“Heart of the Urals” Advanced Engineering School and Ural State Mining University Strengthen Partnership Ties

A delegation from Ural State Mining University visited South Ural State University. The purpose of the visit was to identify areas of cooperation between the two universities.

In the course of their work, heads of departments of Ural State Mining University got acquainted with the potential of SUSU in the field of industrial robotics, physical simulation of thermomechanical processes, nanotechnology, laser processes, and robotic welding methods. The scientists were especially interested in the Centre of Vibration Testing and Monitoring of the State of Structures, and the Laboratory of Internal Combustion Engines.

The head of the delegation of Ural State Mining University, Vice-Rector for Research, Doctor of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics) Dmitriy Zaitsev noted:

“We learned about the material and technical, scientific, and design engineering competencies of South Ural State University. Mining mechanical engineering is a very broad area. It is quite difficult for us to master it on our own. We need to join our efforts.”

In turn, the Director of the “Heart of the Urals” Advanced Engineering School of Engine Building and Special Equipment Sergey Taran assessed the possibilities of cooperation:

“We have built a clear system of interaction with industrial partners, which includes all stages: from a technical task to the support of a finished product. We hope that our cooperation will be mutually beneficial.”

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