Think, Act, Achieve: All-Russia Mediaforum Started at SUSU

On October 10th, the Communication Leader of the 21st Century All-Russia Youth Mediaforum started at the SUSU Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities. Among its participants are young specialists defining the future on the media sphere in our country. Director of the Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities, Professor, Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Associate Professor Lidiya Lobodenko opened the mediaforum. 

The Minister of Education and Science of the Chelyabinsk Region Vitaly Litke welcomed the event's participants:

"Dear friends and colleagues! At this wonderful event I am happy to greet you as a guest of honour and interact with you within a topical agenda. Communication is a most powerful tool in all sectors, a competence that embraces all the life activities of human beings. That is why it is very important to understand and build communication in its various manifestations. We must not simply convey information in a quality way, but we must also learn how to possess and use it properly. Colleagues, a big responsibility rests with you as with the future leaders of communicative opinion. You must bear it with honour and dignity. I feel confident that you will indeed become professionals in your field of activity."

The forum is organized at the SUSU’s mediafloor, where the Regional Student Media Centre of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation is functioning. It includes our university’s leading mass media: SUSU-TV Student Television Company, SUSU Radio Station, Photography Studio, and Multimedia Newsroom.

"Events like this mediaforum are indeed a big responsibility, but they open up great opportunities, and of course, act as a platform where school pupils, students, and experienced representatives of mass media from the academic environment can exchange tools, approaches, and values that are used to form information messages. My congratulations to all on the opening of this forum. You should make use of these days to the maximum to exchange your experience, thoughts and ideas," noted SUSU Rector Alexander Wagner.

The mediaforum is held with the support from the Association of Leading Universities of Russia. As part of the event, lectures, master classes and open dialogues with the media experts will be organized. The forum participants will be able to exchange their experience and discuss the topical problems and trends in development of this industry.

"There is a great need in our mediaforum not only among students, but in our society in general as well. Modern society today urgently needs guides, who could help people find their way through the media space as it is very complicated and multi-faceted. A communication leader must establish this cooperation with people since such person has a natural talent for interacting with people. And if s/he could also act as a guide in the media space for people, then our society will gain very helpful specialists," shared Head of the SUSU Department of Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations Liudmila Shesterkina.

Among the guests of honour at the forum's opening ceremony also were the Chairperson of the Union of Journalists of the Chelyabinsk Region Svetlana Zaitseva, and the Head of the Department of Press-service and Information for the Chelyabinsk Region Government Mariia Khvorostova. Specialists note that there is a severe shortage of staff in the media sphere.

"I am happy to greet all those planning to devote their life to our profession. We enjoy communicating with young people coming to our profession, to the media sphere. The news agenda keeps changing, so we need young and creative guys to transform and convey this information to society," said Chairperson of the Union of Journalists of the Chelyabinsk Region Svetlana Zaitseva.

Young specialists are very much needed in mass media and press services of our region in order to develop the media sphere.

"This forum is truly very important and in demand. Media is a very vibrant industry, it is constantly changing and transforming, something new is always happening, and new technologies, formats and tools are emerging. There is a lack of only one thing – people. We are very much looking forward to seeing you join our profession, we are ready to help you, support you and teach you something new. Come to work in the media and stay in our sphere," noted Head of the Department of Press-service and Information for the Chelyabinsk Region Government Mariia Khvorostova.

Many interesting meetings await the forum participants. The future specialists in the media sphere will learn about the new trends, as well as receive practical recommendations from experienced experts. Follow the forum news on social media and on the SUSU website.

Check out the event's program here.

Автор: Анастасия Косочева, фото: Сергей Качко
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