Chelyabinsk Media about Literary Game by Philologist of the Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities

Journalists from the Ural 1 TV channel filmed a story about a literary game “Following the Trail of Crime and Punishment”, recently released by AST Publishing House. The author of the game is Denis Pelikhov, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Literature at the Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities. The game is a literary quiz consisting of 80 cards. The game cards contain questions that allow you to test your knowledge of the details of the great novel by F.M. Dostoevsky. The game is already on sale in the Chitai-Gorod chain stores.

The authors of story that aired on the Ural 1 TV channel not only talked about the idea of the game and its features, but also showed how to play it. The story featured second-year philology students who were among the first to play the game and shared their impressions of it. Thus, Veronika Sidorenko, student of СГ-209 group, noted that the game form allows one to update knowledge about the content of the novel and helps to better memorize the details of the masterpiece.

You can watch the full story here.

Kseniia Shumina, journalist of the Chelyabinsk Chelgid Publishing House, also spoke about Denis Pelikhov's game and the idea of its creation. In her article "Let's Play Dostoevsky: How to Spark Interest to Sophisticated Literature?" she described the game in detail and also noted that the card quiz, although it does not provide answers to the novel's problematic questions, helps to study the text and remember key details of the novel, as well as compete in knowledge of the details of F.M. Dostoevsky's immortal work.

You can read the full article here.

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