | Journal | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc. | United States |
471 | Advances in Health Sciences Education | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.488 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
472 | International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning | 2006-ongoing | Active | 1.488 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |
473 | Journal of Advertising | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.488 | Journal | M.E. Sharpe Inc. | United States |
474 | System Dynamics Review | 1992-ongoing | Active | 1.487 | Journal | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | United States |
475 | Geoforum | 1970-ongoing | Active | 1.486 | Journal | Pergamon Press | United States |
476 | Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.486 | Journal | Routledge | United Kingdom |
477 | Mind, Culture, and Activity | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.486 | Journal | Laboratory of Comparative Human Cognition, University of California | United States |
478 | Population Studies | 1971-ongoing, 1967 | Active | 1.486 | Journal | Routledge | United Kingdom |
479 | Transcultural Psychiatry | 1997-ongoing | Active | 1.485 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
480 | Law and Policy | 2005-ongoing, 1995, 1992-1993, 1990, 1984-1986 | Active | 1.484 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
481 | Educational and Psychological Measurement | 1996-ongoing, 1993, 1947-1949 | Active | 1.483 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
482 | Journal of Eastern African Studies | 2009-ongoing | Active | 1.483 | Journal | Routledge | United Kingdom |
483 | Journal of Experimental Social Psychology | 1965-ongoing | Active | 1.483 | Journal | Academic Press | United States |
484 | Food Policy | 1975-ongoing | Active | 1.482 | Journal | Pergamon Press | United States |
485 | Party Politics | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.482 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
486 | Southern California Law Review | 1996-ongoing, 1991-1992, 1985-1988, 1981-1982, 1973-1979 | Active | 1.482 | Journal | University of Southern California | United States |
487 | Economic Development and Cultural Change | 1982-ongoing, 1978-1979 | Active | 1.481 | Journal | University of Chicago Press | United States |
488 | China Quarterly | 1995-ongoing, 1980-1981, 1978, 1965 | Active | 1.480 | Journal | Contemporary China Institute of the School of Oriental and African Studies | United Kingdom |
489 | Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy | 1983-ongoing | Active | 1.479 | Journal | Pion Ltd. | United Kingdom |
490 | Journal of Accounting and Public Policy | 1982-ongoing | Active | 1.478 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
491 | Remedial and Special Education | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.478 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
492 | Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics | 1996-ongoing, 1991, 1988, 1980-1984, 1977-1978 | Active | 1.476 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
493 | WIREs Climate Change | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.476 | Journal | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | United States |
494 | Sustainability: Science, Practice, and Policy | 2009-ongoing | Active | 1.475 | Journal | National Biological Information Infrastructure | United States |
495 | Journal of Behavioral Decision Making | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.474 | Journal | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | United States |
496 | Osiris | 1997-ongoing, 1992-1995, 1989-1990, 1985-1987 | Active | 1.474 | Journal | University of Chicago Press | United States |
497 | College Composition and Communication | 2004-ongoing | Active | 1.470 | Journal | National Council of Teachers of English | United States |
498 | Georgetown Law Journal | 1994-ongoing, 1992, 1988, 1983-1986, 1981, 1979, 1976-1977, 1973-1974 | Active | 1.469 | Journal | Georgetown University Law Center | United States |
499 | Journal of the American Planning Association | 1979-ongoing | Active | 1.468 | Journal | American Planning Association | United States |
500 | Language Learning and Technology | 2000-ongoing, 1997-1998 | Active | 1.468 | Journal | University of Hawaii Press | United States |
501 | Sociology of Sport Journal | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.468 | Journal | Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc. | United States |
502 | Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization | 1985-ongoing | Active | 1.467 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
503 | Journal of Research on Technology in Education | 2012-ongoing | Active | 1.466 | Journal | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | United Kingdom |
504 | Race Ethnicity and Education | 1998-ongoing | Active | 1.465 | Journal | Carfax Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
505 | European Urban and Regional Studies | 1994-ongoing | Active | 1.464 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
506 | Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.463 | Journal | BioMed Central | United Kingdom |
507 | Language Related Research | 2012-ongoing | Active | 1.463 | Journal | Tarbiat Modares University | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
508 | Family Process | 1971-ongoing | Active | 1.462 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
509 | Journal of Population Economics | 1988-ongoing | Active | 1.462 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |
510 | Sport, Education and Society | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.459 | Journal | Carfax Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
511 | European Journal of Criminology | 2007-ongoing | Active | 1.456 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
TOP 25% | |||||||
512 | Probus | 2003-ongoing, 2001 | Active | 1.456 | Journal | Foris Publications | Netherlands |
513 | Metaphor and the Social World | 2015-ongoing | Active | 1.455 | Journal | John Benjamins Publishing Company | Netherlands |
514 | European Journal of Communication | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.454 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
515 | Oriens | 2009-ongoing | Active | 1.452 | Journal | Brill | Netherlands |
516 | Housing Studies | 1988-ongoing, 1986 | Active | 1.451 | Journal | Carfax Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
517 | Indian Economic and Social History Review | 1997-ongoing, 1984-1987, 1982, 1976 | Active | 1.450 | Journal | Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd. | India |
518 | Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.448 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
519 | Tel Aviv | 2011-ongoing | Active | 1.446 | Journal | Maney Publishing | United Kingdom |
520 | Ageing and Society | 1989-ongoing | Active | 1.444 | Journal | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
521 | Journal of Conflict Resolution | 1996-ongoing, 1989 | Active | 1.443 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
522 | Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.441 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
523 | Third World Quarterly | 1992-ongoing, 1986-1990, 1982-1984, 1979-1980 | Active | 1.441 | Journal | Carfax Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
524 | Assessing Writing | 2002-ongoing, 1994-2000 | Active | 1.440 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
525 | European Union Politics | 2004-ongoing | Active | 1.440 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
526 | Children's Geographies | 2003-ongoing | Active | 1.439 | Journal | Carfax Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
527 | Career Development for Exceptional Individuals | 2009-ongoing | Active | 1.438 | Journal | Division on Career Development and Transition (DCDT) | United States |
528 | Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis | 1973-ongoing | Active | 1.436 | Journal | Society for the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, Inc. | United States |
529 | Maritime Policy and Management | 1980-ongoing, 1977-1978 | Active | 1.436 | Journal | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
530 | Journal of Cultural Heritage | 2000-ongoing | Active | 1.435 | Journal | Elsevier Masson | France |
531 | International Journal of Social Welfare | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.434 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
532 | CEAS Aeronautical Journal | 2011-ongoing | Active | 1.433 | Journal | Springer Science + Business Media | United States |
533 | Journal of Special Education | 1996-ongoing, 1977, 1972-1974 | Active | 1.433 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
534 | TESOL Quarterly | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.432 | Journal | Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages | United States |
535 | Body and Society | 2007-ongoing | Active | 1.429 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
536 | Higher Education Research and Development | 2009-ongoing | Active | 1.426 | Journal | Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA) | Australia |
537 | European Journal of International Law | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.424 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
538 | Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science | 1996-ongoing, 1992, 1978-1990, 1973-1976 | Active | 1.423 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
539 | Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology | 1999-ongoing | Active | 1.421 | Journal | American Psychological Association | United States |
540 | Arqueologia Iberoamericana | 2012-ongoing | Active | 1.420 | Journal | Pascual Izquierdo-Egea | Spain |
541 | Environmental Science and Policy | 1998-ongoing | Active | 1.420 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
542 | Young Consumers | 2014-ongoing, 2012, 2004 | Active | 1.418 | Journal | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
543 | American Antiquity | 1996-ongoing, 1990, 1986-1987, 1984, 1973, 1964 | Active | 1.416 | Journal | Society for American Archaeology | United States |
544 | Applied Psychological Measurement | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.416 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
545 | Security Journal | 2009-ongoing, 1995 | Active | 1.415 | Journal | Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. | United States |
546 | Nurse Education Today | 1985-ongoing | Active | 1.414 | Journal | Churchill Livingstone | United Kingdom |
547 | British Journal of Educational Studies | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.412 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
548 | Millennium: Journal of International Studies | 1997-ongoing | Active | 1.411 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
549 | Studies in Second Language Acquisition | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.411 | Journal | Indiana University Linguistics Club | United States |
550 | Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.410 | Journal | Carfax Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
551 | Texas Law Review | 1996-ongoing, 1994, 1992, 1990, 1987, 1981-1982, 1977 | Active | 1.408 | Journal | University of Texas at Austin | United States |
552 | Econometric Theory | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.407 | Journal | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
553 | Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology | 1988-ongoing | Active | 1.407 | Journal | Sheffield Academic Press Ltd | United Kingdom |
554 | Archival Science | 2001-ongoing | Active | 1.406 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
555 | South Asia Research | 2007-ongoing, 2001, 1987-1996, 1985 | Active | 1.406 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
556 | Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.405 | Journal | Carfax Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
557 | Criminology and Criminal Justice | 2006-ongoing | Active | 1.404 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United Kingdom |
558 | Parliamentary Affairs | 1981-ongoing, 1976-1979, 1947-1974 | Active | 1.404 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
559 | World Englishes | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.404 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
560 | Ethics and Information Technology | 1999-ongoing | Active | 1.403 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
561 | Ethnic and Racial Studies | 1994-ongoing, 1991 | Active | 1.403 | Journal | Routledge | United Kingdom |
562 | Ethos | 1995-ongoing, 1993, 1986-1987, 1975 | Active | 1.402 | Journal | Wiley-Blackwell | United States |
563 | Social Anthropology | 2005-ongoing, 1982 | Active | 1.401 | Journal | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
564 | International Journal of Bilingualism | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.400 | Journal | Kingston Press Services Ltd. | United Kingdom |
565 | Global Food Security | 2012-ongoing | Active | 1.399 | Journal | Elsevier | United States |
566 | New Political Economy | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.399 | Journal | Carfax Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
567 | Security Studies | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.399 | Journal | Frank Cass Publishers | United Kingdom |
568 | Social Problems | 1995-ongoing, 1993, 1989-1990, 1984, 1982, 1977-1979, 1975, 1973 | Active | 1.399 | Journal | University of California Press | United States |
569 | British Journal of Religious Education | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.398 | Journal | Routledge | United Kingdom |
