Students of the School of Economics and Management Took Part in the Young Patriots Week

Following the invitation of the Ministry of Culture of the Chelyabinsk Region, students of the SUSU School of Economics and Management majoring in Economic Security took part in the “Unifying Symbols of Russia” event, which was held as part of the “Strength in Unity” Young Patriots Week.

“Strength in Unity” Young Patriots Week, which is aimed at promoting unity and solidarity, respect and preservation of the heroic history of our great country, and the rich spiritual values of Russia, is being held at the Chelyabinsk Regional Youth Library, with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Chelyabinsk Region, October 21st through October 27th.

The 3rd-year students of the Department of Economic Security of the SUSU School of Economics and Management were invited to a “Unifying Symbols of Russia” history lecture, as part of which Olga Bogomazova, Candidate of Sciences (History), spoke about the symbols that unite the multinational people of the Russian Federation.

A business game on the topic of “Unifying Symbols of Russia” was also organised for the students, during which the participants had the opportunity not only to test their knowledge of the history of their native land, but also to learn new things about the symbols that unite the residents of multinational Russia.

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