It Is Interesting for Children: SUSU Presented Biodegradable Materials at Environmental Forum

On day two of the All-Russian Children's Ecological Forum, an exhibition was organized, in which South Ural State University also took part. For young guests, SUSU representatives held master classes and games, and also introduced them to the scientific achievements of the university in the field of ecology. 

In particular, Artem Malinin, a postgraduate student at the Department of Food Technology and Biotechnology of the SUSU School of Medical Biology, demonstrated sorbents for water purification, highly frost-resistant concrete, samples of biodegradable moulded products, smart biodegradable films, and reagent-free water purification from pollutants resistant to oxidation. 

"I really liked the story about biodegradable materials: why they are of different colours, what they are made of, and what they can be used for," shared her impressions participant Valeriia Plotnikova. "They told us what types of waste there are - they differ in texture; they showed us the water purification process. We saw cups made from different types of factory waste: darker ones - like made of sand, and lighter ones - like made of wheat. I was even given a piece of biodegradable material coloured with natural dyes as a souvenir." 

At master classes organized at another university venue, the guys tried to write a few words in Hindi, Tamil and Chinese, and also made origami. In addition, students offered the forum participants to play a game to complete tasks in the fields of sports, tourism, food and design. 

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