570 | Journal of Adolescent Research | 1995-ongoing, 1988-1993, 1986 | Active | 1.398 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
571 | Management Communication Quarterly | 2007-ongoing | Active | 1.398 | Journal | Sage Publications | United States |
572 | Zeitschrift für Soziologie | 1994-ongoing, 1989-1991, 1986-1987, 1983-1984, 1981 | Active | 1.398 | Journal | Lucius and Lucius Verlagsgesellschaft mbH | Germany |
573 | Contemporary Southeast Asia | 2012-ongoing, 1984-1985, 1980-1981 | Active | 1.397 | Journal | Institute of Southeast Asian Studies | Singapore |
574 | International Journal of Middle East Studies | 1979-ongoing | Active | 1.396 | Journal | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
575 | Journal of Science Education and Technology | 2004-ongoing, 1992-2002 | Active | 1.396 | Journal | Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers | United States |
576 | Dados | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.395 | Journal | Instituto Universitario de Pesquisas do Rio de Janeiro | Brazil |
577 | Journal of Workplace Learning | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.394 | Journal | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
578 | Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race | 2013-ongoing | Active | 1.393 | Journal | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
579 | Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.393 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
580 | International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies | 2012-ongoing | Active | 1.391 | Journal | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
581 | Business and Society | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.388 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
582 | Comunicacion y Sociedad | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.387 | Journal | Universidad de Navarra | Spain |
583 | Journal of Pragmatics | 1977-ongoing | Active | 1.387 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
584 | Theory and Society | 1974-ongoing | Active | 1.386 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
585 | Gender and History | 1995-ongoing | Active | 1.385 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
586 | Kritika | 2002-ongoing | Active | 1.385 | Journal | Slavica Publishers | United States |
587 | Language Policy | 2004-ongoing | Active | 1.384 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
588 | Studies in Familiy Planning | 1970-ongoing | Active | 1.384 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
589 | International Journal of Comparative Sociology | 1960-ongoing | Active | 1.383 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
590 | Foreign Language Annals | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.382 | Journal | American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages | United States |
591 | Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues | 2011-ongoing | Active | 1.382 | Journal | The General Jonas Zemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania | Lithuania |
592 | Political Psychology | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.382 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
593 | American Journal of Community Psychology | 1973-ongoing | Active | 1.381 | Journal | Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers | United States |
594 | Ethnobiology and Conservation | 2012-ongoing | Active | 1.380 | Journal | Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco | Brazil |
595 | Journalism Studies | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.380 | Journal | Routledge | United Kingdom |
596 | Environment and Urbanization | 1990-ongoing | Active | 1.379 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
597 | Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal | 1998-ongoing | Active | 1.379 | Journal | Beech Tree Publishing | United Kingdom |
598 | English World-Wide | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.378 | Journal | J. Groos | Germany |
599 | Media, Culture and Society | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.378 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
600 | Linguistic Typology | 1997-ongoing | Active | 1.377 | Journal | De Gruyter Mouton | Germany |
601 | Topics in Cognitive Science | 2009-ongoing | Active | 1.377 | Journal | Wiley-Blackwell | United States |
602 | International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.376 | Journal | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
603 | Policy Sciences | 1970-ongoing | Active | 1.373 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
604 | Quarterly Journal of Speech | 1995-ongoing, 1993, 1984, 1947-1949 | Active | 1.373 | Journal | Routledge | United Kingdom |
605 | Police Quarterly | 1999-ongoing | Active | 1.372 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
606 | International Migration Review | 1977-ongoing, 1974, 1972 | Active | 1.371 | Journal | Center for Migration Studies | United States |
607 | International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction | 2012-ongoing | Active | 1.369 | Journal | Elsevier Limited | United Kingdom |
608 | Psychology of Women Quarterly | 1992-ongoing, 1988, 1984-1985, 1981, 1979, 1976-1977 | Active | 1.369 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
609 | Comparative Education | 1995-ongoing | Active | 1.364 | Journal | Carfax Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
610 | Research in Learning Technology | 2012-ongoing | Active | 1.364 | Journal | Co-Action Publishing | Sweden |
611 | Sex Roles | 1975-ongoing | Active | 1.363 | Journal | Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers | United States |
612 | Anthropological Quarterly | 1987-ongoing, 1981 | Active | 1.362 | Journal | Institute for Ethnographic Research | United States |
613 | PMLA | 2002-ongoing | Active | 1.362 | Journal | Modern Language Association of America (PMLA) | United States |
614 | Journal of Diversity in Higher Education | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.361 | Journal | American Psychological Association | United States |
615 | Journal of Research on Adolescence | 1996-ongoing, 1993 | Active | 1.361 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
616 | American Journal of Comparative Law | 1995-ongoing, 1990, 1985-1988, 1977, 1974 | Active | 1.360 | Journal | American Society of Comparative Law | United States |
617 | Language Testing | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.360 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
618 | Political Theory | 1996-ongoing, 1982, 1980, 1978 | Active | 1.360 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
619 | Oxford Review of Education | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.359 | Journal | Carfax Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
620 | Human Factors | 1962-ongoing | Active | 1.358 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
621 | Journal of Business and Technical Communication | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.358 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
622 | Educational Management Administration and Leadership | 2007-ongoing | Active | 1.357 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United Kingdom |
623 | Journal of Disability Policy Studies | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.357 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
624 | Psychology, Public Policy, and Law | 1995-ongoing | Active | 1.356 | Journal | American Psychological Association | United States |
625 | Health and Social Care in the Community | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.355 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
626 | Journal of Economic Inequality | 2004-ongoing | Active | 1.355 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
627 | Leiden Journal of International Law | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.353 | Journal | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
628 | European Journal of Political Economy | 1985-ongoing | Active | 1.352 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
629 | Journal of Management Education | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.352 | Journal | Sage Publications | United States |
630 | Journal of Geographical Systems | 1999-ongoing | Active | 1.351 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |
631 | Health and Place | 1995-ongoing | Active | 1.350 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
632 | Landscape Ecology | 1987-ongoing | Active | 1.350 | Journal | Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers | United States |
633 | Political Behavior | 1979-ongoing | Active | 1.350 | Journal | Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers | United States |
634 | Weather and Climate Extremes | 2013-ongoing | Active | 1.350 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
635 | Journal of Anthropological Archaeology | 1982-ongoing | Active | 1.348 | Journal | Academic Press | United States |
636 | Nations and Nationalism | 1995-ongoing | Active | 1.347 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
637 | Criminal Justice and Behavior | 1996-ongoing, 1994, 1978-1980 | Active | 1.346 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
638 | Rural Sociology | 1978-ongoing | Active | 1.346 | Journal | Rural Sociological Society | United States |
639 | Cornell Law Review | 1988-ongoing, 1984-1986, 1975-1981 | Active | 1.345 | Journal | Cornell University Press | United States |
640 | Transnational Corporations | 2015-ongoing, 2005-2012 | Active | 1.345 | Journal | United Nations Publications | United States |
641 | Columbia Law Review | 1992-ongoing, 1990, 1987-1988, 1984, 1973-1981 | Active | 1.341 | Journal | Columbia Law Review Association | United States |
642 | Gender, Work and Organization | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.341 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
643 | Journal of Creative Behavior | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.341 | Journal | Creative Education Foundation, Inc | United States |
644 | Sociology of Religion | 2005-ongoing, 1998-2001, 1996 | Active | 1.340 | Journal | Association for the Sociology of Religion | United States |
645 | The Australian Journal of Anthropology | 2002-ongoing, 1995 | Active | 1.340 | Journal | Anthropological Society Of New South Wales | Australia |
646 | Water Alternatives | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.340 | Journal | Water Alternatives Association | United States |
647 | Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.339 | Journal | Routledge | United Kingdom |
648 | Critical Perspectives on Accounting | 1990-ongoing | Active | 1.338 | Journal | Academic Press | United States |
649 | Energy Research and Social Science | 2014-ongoing | Active | 1.338 | Journal | Elsevier Limited | United Kingdom |
650 | Journal of Law and Economics | 1996-ongoing, 1978-1989 | Active | 1.338 | Journal | University of Chicago Press | United States |
651 | Journal of Sport and Social Issues | 2004-ongoing | Active | 1.338 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
652 | Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour | 1998-ongoing | Active | 1.336 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
653 | Regional Science and Urban Economics | 1973-ongoing | Active | 1.335 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
654 | Marine Policy | 1977-ongoing | Active | 1.334 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
655 | European Addiction Research | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.333 | Journal | Karger AG | Switzerland |
656 | Feminist Criminology | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.333 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
657 | Journal of Strategic Studies | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.333 | Journal | Frank Cass Publishers | United Kingdom |
658 | Journal of Family Therapy | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.331 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
659 | Bioethics | 1987-ongoing | Active | 1.330 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
660 | ELT Journal | 2005-ongoing, 1946-1995 | Active | 1.330 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
661 | Studies in American Political Development | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.330 | Journal | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
662 | Violence Against Women | 1995-ongoing | Active | 1.328 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
663 | Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.324 | Journal | Mary Ann Liebert Inc. | United States |
664 | Global Networks | 2004-ongoing | Active | 1.324 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
665 | Journal of the Medical Library Association : JMLA | 1999-ongoing | Active | 1.324 | Journal | Medical Library Association | United States |
666 | California Law Review | 1996-ongoing, 1994, 1990-1992, 1986-1988, 1982-1983, 1977-1979, 1975, 1973 | Active | 1.323 | Journal | University of California Press | United States |
667 | College English | 2004-ongoing | Active | 1.323 | Journal | National Council of Teachers of English | United States |
668 | Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs | 2007-ongoing | Active | 1.323 | Journal | Center of Alcohol Studies, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey | United States |
669 | Public Understanding of Science | 1992-ongoing | Active | 1.323 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
670 | Gesture | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.322 | Journal | John Benjamins Publishing Company | Netherlands |
