Celebrating the New Year in an Iraqi Way

We spoke with our student Mortada Khaled and learned how Iraqis celebrate the main holiday of the year!

– What New Year traditions do you have in your homeland?

– We get together and give each other presents, prepare traditional dishes for the holiday table. The most important thing is that we are together. New Year is a big family holiday, we are especially happy to see those whom we have not seen for a long time during the year.

– Is there a difference in the customs of our two countries?

– There is a very big one. Last year I did not even celebrate. You are far from your family, and here there are completely different traditions... It is difficult to accept them straight away.

– Have you gotten used to our culture over the year?

– Almost. I also celebrated the new year of 2025 in Russia. However, as a holiday program, I prepared for my course paper [laughs]. And with my group mates, we had exchanged gifts back in December.

– Have you tried Russian New Year cuisine?

– Olivier salad! Back in 2023, our teacher made this salad. I liked it, it was delicious.

– How to celebrate the New Year so that it goes well?

– You need to break a plate on New Year's Eve. Then next year will be happy!

– What do you expect from this year?

– Honestly, I want my brother to get well soon. For myself – to study my speciality well, to learn something new in the field of architecture.

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