SUSU Students Participated in a Run with Vice-Rector

South Ural State University hosted a unique run, "PRObezhka s PROrektorom" (Run with Vice-Rector), in which Vice-Rector for Student and Social Affairs Anton Manuylov took part. This event brought together students who strive for an active lifestyle and positive communication with management in informal surroundings.

The students gathered to run 4 kilometres together with the Vice-Rector for Student and Social Affairs Anton Manuylov, who actively promotes healthy lifestyle.

"The goals of our project vary: it is both the promotion of sports and communication in a relaxed atmosphere. I hope that this run will inspire students to engage in physical activity," Anton Manuylov noted before the start.

The Vice-Rector took the task seriously, explaining to the students the safety rules during the run.

The idea of the event had been suggested by the Chairman of the Student Council of the Institute of Sports, Tourism and Service Vasily Koziyanchuk. He had said that he had decided to instil a healthy lifestyle in students. The idea of uniting students and the Vice-Rector in a joint run had taken shape, and Anton Manuylov had happily agreed.

Despite the windy weather, the run attracted many participants.

"I do arm wrestling, but it was easy for me to run the distance. The team spirit helped me overcome all the difficulties, and it was an unforgettable experience," student Aleksey Efimov shared his impressions.

After the race, participants were treated to hot tea and cookies to restore their energy and enjoy the good mood of a joint sporting event.


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