671 | Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.322 | Journal | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | United States |
672 | Journal of Material Culture | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.322 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
673 | Social Movement Studies | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.322 | Journal | Routledge | United Kingdom |
674 | Sociological Forum | 1986-ongoing | Active | 1.322 | Journal | Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers | United States |
675 | Journal of Phonetics | 1995-ongoing | Active | 1.321 | Journal | Academic Press | United States |
676 | Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.320 | Journal | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc. | United States |
677 | Scandinavian Political Studies | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.320 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
678 | Journal of Archaeological Science | 1974-ongoing | Active | 1.318 | Journal | Academic Press | United States |
679 | Journal of Computer Information Systems | 1995-ongoing | Active | 1.318 | Journal | International Association for Computer Information Systems | United States |
680 | Psychology of Music | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.318 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United Kingdom |
681 | Scientometrics | 1978-ongoing | Active | 1.318 | Journal | Akademiai Kiado | Hungary |
682 | Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering | 2006-ongoing | Active | 1.316 | Journal | Begell House | United States |
683 | Environmental Politics | 1992-ongoing | Active | 1.315 | Journal | Frank Cass Publishers | United Kingdom |
684 | Punishment and Society | 2004-ongoing | Active | 1.315 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
685 | Gender and Education | 1996-ongoing, 1994 | Active | 1.312 | Journal | Carfax Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
686 | International Journal of Law in Context | 2013-ongoing | Active | 1.312 | Journal | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
687 | Journal of Latin American Studies | 1980-ongoing, 1973 | Active | 1.311 | Journal | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
688 | Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.311 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
689 | Journal of Environmental Education | 2005-ongoing, 1996, 1988, 1980-1981, 1977, 1974-1975 | Active | 1.310 | Journal | Dembar Educational Research Services | United States |
690 | Journal of Librarianship and Information Science | 1980-ongoing | Active | 1.309 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
691 | AJS Review | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.308 | Journal | Association for Jewish Studies | United States |
692 | Research Evaluation | 1998-ongoing, 1991-1996 | Active | 1.308 | Journal | Beech Tree Publishing | United Kingdom |
693 | Topics in Early Childhood Special Education | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.306 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
694 | Transport Policy | 1993-ongoing | Active | 1.306 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
695 | Journal of African Languages and Linguistics | 2002-ongoing | Active | 1.305 | Journal | Foris Publications | Netherlands |
696 | UCLA Law Review | 1991-ongoing, 1989, 1986, 1980-1983, 1978, 1976, 1968 | Active | 1.305 | Journal | University of California at Los Angeles | United States |
697 | Early Years | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.303 | Journal | Routledge | United States |
698 | IET Intelligent Transport Systems | 2007-ongoing | Active | 1.302 | Journal | Institution of Engineering and Technology | United Kingdom |
699 | Latin American Antiquity | 2002-ongoing, 1990 | Active | 1.300 | Journal | Society for American Archaeology | United States |
700 | Acta Ophthalmologica | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.299 | Journal | Wiley-Blackwell | United States |
701 | Journal of Educational Research | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.299 | Journal | Heldref Publications | United States |
702 | American Review of Public Administration | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.298 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
703 | Equity & Excellence in Education | 2007-ongoing | Active | 1.296 | Journal | Greenwood Publishing Group Inc. | United States |
704 | Ergonomics | 1965-ongoing, 1961 | Active | 1.294 | Journal | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
705 | Cultural Geographies | 2003-ongoing | Active | 1.293 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
706 | Linguistics and Education | 1988-ongoing | Active | 1.292 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
707 | Public Transport | 2009-ongoing | Active | 1.292 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |
708 | Survival | 1996-ongoing, 1984 | Active | 1.290 | Journal | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
709 | Journal of Applied Communication Research | 1996-ongoing, 1988 | Active | 1.289 | Journal | Routledge | United Kingdom |
710 | Journal of Career Development | 1986-ongoing | Active | 1.285 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
711 | Journal of Contemporary Asia | 2005-ongoing, 1998-2001, 1996, 1984, 1981, 1977 | Active | 1.284 | Journal | Journal of Contemporary Asia | United Kingdom |
712 | Journal of Political Science Education | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.282 | Journal | Taylor and Francis Inc. | United Kingdom |
713 | International Communication Gazette | 2006-ongoing, 1996-1999 | Active | 1.281 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United Kingdom |
714 | International Journal of Engineering Education | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.281 | Journal | Dublin Institute of Technology Tempus Publications | Ireland |
715 | Learning and Individual Differences | 2004-ongoing, 1989-2002 | Active | 1.280 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
716 | Geopolitics | 1998-ongoing, 1986 | Active | 1.279 | Journal | Frank Cass Publishers | United Kingdom |
717 | Political Communication | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.279 | Journal | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
718 | Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.278 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
719 | Cognitive Linguistics | 2004-ongoing | Active | 1.277 | Journal | De Gruyter Mouton | Germany |
720 | Ancient Mesoamerica | 1990-ongoing | Active | 1.275 | Journal | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
721 | Journal of Health Communication | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.275 | Journal | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
722 | Learning, Media and Technology | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.275 | Journal | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
723 | Journal of Social Issues | 1988-ongoing, 1985, 1977-1983 | Active | 1.273 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
724 | Comunicar | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.272 | Journal | Grupo Comunicar, Colectivo Andaluz de Educacion en Medios de Comunicacion | Spain |
725 | Information Polity | 2002-ongoing | Active | 1.272 | Journal | IOS Press | Netherlands |
726 | Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions | 2000-ongoing, 1988-1990 | Active | 1.269 | Journal | B.C. Decker Inc. | Canada |
727 | Journal of Palestine Studies | 1991-ongoing, 1986 | Active | 1.269 | Journal | University of California Press | United States |
728 | Rethinking Marxism | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.267 | Journal | Routledge | United Kingdom |
729 | Revue Francaise de Sociologie | 1996-ongoing, 1994, 1985-1991, 1981-1983, 1977-1978 | Active | 1.267 | Journal | Editions Ophrys | France |
730 | Symbolic Interaction | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.267 | Journal | University of California Press | United States |
731 | Political Studies Review | 2006-ongoing | Active | 1.266 | Journal | Blackwell | United Kingdom |
732 | Critical Asian Studies | 2001-ongoing | Active | 1.264 | Journal | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
733 | International Journal of Refugee Law | 1989-ongoing | Active | 1.263 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
734 | Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.261 | Journal | American Chemical Society | United States |
735 | Journal of Information Literacy | 2014-ongoing | Active | 1.261 | Journal | CILIP Information Literacy Group | United Kingdom |
736 | Social and Legal Studies | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.261 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
737 | Maritime Economics and Logistics | 2003-ongoing | Active | 1.259 | Journal | Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. | United Kingdom |
738 | Media History | 2010-ongoing, 2001 | Active | 1.259 | Journal | Carfax Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
739 | Social and Cultural Geography | 2000-ongoing | Active | 1.259 | Journal | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
740 | Transportmetrica A: Transport Science | 2013-ongoing | Active | 1.259 | Journal | Taylor and Francis | United States |
741 | Studies in East European Thought | 1993-ongoing | Active | 1.258 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
742 | Middle East Policy | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.257 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
743 | War in History | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.257 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United Kingdom |
744 | Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palastina-Vereins | 2009-ongoing | Active | 1.257 | Journal | Harrassowitz Verlag | Germany |
745 | Teachers College Record | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.256 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
746 | Res Publica | 1994-ongoing | Active | 1.254 | Journal | Deborah Charles Publications for the Kent Law School | United Kingdom |
747 | Educational Policy | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.251 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
748 | Environment and History | 1995-ongoing | Active | 1.251 | Journal | White Horse Press | United Kingdom |
749 | Information Systems Management | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.249 | Journal | Auerbach Publications | United States |
750 | Learning Organization | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.249 | Journal | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
751 | International Interactions | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.248 | Journal | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
752 | Environmental Development | 2012-ongoing | Active | 1.247 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
753 | Journal of Contemporary Religion | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.246 | Journal | Carfax Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
754 | CBE Life Sciences Education | 2006-ongoing | Active | 1.245 | Journal | American Society for Cell Biology | United States |
755 | International Review of Victimology | 2012-ongoing | Active | 1.242 | Journal | A B Academic Publishers | United Kingdom |
756 | Journal of Place Management and Development | 2012-ongoing | Active | 1.242 | Journal | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
757 | Monthly Review | 1996-ongoing, 1987, 1984, 1980-1982, 1977 | Active | 1.242 | Journal | Monthly Review Foundation | United States |
758 | Democratization | 1994-ongoing | Active | 1.241 | Journal | Frank Cass Publishers | United Kingdom |
759 | International Journal of Training and Development | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.240 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
760 | Journal of Consumer Affairs | 1996-ongoing, 1991 | Active | 1.240 | Journal | American Council on Consumer Interests | United States |
761 | Revue Francaise de Science Politique | 2001-ongoing, 1992, 1989 | Active | 1.240 | Journal | Presses Universitaires de France | France |
762 | British Journal of Social Work | 1971-ongoing | Active | 1.237 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
763 | International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education | 2012-ongoing | Active | 1.236 | Journal | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
764 | Social Work | 1978-ongoing, 1974-1976 | Active | 1.236 | Journal | National Association of Social Workers Press | United States |
765 | Television and New Media | 2009-ongoing | Active | 1.233 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
766 | The Middle East Journal | 1996-ongoing, 1983-1986, 1979-1980, 1976 | Active | 1.233 | Journal | Middle East Institute | United States |
767 | Ab Imperio | 2013-ongoing | Active | 1.232 | Journal | Ab Imperio | Russia |
768 | Communist and Post-Communist Studies | 1993-ongoing | Active | 1.232 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
769 | Energy for Sustainable Development | 2000-ongoing, 1994-1997 | Active | 1.232 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
770 | European Physical Education Review | 2006-ongoing, 1998, 1996 | Active | 1.232 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United Kingdom |
771 | Acta Sociologica | 1996-ongoing, 1989, 1976 | Active | 1.231 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
772 | Contemporary Jewry | 2005-ongoing, 1989-2003, 1986-1987, 1982, 1980 | Active | 1.230 | Journal | Association for the Sociological Study of Jewry | United States |
