Associate Professor, Acting Head of the Department of International Relations, Political Science and Regional Studies of the Institute of Linguistics and International Communications Maksim Gutenev delivered a report at the 10th All-Russian Congress of Political Scientists on “Russia in a Polycentric World Order: Challenges and New Paradigms of Development”.
The anniversary Tenth All-Russian Congress of Political Scientists with international participation was held in early December 2024. It is organized by the Russian Political Science Association jointly with the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation and MGIMO University of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. The congress is held in the year of the 35th anniversary of proclaiming Political Science as an independent scientific and educational field in Russia. More than 900 scholars presented their scientific reports and research briefs at the plenary meeting. Among the participants there also were representatives of 43 foreign countries.
As part of the congress, a reporting conference of the Council of Young Political Scientists was also held. Maksim Gutenev acted as a debater, and SUSU students from group ЛМ-351 Mariia Kokshina and Dariia Nikulina delivered reports on the topics of their research studies. In the course of this congress, the representatives of the Department of International Relations, Political Science and Regional Studies managed to talk to their colleagues from other regions and agree upon creating a network academic programme in Political Science, as well as determined the directions of productive interaction in the field of regional political science.
The event was summarized by defining the main key theoretical and practical challenges and tasks emerging in the process of reconfiguration of the world order in favour of a more fair, equitable and stable polycentric order. Discussions at the congress sections aim at presenting a positive and substantial agenda against the background of the already obsolete previously dominating West-centred approaches and ideological projects, and are explained by the need to find new approaches that imply multiple paths of political development.
This congress became an important platform for scientific discussion in the Russian community of political scientists, which determines the vector of development of Political Science and political expert review, key directions of research implementation, as well as the ways and mechanisms of improving education in political science.