773 | Earth Surface Processes and Landforms | 1981-ongoing | Active | 1.230 | Journal | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | United States |
774 | Research in Dance Education | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.228 | Journal | Taylor and Francis Inc. | United Kingdom |
775 | European Constitutional Law Review | 2006-ongoing | Active | 1.227 | Journal | T.M.C. Asser Press | Netherlands |
776 | Memory Studies | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.227 | Journal | Sage Publications | United States |
777 | Sociological Review | 1996-ongoing, 1992-1993, 1987, 1965-1984 | Active | 1.227 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
778 | Education Finance and Policy | 2011-ongoing | Active | 1.226 | Journal | MIT Press Journals | United States |
779 | Journal of British Studies | 1996-ongoing, 1994, 1982-1983, 1980, 1977, 1964 | Active | 1.226 | Journal | University of Chicago Press | United States |
780 | Journal of Near Eastern studies | 1996-ongoing, 1992-1994, 1982-1988, 1980, 1974, 1968 | Active | 1.226 | Journal | University of Chicago Press | United States |
781 | Nationalities Papers | 1994-ongoing, 1984 | Active | 1.224 | Journal | Carfax Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
782 | Reading and Writing | 1989-ongoing | Active | 1.224 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
783 | Journal of Victorian Culture | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.223 | Journal | Edinburgh University Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
784 | Navigation, Journal of the Institute of Navigation | 1970-ongoing | Active | 1.222 | Journal | Institute of Navigation | United States |
785 | Critique of Anthropology | 1996-ongoing, 1992 | Active | 1.219 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
786 | System | 1973-ongoing | Active | 1.219 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
787 | European Journal of Education | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.218 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
788 | Publius | 1971-ongoing | Active | 1.218 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
789 | European Journal of Archaeology | 1998-ongoing | Active | 1.216 | Journal | Maney Publishing | United Kingdom |
790 | Journal of Empirical Legal Studies | 2011-ongoing | Active | 1.216 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing | United Kingdom |
791 | Local Government Studies | 1992-ongoing | Active | 1.215 | Journal | Frank Cass Publishers | United Kingdom |
792 | International Studies in Sociology of Education | 2007-ongoing | Active | 1.214 | Journal | Triangle Journals Ltd. | United Kingdom |
793 | Minerva | 1962-ongoing | Active | 1.214 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
794 | Quarterly Journal of Political Science | 2006-ongoing | Active | 1.214 | Journal | Now Publishers Inc. | United States |
795 | Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics | 1988-ongoing | Active | 1.213 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
796 | Journal of Map and Geography Libraries | 2009-ongoing, 2005-2007 | Active | 1.212 | Journal | Haworth Information Press | United States |
797 | Journal of Social and Personal Relationships | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.212 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
798 | JASSS | 2000-ongoing | Active | 1.211 | Journal | University of Surrey | United Kingdom |
799 | Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales | 2006-ongoing, 1984-1985 | Active | 1.210 | Journal | Maison des Sciences de l'homme | France |
800 | American Journal of Physical Anthropology | 1946-ongoing | Active | 1.210 | Journal | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | United States |
801 | Foreign Policy Analysis | 2011-ongoing | Active | 1.210 | Journal | Wiley-Blackwell | United States |
802 | Afrika Spectrum | 2006-ongoing, 1983-1984 | Active | 1.209 | Journal | Institut fur Afrika-Kunde | Germany |
803 | Public Relations Review | 1978-ongoing | Active | 1.209 | Journal | JAI Press | United States |
804 | Psychology of Men and Masculinity | 2000-ongoing | Active | 1.208 | Journal | American Psychological Association | United States |
805 | Journal of Public Relations Research | 2009-ongoing | Active | 1.207 | Journal | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc. | United States |
806 | Studies in Comparative International Development | 1972-ongoing, 1965-1970 | Active | 1.206 | Journal | Transaction Publishers | United States |
807 | Language and Communication | 1981-ongoing | Active | 1.205 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
808 | Environment and Planning A | 1973-ongoing | Active | 1.204 | Journal | Pion Ltd. | United Kingdom |
809 | Journal of Documentation | 1975-ongoing | Active | 1.204 | Journal | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
810 | Living Reviews in Landscape Research | 2009-ongoing | Active | 1.203 | Journal | Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) | Germany |
811 | Journal of Research in International Education | 2007-ongoing | Active | 1.202 | Journal | Sage Periodicals Press | United States |
812 | Sustainable Development | 1994-ongoing | Active | 1.201 | Journal | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | United States |
813 | Journal of African Cultural Studies | 2009-ongoing | Active | 1.200 | Journal | Carfax Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
814 | Canadian Journal of Law and Society | 2009-ongoing, 1999, 1987-1988 | Active | 1.199 | Journal | Cambridge University Press | United States |
815 | Advances in Life Course Research | 2000-ongoing | Active | 1.198 | Journal | JAI Press | United States |
816 | Education and Training | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.198 | Journal | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
817 | Health Communication | 1995-ongoing | Active | 1.197 | Journal | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc. | United States |
818 | Feminist Economics | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.195 | Journal | Routledge | United Kingdom |
819 | Tertiary Education and Management | 2005-ongoing, 1995-2002 | Active | 1.194 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
820 | Cultural Sociology | 2007-ongoing | Active | 1.193 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
821 | Journal of the Philosophy of Sport | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.193 | Journal | Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc. | United States |
822 | Research in Social Stratification and Mobility | 2004-ongoing | Active | 1.193 | Book Series | JAI Press | United States |
823 | International Journal of Science Education | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.192 | Journal | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
824 | International Relations | 2007-ongoing | Active | 1.192 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
825 | Social Development | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.192 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
826 | Research Synthesis Methods | 2015-ongoing | Active | 1.191 | Journal | John Wiley and Sons Ltd | United Kingdom |
827 | Ethics and International Affairs | 2013-ongoing, 2004, 2001-2002, 1992-1995, 1988 | Active | 1.190 | Journal | Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs | United States |
828 | Review of Policy Research | 2002-ongoing | Active | 1.190 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
829 | Educational Theory | 1996-ongoing, 1967 | Active | 1.188 | Journal | University of Illinois | United States |
830 | Qualitative Sociology | 1978-ongoing | Active | 1.188 | Journal | Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers | United States |
831 | Cahiers du Genre | 2011-ongoing | Active | 1.187 | Journal | L'Harmattan | France |
832 | Australian Journal of Political Science | 1995-ongoing | Active | 1.185 | Journal | Carfax Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
833 | International Journal of Disaster Risk Science | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.185 | Journal | Springer Science + Business Media | United States |
834 | Planning Practice and Research | 1995-ongoing, 1987-1993 | Active | 1.184 | Journal | Carfax Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
835 | Phonology | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.183 | Journal | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
836 | American Literary History | 1989-ongoing | Active | 1.182 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United States |
837 | Conflict and Health | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.182 | Journal | BioMed Central | United Kingdom |
838 | American Anthropologist | 1995-ongoing, 1988-1993, 1974-1985, 1970, 1948-1949 | Active | 1.181 | Journal | Wiley-Blackwell | United States |
839 | Higher Education Policy | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.181 | Journal | Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. | United Kingdom |
840 | Boundary 2 | 2002-ongoing | Active | 1.180 | Journal | Duke University Press | United States |
841 | City | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.180 | Journal | Oxfordshire Publishers | United Kingdom |
842 | Community Development Journal | 1966-ongoing | Active | 1.180 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
843 | Revista Signos | 2007-ongoing | Active | 1.180 | Journal | Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso | Chile |
844 | Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics | 1982-ongoing | Active | 1.179 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
845 | Journal of Korean Studies | 2011-ongoing | Active | 1.179 | Journal | Center for Korea Studies, University of Washington | United States |
846 | BMC Medical Education | 2001-ongoing | Active | 1.178 | Journal | BioMed Central | United Kingdom |
847 | Common Market Law Review | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.178 | Journal | Kluwer Law International | Netherlands |
848 | Journal of Educational Change | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.177 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
849 | Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming | 2014-ongoing | Active | 1.177 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
850 | Mathematical Thinking and Learning | 2009-ongoing | Active | 1.176 | Journal | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc. | United States |
851 | Virginia Law Review | 1995-ongoing, 1992, 1990, 1987, 1983-1985, 1980, 1974-1978, 1967 | Active | 1.176 | Journal | Virginia Law Review Association | United States |
852 | Libyan Studies | 2013-ongoing, 1990, 1988, 1984-1985 | Active | 1.175 | Journal | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
853 | Bilingualism | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.174 | Journal | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
854 | International Review of Administrative Sciences | 1994-ongoing, 1983 | Active | 1.173 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
855 | Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.173 | Journal | American Speech-Language-Hearing Association | United States |
856 | Quality Assurance in Education | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.173 | Journal | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
857 | The Review of English Studies | 1950-ongoing, 1948, 1939-1946, 1925-1937 | Active | 1.173 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
858 | Journal of Information Technology Education:Research | 2011-ongoing | Active | 1.172 | Journal | Informing Science Institute | United States |
859 | Legislative Studies Quarterly | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.172 | Journal | Wiley-Blackwell | United States |
860 | City and Society | 2001-ongoing | Active | 1.171 | Journal | Wiley-Blackwell | United States |
861 | Political Research Quarterly | 1996-ongoing, 1993 | Active | 1.171 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
862 | Utilitas | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.171 | Journal | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
863 | Strategic Organization | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.169 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
864 | Journal of Fluency Disorders | 1977-ongoing, 1974 | Active | 1.168 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
865 | Slavic Review | 1996-ongoing, 1985-1987, 1981-1982, 1979, 1977, 1966 | Active | 1.168 | Journal | American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies | United States |
866 | Foreign Affairs | 1996-ongoing, 1991-1992, 1989, 1985, 1977-1981, 1974, 1965 | Active | 1.167 | Journal | Council on Foreign Relations, Inc. | United States |
867 | Iranian Studies | 2010-ongoing, 2001-2002, 1988, 1972 | Active | 1.167 | Journal | Society for Iranian Studies | United States |
868 | Public Library Quarterly | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.166 | Journal | Haworth Press Inc. | United States |
869 | Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.165 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
870 | Journal of Educational Administration | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.165 | Journal | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
871 | Progress in Physical Geography | 1978-ongoing | Active | 1.165 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
872 | The Journal of General Education | 2010-ongoing, 1980, 1975-1976 | Active | 1.165 | Journal | Pennsylvania State University | United States |
873 | Futures | 1968-ongoing | Active | 1.164 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
874 | Vanderbilt Law Review | 1995-ongoing, 1992-1993, 1989-1990, 1986-1987, 1978-1979, 1973-1976 | Active | 1.164 | Journal | Vanderbilt University | United States |
875 | Gender, Place, and Culture | 1994-ongoing | Active | 1.162 | Journal | Carfax Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
876 | Transportation | 1972-ongoing | Active | 1.162 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
877 | Elementary School Journal | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.161 | Journal | University of Chicago Press | United States |
878 | Transactions of the Philological Society | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.161 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
879 | Feminist Studies | 1996-ongoing, 1994, 1991, 1986-1987, 1983, 1978-1981, 1975 | Active | 1.160 | Journal | Feminist Studies, Inc. | United States |
880 | Grey Room | 2002-ongoing | Active | 1.160 | Journal | MIT Press | United States |
881 | Ethnos | 2004-ongoing, 1988-1995, 1976, 1971 | Active | 1.159 | Journal | Routledge | United Kingdom |
882 | Journal of Media Practice | 2013-ongoing | Active | 1.159 | Journal | Intellect Ltd. | United Kingdom |
883 | Cold War History | 2000-ongoing | Active | 1.158 | Journal | Routledge | United Kingdom |
884 | ZDM - International Journal on Mathematics Education | 1997-ongoing | Active | 1.158 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |
885 | Chinese Sociological Review | 2011-ongoing | Active | 1.157 | Journal | M.E. Sharpe Inc. | United States |
886 | European Journal of Ageing | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.157 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |
887 | Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.157 | Journal | Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication | United States |
888 | World Bank Economic Review | 1986-ongoing | Active | 1.157 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
889 | Aslib Journal of Information Management | 2014-ongoing | Active | 1.156 | Journal | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
890 | Economics of Transportation | 2012-ongoing | Active | 1.155 | Journal | Elsevier Limited | United Kingdom |
891 | Journal of English Linguistics | 2007-ongoing | Active | 1.154 | Journal | Western Washington University | United States |
892 | Journal of Mathematical Behavior | 1994-ongoing | Active | 1.154 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
893 | Journal of Asian Studies | 1996-ongoing, 1991, 1985-1988, 1981-1982, 1978, 1973 | Active | 1.153 | Journal | Association for Asian Studies | United States |
894 | Social Analysis | 2002-ongoing | Active | 1.153 | Journal | University of Adelaide | Australia |
895 | Journal of Urban Affairs | 1996-ongoing, 1990-1991 | Active | 1.152 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
896 | Mindfulness | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.151 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |
897 | Social Service Review | 1996-ongoing, 1987, 1973-1983 | Active | 1.151 | Journal | University of Chicago Press | United States |
898 | Traffic Injury Prevention | 2002-ongoing | Active | 1.150 | Journal | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
899 | Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy | 2009-ongoing | Active | 1.150 | Journal | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
900 | Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice | 2007-ongoing | Active | 1.150 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
901 | International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics | 1986-ongoing | Active | 1.149 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
902 | Social Psychology of Education | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.149 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
903 | Cambridge Journal of Education | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.148 | Journal | Carfax Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
904 | Journal of Family Issues | 1994-ongoing, 1980-1992 | Active | 1.148 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
905 | Journal of Philosophy of Education | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.148 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
906 | Social Indicators Research | 1974-ongoing | Active | 1.148 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
907 | Library Hi Tech | 2005-ongoing, 1998, 1996 | Active | 1.147 | Journal | MSB University Press | United Kingdom |
908 | Educational Review | 1996-ongoing, 1983 | Active | 1.146 | Journal | Carfax Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
909 | Media Psychology | 1999-ongoing | Active | 1.146 | Journal | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc. | United States |
910 | Simulation in Healthcare | 2006-ongoing | Active | 1.146 | Journal | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Ltd. | United States |
911 | Environmental Hazards | 2009-ongoing, 2007, 2005 | Active | 1.145 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
912 | International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy | 2013-ongoing | Active | 1.145 | Journal | Queensland Uuniversity of Technology | Australia |
913 | International Journal of Public Health | 2007-ongoing | Active | 1.145 | Journal | Birkhauser Verlag | Switzerland |
914 | American Journal of Evaluation | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.144 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
915 | Biology of Sex Differences | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.144 | Journal | BioMed Central | United Kingdom |
916 | Hobbes Studies | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.144 | Journal | Brill | Netherlands |
917 | Regional and Federal Studies | 1995-ongoing | Active | 1.144 | Journal | Frank Cass Publishers | United Kingdom |
918 | Trends in Neuroscience and Education | 2012-ongoing | Active | 1.143 | Journal | Elsevier GmbH | Germany |
919 | Brain and Language | 1974-ongoing | Active | 1.142 | Journal | Academic Press | United States |
920 | Housing, Theory and Society | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.141 | Journal | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
921 | International Journal of Ageing and Later Life | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.141 | Journal | Linkoping University Electronic Press | Sweden |
922 | Disability and Society | 1995-ongoing | Active | 1.140 | Journal | Carfax Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
923 | Disasters | 1977-ongoing | Active | 1.140 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
924 | RSQ-Rhetoric Society Quarterly | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.140 | Journal | Taylor and Francis Inc. | United Kingdom |
925 | Thinking Skills and Creativity | 2006-ongoing | Active | 1.140 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
926 | Development Policy Review | 1989-ongoing, 1983 | Active | 1.138 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
927 | Journal of Housing and the Built Environment | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.138 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
928 | AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.136 | Journal | Springer Pub. Co. | United States |
929 | Group Decision and Negotiation | 1992-ongoing | Active | 1.136 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
930 | Landscape Research | 1978-ongoing | Active | 1.136 | Journal | Carfax Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
931 | International Journal of Inclusive Education | 1997-ongoing | Active | 1.135 | Journal | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
932 | Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.135 | Journal | Alan Guttmacher Institute | United States |
933 | School Library Media Research | 2000-ongoing | Active | 1.133 | Journal | American Library Association | United States |
934 | Review of Public Personnel Administration | 2009-ongoing | Active | 1.132 | Journal | Sage Publications | United States |
935 | Sport in History | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.132 | Journal | Routledge | United Kingdom |
936 | Journal of Library Administration | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.131 | Journal | Haworth Press Inc. | United States |
937 | Modern Intellectual History | 2009-ongoing | Active | 1.130 | Journal | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
938 | Qualitative Inquiry | 2004-ongoing | Active | 1.130 | Journal | Sage Periodicals Press | United States |
939 | Travel Behaviour and Society | 2014-ongoing | Active | 1.130 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
940 | Webology | 2006-ongoing | Active | 1.130 | Journal | University of Tehran | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
941 | Modern Language Journal | 2005-ongoing, 1998-2001, 1996 | Active | 1.129 | Journal | National Federation of Modern Language Teachers Associations | United States |
942 | Philosophy of the Social Sciences | 1996-ongoing, 1992, 1987, 1982 | Active | 1.129 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
943 | Research on Social Work Practice | 1996-ongoing, 1993 | Active | 1.129 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
944 | African and Black Diaspora | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.128 | Journal | Routledge | United Kingdom |
945 | Educational Psychology | 2003-ongoing | Active | 1.128 | Journal | Carfax Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
946 | American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.127 | Journal | American Speech-Language-Hearing Association | United States |
947 | Policy and Politics | 1979-ongoing | Active | 1.127 | Journal | The Policy Press | United Kingdom |
948 | Adult Education Quarterly | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.124 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
949 | European Journal of Development Research | 1989-ongoing | Active | 1.124 | Journal | Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. | United States |
950 | Health | 1997-ongoing, 1973-1976 | Active | 1.124 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
951 | International Journal of Integrated Care | 2012-ongoing | Active | 1.124 | Journal | Igitur, Utrecht Publishing and Archiving Services | Netherlands |
952 | IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems | 2014-ongoing | Active | 1.123 | Journal | IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society | United States |
953 | International Journal of the Commons | 2011-ongoing | Active | 1.123 | Journal | International Association for the Study of the Commons | United States |
954 | Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology | 2006-ongoing | Active | 1.121 | Journal | BioMed Central | United Kingdom |
955 | African Security | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.119 | Journal | Taylor and Francis Inc. | United Kingdom |
956 | Journal of Urban Health | 1998-ongoing, 1988 | Active | 1.119 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United States |
957 | Terrorism and Political Violence | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.117 | Journal | Frank Cass Publishers | United Kingdom |
958 | East European Politics and Societies | 1996-ongoing, 1994, 1992 | Active | 1.116 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
959 | Language, Cognition and Neuroscience | 2013-ongoing | Active | 1.116 | Journal | Taylor and Francis | United States |
960 | European Planning Studies | 1994-ongoing | Active | 1.115 | Journal | Carfax Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
961 | Culture and Psychology | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.114 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
962 | International Migration | 1976-ongoing | Active | 1.114 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
963 | The International Journal of Qualitative Methods | 2012-ongoing | Active | 1.114 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
964 | Field Methods | 2007-ongoing | Active | 1.113 | Journal | AltaMira Press | United States |
965 | The Interpreter and Translator Trainer | 2007ongoing | Active | 1.113 | Journal | St. Jerome Publishing | United Kingdom |
966 | Duke Law Journal | 1996-ongoing, 1988-1994, 1983-1986, 1980-1981, 1978 | Active | 1.111 | Journal | Duke University Press | United States |
967 | First Language | 2003-ongoing, 1996-2001 | Active | 1.111 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
968 | Spatial Economic Analysis | 2006-ongoing | Active | 1.111 | Journal | Routledge | United Kingdom |
969 | Women's Health Issues | 1990-ongoing | Active | 1.111 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
970 | Zygon | 1996-ongoing, 1984, 1978-1980, 1975-1976, 1973 | Active | 1.111 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
971 | Career Development International | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.110 | Journal | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
972 | ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information | 2012-ongoing | Active | 1.110 | Journal | MDPI AG | Switzerland |
973 | Global Social Policy | 2003-ongoing | Active | 1.109 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
974 | Journal of Educational Administration and History | 2010-ongoing, 2000, 1987, 1984, 1976 | Active | 1.109 | Journal | University of Leeds | United Kingdom |
975 | Journal of Asynchronous Learning Network | 2008-ongoing, 2000-2004, 1997 | Active | 1.108 | Journal | Sloan Consortium | United States |
976 | Language and Education | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.108 | Journal | Multilingual Matters Ltd. | United Kingdom |
977 | Rhetoric and Public Affairs | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.108 | Journal | Michigan State University | United States |
978 | Climate Risk Management | 2014-ongoing | Active | 1.107 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
979 | Information Development | 2007-ongoing | Active | 1.107 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
980 | Journal of Experimental Education | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.107 | Journal | Heldref Publications | United States |
981 | Journal of Urban History | 1993-ongoing, 1978-1990 | Active | 1.107 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
982 | Computers and Composition | 1985-ongoing | Active | 1.106 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
983 | Professional Geographer | 1977-ongoing | Active | 1.106 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
984 | Qualitiative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health | 2011-ongoing | Active | 1.106 | Journal | Taylor and Francis Inc. | United Kingdom |
985 | Cartography and Geographic Information Science | 1997-ongoing | Active | 1.105 | Journal | American Congress on Surveying and Mapping | United States |
986 | Creativity Studies | 2014-ongoing | Active | 1.105 | Journal | Vilniaus Gedimino Technikos Universitetas | Lithuania |
987 | Ethnomusicology | 2002-ongoing | Active | 1.105 | Journal | University of Illinois Press | United States |
988 | International Journal of Tourism Research | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.105 | Journal | John Wiley & Sons Ltd. | United Kingdom |
989 | Journal of Education Finance | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.105 | Journal | Institute for Educational Finance | United States |
990 | Training and Education in Psychology | 2007-ongoing | Active | 1.105 | Journal | American Psychological Association | United States |
991 | Color Research and Application | 1976-ongoing | Active | 1.104 | Journal | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | United States |
992 | Curriculum Journal | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.104 | Journal | Taylor and Francis Inc. | United Kingdom |
993 | BMC Medical Ethics | 2000-ongoing | Active | 1.103 | Journal | BioMed Central | United Kingdom |
994 | Journal of Air Transport Management | 1997-ongoing, 1994-1995 | Active | 1.103 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
995 | Reading and Writing Quarterly | 2007-ongoing | Active | 1.102 | Journal | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
996 | Latin American Politics and Society | 2001-ongoing | Active | 1.101 | Journal | University of Miami | United States |
997 | Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology | 1988-ongoing | Active | 1.101 | Journal | Dr. Dietrich Steinkopff Verlag | Germany |
998 | Jamba: Journal of Disaster Risk Studies | 2013-ongoing | Active | 1.100 | Journal | OpenJournals Publishing AOSIS (Pty) Ltd | South Africa |
999 | Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience | 1989-ongoing | Active | 1.099 | Journal | Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies | United States |
1000 | Linguistics | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.099 | Journal | De Gruyter Mouton | Germany |
1001 | Science and Public Policy | 1988-ongoing, 1985-1986, 1978-1982 | Active | 1.099 | Journal | Beech Tree Publishing | United Kingdom |
1002 | Journal of Modern African Studies | 1978-ongoing | Active | 1.098 | Journal | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
1003 | Convergence | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.097 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
1004 | Psychology in the Schools | 1996-ongoing, 1974 | Active | 1.096 | Journal | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | United States |
1005 | Discourse and Communication | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.095 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
1006 | Journal of Political Power | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.095 | Journal | Routledge | United Kingdom |
1007 | International Sociology | 1990-ongoing, 1986-1987 | Active | 1.094 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
1008 | International Journal of Crashworthiness | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.092 | Journal | Woodhead Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
1009 | British Politics | 2006-ongoing | Active | 1.091 | Journal | Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. | United Kingdom |
1010 | Folk Life | 2002-ongoing | Active | 1.091 | Journal | Maney Publishing | United Kingdom |
1011 | Social Policy and Administration | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.091 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
1012 | American Politics Research | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.090 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
1013 | Lithic Technology | 2013-ongoing | Active | 1.090 | Journal | Maney Publishing | United Kingdom |
1014 | Folia Linguistica | 2004-ongoing | Active | 1.089 | Journal | Walter de Gruyter GmbH | Germany |
1015 | Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education | 2004-ongoing | Active | 1.089 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
1016 | Applied Measurement in Education | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.088 | Journal | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc. | United States |
1017 | Behaviour and Information Technology | 1995-ongoing, 1984-1985 | Active | 1.087 | Journal | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
1018 | Negotiation Journal | 1985-ongoing | Active | 1.086 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
1019 | Revista de Psicodidactica | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.085 | Journal | Servicio Editorial De La Universidad Del Pais Vasco | Spain |
1020 | Literacy | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.084 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
1021 | Urban Water Journal | 2006-ongoing, 2004 | Active | 1.084 | Journal | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
1022 | Computer Applications in Engineering Education | 1994-ongoing | Active | 1.083 | Journal | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | United States |
1023 | Contemporary Political Theory | 2009-ongoing | Active | 1.083 | Journal | Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. | United Kingdom |
1024 | Poetics | 1971-ongoing | Active | 1.083 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
1025 | Sociological Perspectives | 1996-ongoing, 1993-1994, 1987-1991, 1985 | Active | 1.083 | Journal | University of California Press | United States |
1026 | Dementia | 2007-ongoing | Active | 1.082 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
1027 | Drug and Alcohol Review | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.082 | Journal | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
1028 | Electoral Studies | 1982-ongoing | Active | 1.082 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
1029 | Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice | 2012-ongoing | Active | 1.082 | Journal | Walter de Gruyter GmbH | Germany |
1030 | Science and Education | 1992-ongoing | Active | 1.081 | Journal | Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers | United States |
1031 | European Integration - Online Papers | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.080 | Journal | European Community Studies Association-Austria | Austria |
1032 | International Journal of Environmental and Science Education | 2009-ongoing | Active | 1.080 | Journal | IJESE | Turkey |
1033 | Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education | 2011-ongoing | Active | 1.077 | Journal | John Wiley & Sons Ltd. | United Kingdom |
1034 | Differences | 2001-ongoing, 1998, 1994 | Active | 1.077 | Journal | Indiana University Press | United States |
1035 | College and Research Libraries News | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.076 | Journal | Association of College and Research Libraies | United States |
1036 | Educational Action Research | 2007-ongoing | Active | 1.076 | Journal | Triangle Journals Ltd. | United Kingdom |
1037 | Systems Research and Behavioral Science | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.076 | Journal | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | United States |
1038 | Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry | 1983-ongoing | Active | 1.075 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
1039 | Counselor Education and Supervision | 2009-ongoing | Active | 1.075 | Journal | American Counseling Association | United States |
1040 | Evolutionary Anthropology | 1992-ongoing | Active | 1.075 | Journal | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | United States |
1041 | Parenting | 2007-ongoing | Active | 1.075 | Journal | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc. | United States |
1042 | Speculum | 2001-ongoing, 1999, 1994, 1990-1991, 1987, 1980-1983, 1978, 1975-1976, 1973, 1970-1971, 1968, 1964, 1959-1960, 1957, 1928 | Active | 1.075 | Journal | Medieval Academy of America | United States |
1043 | Computer Law and Security Review | 1985-ongoing | Active | 1.074 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
1044 | Configurations | 2004-ongoing, 1996-2001 1993-1994 | Active | 1.074 | Journal | Johns Hopkins University Press | United States |
1045 | Media, War and Conflict | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.074 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
1046 | International Journal of Logistics Management | 2010-ongoing, 1991 | Active | 1.073 | Journal | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
1047 | Journal of Human Development and Capabilities | 2011-ongoing | Active | 1.073 | Journal | Routledge | United States |
1048 | Safundi | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.073 | Journal | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
1049 | Journal of Classical Sociology | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.072 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
1050 | Journal of Transport Economics and Policy | 1994-ongoing, 1982-1990 | Active | 1.072 | Journal | University of Bath | United Kingdom |
1051 | American Journal of Law and Medicine | 1975-ongoing | Active | 1.071 | Journal | American Society of Law | United States |
1052 | International Journal of Listening | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.071 | Journal | International Listening Association | United States |
1053 | Journal of Japanese Studies | 2005-ongoing, 1998-2002 | Active | 1.071 | Journal | Society for japanese Studies | United States |
1054 | Communication Reports | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.070 | Journal | Western Speech Communication Association | United States |
1055 | Demographic Research | 2002-ongoing, 1999-2000 | Active | 1.069 | Journal | Max-Planck Institute for Demographic Research/Max-Planck-institut fur Demografische Forschung | Germany |
1056 | Australian Journal of Emergency Management | 2009-ongoing | Active | 1.068 | Journal | Australian Emergency Management Institute | Australia |
1057 | Journal of Contemporary Ethnography | 1996-ongoing, 1994 | Active | 1.068 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
1058 | Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages | 2002-ongoing | Active | 1.068 | Journal | John Benjamins Publishing Company | Netherlands |
1059 | Discourse | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.067 | Journal | Carfax Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
1060 | Nurse Education in Practice | 2001-ongoing | Active | 1.067 | Journal | Churchill Livingstone | United Kingdom |
1061 | Japan and the World Economy | 1988-ongoing | Active | 1.066 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
1062 | Qualitative Social Work | 2007-ongoing | Active | 1.066 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
1063 | Young | 2007-ongoing | Active | 1.066 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United Kingdom |
1064 | American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education | 1996-ongoing, 1991, 1973-1989, 1947-1948 | Active | 1.065 | Journal | American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy | United States |
1065 | Marine Resource Economics | 1993-ongoing, 1989, 1987 | Active | 1.065 | Journal | University of Rhode Island | United States |
1066 | Urban Affairs Review | 1995-ongoing | Active | 1.065 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
1067 | World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education | 2011-ongoing | Active | 1.065 | Journal | World Institute for Engineering and Technology Education (WIETE) | Australia |
1068 | Asian Ethnicity | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.063 | Journal | Carfax Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
1069 | Housing Policy Debate | 2010-ongoing, 1996-2008 | Active | 1.063 | Journal | Federal National Mortgage Association | United States |
1070 | Eighteenth-Century Ireland | 2002-ongoing, 1986 | Active | 1.062 | Journal | Eighteenth-Century Ireland Society | Ireland |
1071 | Harvard Law Review | 1973-ongoing | Active | 1.062 | Journal | Harvard Law Review Association | United States |
1072 | Issues in Accounting Education | 2009-ongoing | Active | 1.062 | Journal | American Accounting Association | United States |
1073 | Journal of School Health | 1962-ongoing, 1948-1953 | Active | 1.062 | Journal | American School Health Association | United States |
1074 | English Text Construction | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.061 | Journal | John Benjamins Publishing Company | Netherlands |
1075 | Human Ecology | 1972-ongoing | Active | 1.061 | Journal | Plenum Publishers | United States |
1076 | Survey Research Methods | 2012-ongoing | Active | 1.061 | Journal | European Survey Research Association | United Kingdom |
1077 | Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development | 2014-ongoing, 2011 | Active | 1.060 | Journal | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
1078 | Translation and Interpreting | 2011-ongoing | Active | 1.060 | Journal | School of Humanities and Communication Arts, University of Western Sydney | Australia |
1079 | Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy | 2012-ongoing | Active | 1.059 | Journal | Universitetsforlaget AS | Norway |
1080 | International Multilingual Research Journal | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.058 | Journal | Routledge | United Kingdom |
1081 | South African Journal of Education | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.058 | Journal | Bureau of Scientific Publications of the Foundation for Education, Science and Technology | South Africa |
1082 | American Law and Economics Review | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.057 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
1083 | Computers in Education Journal | 1994-ongoing | Active | 1.057 | Journal | American Society for Engineering Education | United States |
1084 | Cross-Cultural Research | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.057 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
1085 | Historical Research | 1996-ongoing, 1987 | Active | 1.057 | Journal | Basil Blackwell | United Kingdom |
1086 | Vjesnik za Arheologiju i Povijest Dalmatinsku | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.057 | Journal | Arheoloski Muzej-Split | Croatia |
1087 | Natural Hazards Review | 2003-ongoing | Active | 1.056 | Journal | American Society of Civil Engineers | United States |
1088 | Philosophy and Social Criticism | 2007-ongoing | Active | 1.055 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
1089 | Journal of Communication Management | 2012-ongoing | Active | 1.054 | Journal | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
1090 | Journal of Education and Work | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.054 | Journal | Carfax Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
1091 | Journal of Medical Ethics | 1975-ongoing | Active | 1.054 | Journal | BMJ Publishing Group | United Kingdom |
1092 | Linguistics and Language Compass | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.054 | Journal | Blackwell | United Kingdom |
1093 | Review of African Political Economy | 1994-ongoing, 1981-1991 | Active | 1.052 | Journal | Carfax Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
1094 | Visual Anthropology | 2007-ongoing | Active | 1.052 | Journal | Taylor and Francis Inc. | United Kingdom |
1095 | Archaeometry | 1996-ongoing, 1987, 1981 | Active | 1.051 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
1096 | Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.051 | Journal | University of Nebraska at Lincoln | United States |
1097 | Review of Politics | 2007-ongoing, 1996-2005, 1992, 1979 | Active | 1.051 | Journal | University of Notre Dame | United States |
1098 | Social Science Computer Review | 1988-ongoing | Active | 1.051 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
1099 | Forensic Science Review | 2014-ongoing, 2012 | Active | 1.050 | Journal | Central Police University Press | Taiwan |
1100 | Geography Compass | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.050 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
1101 | Japanese Studies | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.049 | Journal | Routledge | United Kingdom |
1102 | Policing and Society | 2009-ongoing | Active | 1.049 | Journal | Routledge | United Kingdom |
1103 | Child and Family Social Work | 2005-ongoing, 2002 | Active | 1.048 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
1104 | Papers in Regional Science | 1989-ongoing, 1961-1985 | Active | 1.048 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |
1105 | Sociologia - Problemas e Praticas | 2012-ongoing, 1997-1998 | Active | 1.048 | Journal | Instituto Superior de Ciencias do Trabalho e da Empresa | Portugal |
1106 | Weather, Climate, and Society | 2009-ongoing | Active | 1.048 | Journal | American Meteorological Society | United States |
1107 | Journal of Enterprise Information Management | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.047 | Journal | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
1108 | Assessment for Effective Intervention | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.046 | Journal | Council for Exceptional Children, Council for Educational Diagnostic Services | United States |
1109 | Australian Journal of Language and Literacy | 2013-ongoing | Active | 1.046 | Journal | Australian Reading Association | Australia |
1110 | Family Relations | 1996-ongoing, 1992, 1981 | Active | 1.046 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
1111 | Aquaculture, Economics and Management | 1997-ongoing | Active | 1.045 | Journal | International Association of Aquaculture Economics & Management | Australia |
1112 | Global Responsibility to Protect | 2013-ongoing | Active | 1.045 | Journal | Brill | Netherlands |
1113 | New York University Law Review | 2001-ongoing, 1996-1999, 1991-1994, 1987, 1985, 1979, 1973-1976 | Active | 1.045 | Journal | New York University School of Law | United States |
1114 | Technology, Knowledge and Learning | 2011-ongoing | Active | 1.045 | Journal | Springer Science + Business Media | United States |
1115 | Agribusiness | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.044 | Journal | Wiley-Liss Inc | United States |
1116 | Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability | 2009-ongoing | Active | 1.044 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |
1117 | Journal of Surgical Education | 2007-ongoing | Active | 1.044 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
1118 | Mediterranean Studies | 2010-ongoing, 2007-2008, 2001 | Active | 1.044 | Journal | Central Missouri State University | United States |
1119 | Notre Dame Law Review | 1995-ongoing, 1992-1993, 1989-1990, 1986, 1984 | Active | 1.044 | Journal | Joe Christensen, Inc. | United States |
1120 | Children and Youth Services Review | 1979-ongoing | Active | 1.042 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
1121 | Hesperia | 2002-ongoing | Active | 1.042 | Journal | American School of Classical Studies | Greece |
1122 | Modern Asian Studies | 1991-ongoing, 1988, 1986, 1979-1980 | Active | 1.042 | Journal | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
1123 | Records Management Journal | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.042 | Journal | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
1124 | Applied Psycholinguistics | 1996-ongoing, 1980-1982 | Active | 1.041 | Journal | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
1125 | Professional Development in Education | 2009-ongoing | Active | 1.041 | Journal | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
1126 | Political Science Quarterly | 1996-ongoing, 1980, 1968 | Active | 1.040 | Journal | Academy of Political Science | United States |
1127 | Gender and Language | 2013-ongoing | Active | 1.039 | Journal | Equinox Publishing Ltd | United Kingdom |
1128 | Geoheritage | 2009-ongoing | Active | 1.038 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |
1129 | Stability | 2012-ongoing | Active | 1.038 | Journal | Ubiquity Press Limited | United Kingdom |
1130 | Clinical Simulation in Nursing | 2006-ongoing | Active | 1.037 | Journal | Elsevier | United States |
1131 | Continuity and Change | 1986-ongoing | Active | 1.037 | Journal | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
1132 | Eighteenth Century Studies | 2002-ongoing, 2000, 1998, 1983-1985, 1979-1980, 1975-1976, 1972, 1969 | Active | 1.037 | Journal | The Johns Hopkins University Press | United States |
1133 | International Peacekeeping | 2010-ongoing, 2001 | Active | 1.037 | Journal | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
1134 | Public Administration and Development | 1981-ongoing | Active | 1.037 | Journal | Wiley-Blackwell | United States |
1135 | Homeland Security Affairs | 2012-ongoing | Active | 1.036 | Journal | Naval Postgraduate School Center for Homeland Defense and Security | United States |
1136 | International Relations of the Asia-Pacific | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.035 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
1137 | Archaeological Prospection | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.034 | Journal | John Wiley & Sons Ltd. | United Kingdom |
1138 | Families in Society | 1996-ongoing, 1993 | Active | 1.034 | Journal | Families International, Inc. | United States |
1139 | Journal of Language and Social Psychology | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.033 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
1140 | Centro Journal | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.032 | Journal | Centro de Estudios Puertorriquenos | United States |
1141 | Chinese Journal of International Law | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.032 | Journal | World Academy Press | United States |
1142 | Teaching of Psychology | 1996-ongoing, 1992, 1990, 1983-1984 | Active | 1.032 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
1143 | Argumentation | 1987-ongoing | Active | 1.031 | Journal | D. Reidel Pub. Co. | Netherlands |
1144 | Language, Culture and Curriculum | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.031 | Journal | Multilingual Matters Ltd. | United Kingdom |
1145 | Journal of Advertising Research | 1996-ongoing, 1972 | Active | 1.030 | Journal | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
1146 | Journal of International Economic Law | 1998-ongoing | Active | 1.030 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
1147 | Politica Criminal | 2011-ongoing | Active | 1.030 | Journal | Centro de Estudios de Derecho Penal de la Universidad de Talca | Chile |
1148 | Archives Juives | 2001-ongoing | Active | 1.029 | Journal | Les Belles Lettres | France |
1149 | Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology | 1996-ongoing, 1991, 1987, 1974-1985 | Active | 1.029 | Journal | Williams & Wilkins Co. | United States |
1150 | Community College Review | 2007-ongoing, 1996-1999 | Active | 1.028 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
1151 | International Public Management Journal | 1998-ongoing | Active | 1.027 | Journal | Information Age Publishing Inc. | United States |
1152 | Online Information Review | 1980-ongoing | Active | 1.027 | Journal | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
1153 | Anatolian Studies | 2002-ongoing | Active | 1.026 | Journal | British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara | United Kingdom |
1154 | Journal of Crime and Justice | 2013-ongoing | Active | 1.026 | Journal | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | United Kingdom |
1155 | Journal of the North Atlantic | 2014-ongoing, 2012 | Active | 1.026 | Journal | Eagle Hill Foundation | United States |
1156 | Knowledge Organization | 1993-ongoing | Active | 1.026 | Journal | Ergon Verlag | Germany |
1157 | China Information | 2007-ongoing | Active | 1.025 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United Kingdom |
1158 | Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.024 | Journal | Routledge | United Kingdom |
1159 | GeoInformatica | 1997-ongoing | Active | 1.023 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
1160 | Northwestern University Law Review | 1992-ongoing, 1989-1990, 1981, 1977, 1973 | Active | 1.023 | Journal | Northwestern University | United States |
1161 | Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education | 2006-ongoing | Active | 1.022 | Journal | Carfax Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
1162 | Common Knowledge | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.022 | Journal | Duke University Press | United States |
1163 | Water (Switzerland) | 2012-ongoing | Active | 1.022 | Journal | Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) | Switzerland |
1164 | Capital and Class | 2012-ongoing | Active | 1.021 | Journal | Conference of Socialist Economists | United Kingdom |
1165 | Journal of Gambling Studies | 1990-ongoing | Active | 1.021 | Journal | Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers | United States |
1166 | Defence and Peace Economics | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.020 | Journal | Carfax Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
1167 | Global Journal of Engineering Education | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.020 | Journal | World Institute for Engineering and Technology Education (WIETE) | Australia |
1168 | Journal of Neurolinguistics | 1994-ongoing, 1988-1992, 1985-1986 | Active | 1.020 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
1169 | Leisure Studies | 1981-ongoing | Active | 1.020 | Journal | Routledge | United Kingdom |
1170 | Antiquity | 1979-ongoing, 1976, 1974 | Active | 1.018 | Journal | Antiquity Publications Ltd. | United Kingdom |
1171 | International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology | 1994-ongoing | Active | 1.018 | Journal | Parthenon Publishing Group | United Kingdom |
1172 | American Journal of Archaeology | 2002-ongoing | Active | 1.017 | Journal | Archaeological Institute of America | United States |
1173 | International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education | 1995-ongoing | Active | 1.017 | Journal | Channel View Publications | United Kingdom |
1174 | Journal of Productivity Analysis | 1989-ongoing | Active | 1.017 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
1175 | Journal of Conflict Archaeology | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.016 | Journal | Maney Publishing | United Kingdom |
1176 | Libri | 1988-ongoing | Active | 1.016 | Journal | Munksgaard International Publishers | Denmark |
1177 | Games and Culture | 2006-ongoing | Active | 1.014 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
1178 | Journal of Pacific History | 1996-ongoing, 1987, 1983-1985, 1980, 1975-1976 | Active | 1.014 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
1179 | Learned Publishing | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.014 | Journal | Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers | United Kingdom |
1180 | Atlantic Studies: Literary, Cultural and Historical Perspectives | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.013 | Journal | Routledge | United Kingdom |
1181 | Sustainable Cities and Society | 2011-ongoing | Active | 1.013 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
1182 | Journal of Chinese Cinemas | 2012-ongoing | Active | 1.012 | Journal | Intellect Ltd. | United Kingdom |
1183 | Journal of English and Germanic Philology | 2002-ongoing | Active | 1.012 | Journal | University of Illinois Press | United States |
1184 | Research in Law and Economics | 2012-ongoing, 2009, 2007, 2004, 2002, 2000 | Active | 1.011 | Book Series | JAI Press | United States |
1185 | Commonwealth and Comparative Politics | 2002-ongoing | Active | 1.010 | Journal | Frank Cass Publishers | United Kingdom |
1186 | Contemporary Security Policy | 2010-ongoing | Active | 1.010 | Journal | Routledge | United Kingdom |
1187 | Hypatia | 2011-ongoing, 2006, 2001-2002, 1993-1999, 1989-1991, 1986 | Active | 1.010 | Journal | Indiana University Press | United States |
1188 | Medical Anthropology Quarterly | 1995-ongoing, 1990-1992, 1987 | Active | 1.010 | Journal | Wiley-Blackwell | United States |
1189 | Corpora | 2011-ongoing | Active | 1.009 | Journal | Edinburgh University Press | United Kingdom |
1190 | Journal Globalization, Competitiveness and Governability | 2013-ongoing | Active | 1.009 | Journal | Universia Holding | Spain |
1191 | Journal of Social History | 1996-ongoing, 1993, 1977-1989, 1973-1975, 1971, 1967 | Active | 1.007 | Journal | George Mason University | United States |
1192 | Historiographia Linguistica | 2005-ongoing, 2001 | Active | 1.006 | Journal | J. Benjamins Pub. Co. | Netherlands |
1193 | Oxford Journal of Legal Studies | 2005-ongoing, 2000-2001, 1998, 1981-1996 | Active | 1.006 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
1194 | Tourism Geographies | 1999-ongoing | Active | 1.006 | Journal | Routledge | United Kingdom |
1195 | College and Undergraduate Libraries | 2006-ongoing | Active | 1.004 | Journal | Haworth Press Inc. | United States |
1196 | Telecommunications Policy | 1976-ongoing | Active | 1.004 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
1197 | Urban Ecosystems | 2005-ongoing | Active | 1.004 | Journal | Chapman & Hall | United Kingdom |
1198 | Urban Geography | 1996-ongoing, 1994, 1991, 1980-1984 | Active | 1.003 | Journal | V.H. Winston and Sons, Inc. | United States |
1199 | e-Review of Tourism Research | 2011-ongoing | Active | 1.002 | Journal | Texas A & M University | United States |
1200 | Language and Linguistics | 2008-ongoing | Active | 1.002 | Journal | Zhong Yang Yan Jiu Yuan yu Yan Yan Jiu Suo Chou Bei Chu | China |
1201 | Arts and Humanities in Higher Education | 2002-ongoing | Active | 1.001 | Journal | Paul Chapman Pub. | United Kingdom |
1202 | RELC Journal | 1996-ongoing | Active | 1.001 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United Kingdom |
1203 | Journal of Science Teacher Education | 2005-ongoing, 1989-2002 | Active | 0.999 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |
1204 | Theory into Practice | 1996-ongoing | Active | 0.999 | Journal | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc. | United States |
1205 | Health Education Research | 1986-ongoing | Active | 0.998 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
1206 | Journal of Economic Education | 1996-ongoing, 1985 | Active | 0.998 | Journal | Heldref Publications | United States |
1207 | Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry | 1977-ongoing | Active | 0.996 | Journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Netherlands |
1208 | International Journal of Historical Archeology | 1997-ongoing | Active | 0.996 | Journal | Plenum Publishers | United States |
1209 | Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management | 2004-ongoing | Active | 0.996 | Journal | Charles W. Parker | United States |
1210 | Estudios Atacamenos | 2007-ongoing | Active | 0.995 | Journal | Universidad del Norte | Chile |
1211 | Studia Linguistica | 2003-ongoing | Active | 0.995 | Journal | CWK Gleerup | Sweden |
1212 | Latino Studies | 2009-ongoing | Active | 0.994 | Journal | Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. | United Kingdom |
1213 | Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education | 2006-ongoing | Active | 0.993 | Journal | Moment Publications | Turkey |
1214 | Slavery and Abolition | 2009-ongoing, 2000-2001, 1987, 1985 | Active | 0.993 | Journal | Frank Cass Publishers | United Kingdom |
1215 | Journal of Forest Economics | 1995-ongoing | Active | 0.992 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
1216 | Journal of Southern African Studies | 1987-ongoing, 1983-1984, 1978, 1976 | Active | 0.992 | Journal | Carfax Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
1217 | Leisure Sciences | 1977-ongoing | Active | 0.992 | Journal | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
1218 | Administration and Society | 1996-ongoing, 1983 | Active | 0.991 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
1219 | Interlending and Document Supply | 1980-ongoing | Active | 0.991 | Journal | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
1220 | Critical Discourse Studies | 2010-ongoing | Active | 0.990 | Journal | Routledge | United Kingdom |
1221 | Safety and Health at Work | 2010-ongoing | Active | 0.990 | Journal | Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute.(OSHRI) | South Korea |
1222 | Lingua | 1961-ongoing, 1959, 1954-1957, 1952, 1949 | Active | 0.989 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
1223 | Studies in Conflict and Terrorism | 2005-ongoing | Active | 0.989 | Journal | Crane Russak | United States |
1224 | International Journal on Digital Libraries | 2005-ongoing | Active | 0.988 | Journal | Springer Verlag | Germany |
1225 | Journal of Field Archaeology | 2003-ongoing, 1984, 1982, 1979 | Active | 0.988 | Journal | Maney Publishing | United Kingdom |
1226 | Studies in Documentary Film | 2012-ongoing | Active | 0.988 | Journal | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | United Kingdom |
1227 | Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management | 2006-ongoing | Active | 0.988 | Journal | Dove Medical Press Ltd | New Zealand |
1228 | Anatolica | 2012-ongoing | Active | 0.987 | Journal | Peeters Publishers | Belgium |
1229 | Area | 1978-ongoing, 1976 | Active | 0.987 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
1230 | Engineering Studies | 2009-ongoing | Active | 0.987 | Journal | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
1231 | Journal of Development Studies | 1978-ongoing | Active | 0.985 | Journal | Frank Cass Publishers | United Kingdom |
1232 | Society and Natural Resources | 1988-ongoing | Active | 0.985 | Journal | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
1233 | International Social Security Review | 2008-ongoing, 1991, 1988-1989, 1984, 1972-1979 | Active | 0.984 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
1234 | Pacific Journalism Review | 2012-ongoing | Active | 0.984 | Journal | Creative Industries Research Institute, AUT University | New Zealand |
1235 | Papers of the British School at Rome | 2002-ongoing, 1977, 1969 | Active | 0.983 | Journal | British School at Rome | United Kingdom |
1236 | Romani Studies | 2012-ongoing | Active | 0.983 | Journal | Gypsy Lore Society | United States |
1237 | Europe-Asia Studies | 1993-ongoing | Active | 0.981 | Journal | Carfax Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
1238 | Journal of American Folklore | 2002-ongoing, 1987 | Active | 0.981 | Journal | American Folklore Society | United States |
1239 | School Psychology Quarterly | 1996-ongoing | Active | 0.981 | Journal | Guilford Publications Inc. | United States |
1240 | Asian Economic Journal | 1995-ongoing | Active | 0.980 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
1241 | Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy | 2012-ongoing | Active | 0.980 | Journal | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
1242 | Teaching Theology and Religion | 2009-ongoing | Active | 0.980 | Journal | Blackwell Publishing Inc. | United Kingdom |
1243 | Ambio | 1973-ongoing | Active | 0.979 | Journal | Kungliga Vetenskapsakademien/Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences | Sweden |
1244 | Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations | 2005-ongoing | Active | 0.979 | Journal | Carfax Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
1245 | Merrill-Palmer Quarterly | 1996-ongoing, 1973 | Active | 0.979 | Journal | Wayne State University Press | United States |
1246 | International Review of Law and Economics | 1981-ongoing | Active | 0.978 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
1247 | International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation | 2011-ongoing | Active | 0.977 | Journal | Inderscience Publishers | Switzerland |
1248 | Journal of Web Librarianship | 2009-ongoing | Active | 0.977 | Journal | Haworth Press Inc. | United States |
1249 | Sociological Quarterly | 1996-ongoing, 1990 | Active | 0.977 | Journal | University of California Press | United States |
1250 | Teaching Sociology | 1996-ongoing, 1990, 1986 | Active | 0.977 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United States |
1251 | Formacion Universitaria | 2012-ongoing | Active | 0.975 | Journal | Centro de Informacion Tecnologica | Chile |
1252 | Contributions to Political Economy | 2005-ongoing, 1982-1995 | Active | 0.974 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
1253 | Journal of Communication Disorders | 1967-ongoing | Active | 0.974 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
1254 | Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology | 2006-ongoing | Active | 0.974 | Journal | Elsevier BV | Netherlands |
1255 | Quality in Higher Education | 2005-ongoing | Active | 0.974 | Journal | Carfax Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
1256 | South Atlantic Quarterly | 2001-ongoing, 1987, 1984, 1981, 1973 | Active | 0.974 | Journal | Duke University Press | United States |
1257 | American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research | 1992-ongoing, 1987-1990 | Active | 0.973 | Journal | National Center for American Indian Mental Health Research | United States |
1258 | George Washington Law Review | 1996-ongoing, 1992-1994, 1989, 1982-1983, 1980, 1978, 1976 | Active | 0.973 | Journal | National Law Center of the George Washington University | United States |
1259 | International Journal of Intercultural Relations | 1977-ongoing | Active | 0.973 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
1260 | Psychology and Sexuality | 2010-ongoing | Active | 0.973 | Journal | Routledge | United Kingdom |
1261 | International Journal of Multilingualism | 2010-ongoing | Active | 0.972 | Journal | Routledge | United Kingdom |
1262 | Nase More | 1994-ongoing | Active | 0.972 | Journal | Veleuciliste u Dubrovniku Collegium Ragusinum | Croatia |
1263 | Utilities Policy | 2003-ongoing, 1997-2001, 1990-1995 | Active | 0.972 | Journal | Pergamon Press Ltd. | United Kingdom |
1264 | Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory | 2005-ongoing | Active | 0.971 | Journal | De Gruyter Mouton | Germany |
1265 | Early Education and Development | 2005-ongoing, 1997 | Active | 0.971 | Journal | Psychology Press | United Kingdom |
1266 | Journal of Child and Family Studies | 1992-ongoing | Active | 0.971 | Journal | Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers | United States |
1267 | Journal of International Criminal Justice | 2005-ongoing | Active | 0.971 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
1268 | Mass Communication and Society | 2008-ongoing | Active | 0.971 | Journal | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. | United States |
1269 | International Journal of Water Resources Development | 1987-ongoing, 1983-1985 | Active | 0.970 | Journal | Carfax Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
1270 | Journal of Transportation Engineering | 1983-ongoing, 1975 | Active | 0.970 | Journal | American Society of Civil Engineers | United States |
1271 | European Journal of Spatial Development | 2008-ongoing | Active | 0.969 | Journal | Nordregio | Sweden |
1272 | Literary and Linguistics Computing | 2005-ongoing, 1986-1995 | Active | 0.969 | Journal | Oxford University Press | United Kingdom |
1273 | Patient Preference and Adherence | 2007-ongoing | Active | 0.969 | Journal | Dove Medical Press Ltd | New Zealand |
1274 | Radical Philosophy | 2006-ongoing | Active | 0.969 | Journal | Radical Philosophy Group | United Kingdom |
1275 | Visual Communication | 2008-ongoing | Active | 0.969 | Journal | SAGE Publications | United Kingdom |
1276 | Geriatrics and Gerontology International | 2008-ongoing | Active | 0.968 | Journal | Nihon Ronen Igakkai/Japan Geriatrics Society | Japan |
1277 | Journal of Political Ideologies | 1996-ongoing | Active | 0.968 | Journal | Carfax Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom |
1278 | Mankind Quarterly | 1996-ongoing, 1992, 1986, 1973 | Active | 0.966 | Journal | Scott-Townsend Publishers | United States |